Sunday, December 07, 2008

When Russia & Uganda Believe They Are Freer Than Britain

It's always instructive to contemplate how the rest of the world sees us. In an article headlined WHY DO THE BRITISH HATE US SO? Pravda has this to say...

Quite simply, as the UK sinks into the deepest reaches of an Orwellian Police State, where the government tracks every car on the autobahns, every phone call, all Internet usage and even has council members rummaging through people's dust bins before the rubbish is picked up, and all the while their own industry is pushed off to third world nations and the British themselves are pushed off by a tsunami of third world immigrants bent on making the English like them not themselves like the English, the beleaguered and enslaved subjects of Her Majesty are looking for someone to strike out of sheer anger. Instead of looking inwardly and to God and solving the myriad of their own problems, they have instead chosen the easier route of striking at far off Russians. Of course it is the now long habit of taking the easier route that has brought the English to the point of possible extinction on the English Isles. A sorry state indeed.

And for good measure here's the Ugandan Sunday Monitor...

Just like the Movement government are routinely misusing the police to silence the Opposition, the arrest by Counter-Terrorism Command Police of an opposition politician illustrates the determination by the New Labour government to misuse state institutions to prevent its critics from disclosing vote-losing information to the British people.

This development raises many disturbing questions for Ugandans, Africans and the British people. Has Mr Gordon Brown been publicly criticising Mr Robert Mugabe in the British Parliament, European Union, G8 and the United Nations while privately admiring the ways he deals with the opposition?

Will Zimbabwe’s Morgan Tsvangirai, Kenya’s Raila Odinga and the Congolese still trust Mr Gordon Brown and his New Labour government to be honest brokers in promoting political and human rights in their troubled countries?
Oh dear. Police State, my arse.


  1. Is that first page satire?

    I love the "Breaking News"

    -Vladimir Putin gives lengthy and sincere interview to Time magazine

    -The demise of America

    -USA proudly displays its double standards


  2. new labour has taken a leaf out of Matyas Rakosi's book. He invented the SALAMI TACTIC - getting rid of opposition and freedom, slice by slice; until one day, they're all gone and nobody noticed or cared until it was too late. Sound familiar?

    For those at the back, Matyas Rakosi was the type of left wing evil bastard so admired by the current crop of left wing evil bastards now in charge of the slicing machine here in the UK.

  3. Great,

    Does this mean now it's our turn to tell you to sod off to Russia if you don't like it?

  4. Jimmy - of course you can sod of to Russia if you don't like it.

    You don't need permission - yet!

  5. I'm not sure that making Harry king and everyone rallying around him would make anyone stand up for themselves..

  6. There is not one word of the Pravda piece, or the Ugandan Sunday Mirror piece that can be disagreed with factually or emotionally.

    How have we sunk this low?

    I don't know the answer to that, but I do know how we can salvage it.

    We must realign ourselves globally. We must forget the illustrious past and behave as we really are, which is as a small country, like Belgium or Norway. Preferably Norway.

    Our leaders are behaving as if Nelson is in the Navy and Churchill is our Prime Minister.

    What need to happen is a massive contraction of our liabilities abroad, a complete stop to immigration and forcible repatriation of trouble makers. I don't care if they come from somewhere that will hang them.

    We need to radically overhaul local government and change it into what it should be - a service to the community, NOT one that penalises roadside vegetetable vendors and people who don't put their bins out properly. We need to inflict a sense of moral duty among public employees and make it clear they are our servants and not our masters. Likewise the central government.

    Social care must be universal and blind. It must also be severely limited in scope. The idea that the national health service pays for IVF and sex change operations is absurd. It has enough coping with chronic illness and sexually transmitted diseases.

    We see ourselves as fair. The British - they believe in fairness. No, actually they believe in standing around while noisy minorities walk all over us.

    At the moment I vote SNP. I can foresee a time when the first letter of that will be changed to a B.

  7. I do hope that NuLabour, The Conservatives and every other politician is reading this. This is how the rest of the world view us.

    It may have all been said with spite, but it alot of it rings true.

    NuLabour have reduced us to this, its totally unacceptable. I am very angry and very frustrated with our political system.

    I think the whole of NuLabour should be charged with betraying the people it should have represented including Blair. They have done nothing but lied, cheated, embezzled us and ultimately bankrupted the whole country and if there is a hell, I hope they fry!

    This will surely go down in history as the worse government we ever had. So, Mr Brown if you are reading this, call an election. We don't want you anymore!

  8. I have read this and it is good to hear that there are at least some English who still believe in being English. I am the one who wrote those words in Pravda and it is a sad state that a nation that has been our ally for the majority of the past 400 years, is now reduced to such a sorry sodden state.

    Good luck, I fear you'll need it.

  9. All the Pravda article proves is the extraordinary extent to which the Putinistas have returned Mother Russia to it's KGB masters. Straight out of the Soviet Cominform press handouts circa 1970. The Russians are deluding themselves - their markets have crashed completely, far more than ours. The Rouble is toilet paper. Their entire economy depends on oil and most of the profits of that are going to gangsters and Putin's pals. Moscow is the only city with clean water and proper electricity and sewerage. Poverty is so severe in many regions that children are going hungry and people are dying of cold, whilst the Oligarchs buy islands and mega mansions in the French Riviera.

