Hazel Blears has caused quite a stir with her speech to the Hansard Society today on political engagement. She had a right old go at some blogs (Guido was not amused), although was characteristically nice about mine :). I have now got a full copy of her speech and if I get a moment before Desperate Housewives starts I might analyse it a little.
In the meantime click HERE to hear a discussion Hazel and I took part in with Eddie Mair on PM earlier. It's 49 minutes in and lasts about 5 minutes.
ReplyDeleteIf you leave us alone, we will leave you alone. Give us back our tax money. Stop regulating our lives. Stop churning out more and more laws. We want the government to protect our life and property from force and fraud, nothing more. This is not nihilism, it is libertarianism. In short, just get off our backs.
People like Hazel should look at it in another way. A blog with readers say <5000 is a better way for the unemployed, politically frustrated to use their time than organise and work against them directly.
ReplyDeleteIf i used the time online to cause trouble for Labour, this would be far more effective for me in contributing to my goal of getting Labour out.
Hazel is an interesting politician in that she is Labour but she has said she does not seek to block aspiration.
This may be a surprise to some in the Labour party, particulraly when you google the Labour party as the Official website says on the google options: The Labour party is a Democratic Socialist Party.....
Yep heard You and Hazel live with Eddie Mair this evening.
ReplyDeleteIt was very heart warming that interviewer and opposing interviewies could get on so well together. Well done all three of you.
Heard all your bit (well done!) but Hazel Blears went into the tunnel near T.Wells!
ReplyDeleteI know you rate her Iain, but she doesn't really rate bloggers does she? She doesn't understand how 'we' can tell anyone else what a disastrous crowd she works for, and she can't see a way out of her dilemma.
Left/right/US/UK blogs - she starts to spin - all of it! Not a clue - really!
Iain - I thought you let her off lightly. She spouted the usual bile about right wing blogs, but you should have countered with what Labour have done to bring politics down ( remember your little red book ? ).
ReplyDeleteLets not forget Labour won power by creating the impression of pervasive sleaze and media manipulation. Its a bit rich for them to complain about a lack of trust in politics now.
I also noted that your reasonableness and generosity to her in the interview was not reciprocated - she wanted to get her smears in.
Very New Labour.
Its a shame as I think her other point about professional political class is spot on.
Hmm.. Is there not a touch of 'If the cap fits, wear it', about Guido's response ?
ReplyDeleteTouched a raw nerve there, did we ? !
Where is Guido anyway ? Getting the gunpowder lit ? Or is he already in custody ?
ReplyDeleteHer thoughts went down like a lead balloon on CiF.
ReplyDeleteSee the comments:
Oh, you've been really sucking up to her Iain...........lol
ReplyDeleteGuido has done a piss poor job of fisking her. I do wish he had been allowed a decent education.
ReplyDeleteChipmunk, as reported on Guido:
(QUOTE)"Until political blogging 'adds value' to our political culture, by allowing new voices, ideas and legitimate protest and challenge, and until the mainstream media reports politics in a calmer, more responsible manner, it will continue to fuel a culture of cynicism and despair."(END QUOTE)
Given that Blears recently confessed on Total Politics that she didn't read blogs, it appears to be nonsensical.
I am intrigued though by the idea of "legitimate" protest. I frankly cannot understand the concept, if she uses the word in the sense of being in compliance with the law, for protest can be inherently illegitimate. I think of Rosa Parks, Ghandi, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Solzhenitsin, Emily Davison et al, in fact all those nihilists who fuelled a culture of cynicism and despair.
Times change. Attitudes turn around, sometimes 180 degrees.
Hazel Blears is trapped in the 21st Century. She cannot know what constitutes "legitimate protest" and be certain that she is not condemning the innocent and the good, someone who one day will be regarded as a hero of the age, like Emily Davison who died to enable Hazel Blears to become an Member of Parliament.
