Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Kevin Maguire is Mandy's Parrot

Kevin Maguire's political "commentary" is becoming more of a joke by the day. Earlier on he was on Sky News getting a pasting from the Telegraph's Andrew Pierce. And now I see he has written on his blog the following words of wisdom.

"Each day the Tory indignation at Damian Green's arrest looks like a smokescreen to hide the fact they have colluded in a possible crime."
Earlier on today Peter Mandelson said...

"I also think it's pretty self-serving by Conservative MPs, who want to put up a smoke screen to hide their own party's role in allegedly colluding with a Home Office official in breaking the law."

If Kevin Maguire wants a job as Peter Mandelson's parrot, why doesn't he just ask for one?


  1. The Mirror is so sickeningly Labour it even spoils the taste of the fish and chips the following day.

    You really expected better Iain?

  2. It's terrible isn't it. I wouldn't be surprised if the pagers are back buzzing with vengeance. Jackboots Jacqui was pumping out similar waffle

  3. Mandelson was certainly not the first to make that point.

  4. .. and a pretty pathetic one too. Mandelson is a shoddy parody of politician, and Maquire is an even worse parody of a journalist.

  5. In the quiet of the night, when he lays in his bed, how does Maguire justify his actions to himself? He obviously sees something in Brown and Labour that we do not - something so important to him that he is willing to tell blatant lies and spin out rubbish for the party.

    I feel sorry for him. One day he will realise that he sold his soul for empty dreams.

  6. ... anyway I thought Brown was Mandelson's parrot. Whatever mandelson says, Brown usually says soon after ... Mandelson, the first unelected Prime Minister in my lifetime ....

  7. If I have an issue with my local police, where do I now go to get this issue to be sorted?

    Certainly not with my local MP as I now know that the police are quite capale of seizing and reading my files in my MPs office.

    Is there now anywhere safe that I can now go to, to make a complaint against the police?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Following on from what Mr Mr was saying, isn't it a natural conclusion that if you cannot be sure of lawful treatment by your local police 'service', and you cannot rely on your MP not being nobbled, then there ought to be some completely self contained unit like the FBI in America?

    I mean, sending in the Railway Police to investigate the Met... at one time you could rely on the loathing between forces, but now they have all been politicised and share a common purpose it is no longer comforting.

  10. Give over. I presume, Iain, you've never bothered to read any of Kevin Maguire's other blog entries? The guy can't stand Mandelson and firmly nailed his views to the mast when he came back by expressing his disappointment in no uncertain terms.

    I don't really understand why people criticise the Mirror for being pro-Labour. Is it because you don't agree with Labour views or you don't think papers should be aligned with a party?

    I only ask because of the massive predominance of right-wing Tory supporting papers that don't seem to attract as much derision.