    You can do better than repeating this nonsense for cheap point scoring Iain.

  10. I travelled to Nigeria last month for family reasons. For the 1st time in years, I enjoyed what it was like to be free, not care how I spoke or dressed or where I went.
    It was so nice to see children playing without a care in the world, and to see lots of people smiling and shouting in the street if they wanted.
    I saw people whose entire possessions could fit into one single box, but they seemed so much happier and carefree than people I see on British streets.
    My husband and I were actually wondering if we should put the kids in the British International schools in Nigeria as they still have the local atmosphere while following the British curriculum. We did wonder about property prices and whether it's worth moving.
    I never knew the day would come when I stopped seeing Britain as 'home'. Despite all of the warm words from the media about the situation we're in, this isn't the country we grew up in. The scariest thing is, I feel we can't actually do anything about it.

  11. Dear Stanislav,

    It's not often a Journalist from an internationally recognised media organisation engages with bloggers. Thank you for taking the trouble to read the piece, and our comments. Many will close their eyes and ears to you. It is part of the "internal psyche of decay and anger" that has brought us to where we are now.

    People like "desparing liberal" (on this thread) who have bought into a decadent nihilist narrative, bereft of moral compass, lacking in anything that might be described as a hold on reality.

    The best you can say about them is that they are short-term pragmatists.

    As for our attitude to Russia, it is laughable. We seem to regard Russia's protection of its borders and its security as a threat. Russia has a legitimate interest in the build up of military power in the countries that border it. I asked what would happen if Mexico allowed a build up of Russian-backed military equipment, capable of bombing the USA. I think we know the answer to that one.

    I cannot answer for Englan as a whole, but I hope for all our sakes, this madness, this descent into Godlessness and "little man syndrome" will come to an end. Somehow I am pessimistic. People on the whole believe what they are told. It would take a revolution to change things now, and it is possible that the present economic crisis will provide one.

  12. Wrinkled - are you after a job at the Kremlin? Or are you an FSB stooge? I have to say, from your writing style, I am beginning to suspect the latter....

    For anyone seeking some objective facts, instead of ex-KGB-now-in-charge-of-Pravda-and-Russia-again, try Wikipedia's excellent GDP purchasing power parity per head comparison tables.

    UK - $ 36,570 Rank 18th
    Russia - $ 14,705 Rank 56th

    Last year - murders by violence.

    UK - 784
    Russia - 31,554 (and that's just the ones they reported)

    % of children and pensioners living in UN-defined poverty

    UK - 4.8
    Russia - 28.6

  13. Despairing Liberal, Comrade. I am prepared to admit that Russia is now ruled by bandits, Putin being the chief bandit. But it is absurd to deny them the right to run their country as they wish. I merely pointed out that what Stanislav said is true, and that they have a right to defend themselves against real and present danger - unlike the UK who went to war against a country that had no interest in us, and who has embarrassed itself by being America's Ho.

    You really ought to get out more. Read Al Jazeera's excellent website. Stop believing everything you are fed.

    You have not responded to my main point, which is that the US would not tolerate long range missiles capable of taking them out, on its borders.

    Try not to be such an arse and try and recognise that we have our own "oligarchs" - Murdoch et al, who owns over 175 news titles and whose editors do his bidding. You think you live in the land of the free? If you do, you are deluded.

  14. I fully agree we have our own oligarchy Wrinkled. I just think that Stanislav was spouting total Putinesque "dictator-chic" tripe and I figured you believe it judging from your remarks.

    I also agree with you about the US missile systems in E. Europe which are a complete provocation by a US military-industrial complex determined to try to restart the cold war.

    Unfortunately though, Putin is easy meat for this provocation as he neatly plays into the propaganda hands of the CIA/Pentagon, routinely spouting anti-US bile to cadge votes at home and distract the Russian populace from their appalling plight. Indeed this is all so neat that one cannot help but wonder if there is an element of Kremlin/Pentagon collusion behind it.

    The reality of the Russian armed forces is that they are still in a state of chronic poverty, disrepair and dangerous lack of discipline.

    Let's hope Obama can get control of the situation back home, although having appointed La Clinton as Secretary it seems less likely now that he will.

  15. Despairing Lib

    I agree. Certainly Putin is a comedy baddie. Obama seems to have collapsed. Instead of "change", we appear (with Clinton) to be back to the same old shite.

    And yes, the Russians are all fur coat and no knickers, but let them be, as long as they don't keep sending assassins to murder dissidents.

  16. Shows how you can slant things without actually saying anythingb that isn't so.

    Howcever compare & contrast withn the BBC, who continuously assure us that Russia's government wasn't democraticaly elected & whose Spooks show's plot last week depended on Russia being the sort of dictatorship where they instantly shoot dozens of their senior politicians because the British plant faked evidence & this week that the Russians are trying to nuke London, for no discrenable reason.

    So which is really reliable - Pravad or the BBCC. No contest.