A contemporary newspaper comment on the Women's movement declared:
"There is an epidemic of the state of mind which produced it; it is but one of a large number of similar cases. This frame of mind cannot possibly be considered healthy. The acts which it produces constitute a war...
....it is unthinkable that a person who refuses to recognise the fundamental condition upon which every society is founded can be qualified for membership in that society. The person whose mind works in that way is inaccessible to reasonable arguments. There is no common basis of discussion between such a mind and that of the healthy man or woman. There seems, therefore, no escape from the conclusion that society has to deal with an epidemic of monomania."
They are basically saying that anyone who thinks and acts differently to the way we think and act is wrong and does not have a legitimate case.
If you follow the logic of the Blears quote, never minding who said it, the philosophy behind it is oppression and control.
Long live blogging. They can have my computer, when they prize the mouse from my cold dead hand.
What a pile of crap from Blears!
ReplyDeleteLet me get this straight. She doesn't like blogs as they tend to rant, and debate should be more 'mature', yet you try to engage debate with a Labour politician and they either ignore you or point to the latest manipulated poll.
'See no evil, hear no evil' doesn't like it when true unmoderated thoughts are expressed ... so they are beginning the process of trying to stop the thoughts from being expressed in the first place.
I note she was very careful NOT to say that anyone in the blogosphere was actually lying ... which they aren't.
If the majority of highly-visited blogs were of the leftist variety, I'm sure this wouldn't be an issue for the munchkin.
Quality post Wrinkled Weasel.
ReplyDeleteI went to the meeting at Millbank with Hazel this evening.
ReplyDeleteI tore her a new arsehole, face to face.
I am not a political journalist, I am just a simple blogger. I told her the reason that I get 25,000 hits a week is because I have an opinion and others like to read that opinion.
She wasn't happy.
You can see how it went here
ReplyDeleteWhen Burnham, Mandelson, Draper and now Blears state publicly that they are going to try to control the internet one way or another, you really should have been a little harder on the Blears.
I know she was probably put up to it, but she can say no, and didn't.
I haven't listened to the interview (yet) but have read Blears' words elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteI'm actually seriously offended to be honest. And who appointed Hazel Blears the new "Minister for Blogging" exactly?
Blogging, whether the creation or reading of, is a perfectly legitimate pastime for many orinary people which simply shouldn't concern the Government nor its agents. Period.
Angry? Darn tootin' I am!
How dare she. Her righteous and high minded words tell us so much about how deep the rot has gone in the current Government. As if having to live in a bankrupted country isn't bad enough or having to suffer an unelected fool for PM; we are now having our free opinions, ideas and words of protest examined by none other than the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government.
Frankly, I'm also disappointed in you too Iain. The next time you're invited to legitimise the rantings of some two-bit politician on matters that clearly don't concern them; perhaps you'll be minded to ask if they don't have something better to do with their taxpayer funded time? I'm almost certain Hazel Blears has some rather pressing Communities and Local Government papers that need shuffling around? It would be a good use of her time (and ours) if she actually went off and did what she was paid for instead of meddling in the private affairs of the citizenry.
Given the recent cowardly example of debate ducking from the Labour MP Tom Harris, it seems clear to me Blears and her masters would quite like to roll out this 'fingers in ears while singling Lalalaa' tactic across the entire blogsphere. Of course, while its easy to stiffle debate within their own realm, its going to be much harder for them to control it elsewhere... and there my friends is the warning we should all heed. Surely, as night follows day, there is more to come from this corrupt bunch.
I see you received a compliment from the Blears... you must be tickled pink; or should that be ginger.
ReplyDeleteDavid Anthony(QUOTE)
ReplyDeleteyou must be tickled pink; or should that be ginger (END QUOTE)
You were right the first time. Now, that's enough about Hazel being a pink tickler. If she wants an innuendo I volunteer to go round and give her one.
Time for bed. We must all be fresh and ready for Glenrothes and after all the excitement of the Second coming of the Messiah we need our sleep.
