Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Daley Dozen: Thursday

1. Paul Flynn on Digby's lament and what office does to ministers.
2. Norfolk Blogger on the woman who defines the word hypocrisy - Emma Thompson.
3. Chicken Yoghurt on David Miliband's elegant slumming & HERE on Derek Draper.
4. Andy Grice notices some bad news being buried on MPs' expenses.
5. Lord Norton on today's Lords debate on children's services.
6. Archbishop Cranmer on Gerald Kaufman calling the Israelis Nazis.
7. Coffee House asks how much longer Brown can contain the malcontents.
8. Douglas Carswell on McDonnell and the Mace.
9. Jon Worth is not a fan of the Czech Presidency of the EU.
10. Tom Harris on his habit of being absent at big Commons events.
11. Donal Blaney accuses some leftist bloggers of adopting the Nazi policy of 'Kauf nicht bei Juden'.
12. Guido accuses Derek Draper of spinning lines and the Pope of being a Catholic.


  1. Labour Labour Labour - Out Out Out!

  2. It seems clear that Jailhouse Lawyer is itching to get to Israel and batter a few Jewish Landlady's to death.

    I suspect that's the real reason for his support of a Nazi state - they would have let him do so with impunity.

    Imagine the 'fun' he could've had knowing that there wasn't the pesky irritation of being sent to jail for a couple of years.

  3. M. Hristov

    "and you would never ever use the Holocaust as a cheap debating point. "

    Which strangely enough is an accusation that could be equally directed at Blaney and others on the Right who seem to equate any criticism of Israel's conduct with Nazi sympathies. Sauce for the goose and all that. Nice to see that Iain's critical judgement takes second place to boosting traffic to his mates.