(dick puddlecote, thank you.)
ReplyDeleteThe meeting went like this
Iain although your partner might not like it you are sleeping with the enemy if you cant see that then more fool you.
ReplyDeleteHazel Blears may smile and be affable and even a friend to you but she would stab you in the back the front the head and sides I would never trust anyone who had anything to do with the current Blair Brown Mandelson Campbell characters.
Mark my words Iain it will end in tears and it wont be the skunk, sorry chipmunk as you call her ?
Old Holborn's approach was more direct and entertaining
ReplyDeleteYou would think that if they were to regulate it'd have to happen sooner rather than later. I don't go to political betting but have the odds shifted for a spring election? Guess that may be mildly dependant on today.
ReplyDeleteI think she can be reasonable but is kept in a bit of a bubble. Does this government have any strategic direction? Come to that, do the Tories?
Whilst the good blogs tend to be seen as rightwing (whatever that means these days) I think they're mainly a community of people who like politics, who take an interest in things other than celebrity, fashion, etc. I congregate round here, GF, biassed BBC because I don't like Labour, it will be intellectually stimulating to chart here what happens after a long Tory stretch - I doubt much will change 'cept the characters.
If you're a politician you should treat it like Charlie Kennedy did in his resignation speech "that's politics baby, whaddya expect?"
PS - should nip over to OH's blog - tres amusant.
PPS - what's all this bile about sucking up to Obama? Yeah, fair play, the chap's done well, but didn't it all go Pete Tong the last time? If we haven't yet learned to trust Westminster to make up its own mind then that's pathetic. Sure, invite him for tea & cakes or vice versa but he's a foreign political leader that we do serious business with - he ain't our chum - if that happens good but it ain't worth anything. Pragmatism runs this show. Yesterday's PMQ's was mildy disgraceful and I hope that's an end to it.
It's all very well to be personally inspired by Obama, i've shed a few joyful tears, but i'm not a leader of men - my office does not require for me to treat him like I would any other President. Our MP's should get over it already.
PPPS - the daily show last night was absolutely fantastic - the best ending I've ever seen - brilliant.
Blears talks as if bloggers owe the government something, as if we have a duty to be postive and to put a nice spin on what they do. She resents our opposition. She expects our compliance. She exemplifies ZaNu Labour's attitude to free speech; it's fine, as long as it's supportive of us.
ReplyDeleteTo says that "mostly, political blogs are written by people with disdain for the political system and politicians, who see their function as unearthing scandals, conspiracies and perceived hypocrisy" is an outrageous generalisation which illustrates just how intolerant this government has become of those who oppose it.
To those who find her strangely attractive, let's be clear; this woman is dangerous.
Just noticed your twitter updates. You're going on woman's hour and you say it's a media whore day! I wouldn't let Jenny hear you say that!!
ReplyDeleteOh, I've just realized - hee hee.
"To those who find her strangely attractive, let's be clear; this woman is dangerous."
ReplyDeleteHave you considered that that may be one of the reasons why certain men find her 'strangely attractive'...? ;)
ReplyDeleteYou're interest in Hazel knows no bounds - and I reflect that what today should be about is getting over Obama and focusing on Glenrothes & home.
GB has managed to bury this by-election - are you being hoodwinked by Hazelphobia? The dark arts are being deployed!
So, focus on what matters today. Interest rate cuts - punishing savers as we hed into Brown's Bust
Glenrothes - Sarah Brown being deployed as a semi-detached Gordon - if they win the GB done it & if they lose then Macavity was nowhere near.
Hazel is interesting - but irrelevant to the true narrative that I think today merits.
Getting you tied up on the Brown Broadcasting Corporation today is another masterstroke by Mandy & Campbell - since they have obviously deployed route 1: If all else fails - hit the vanity button.
Just a thought ........
Iain I hear the interview and though you rolled over and let Hazel and Eddie tickle your tummy.
ReplyDeleteYou said there are nasty blogs, and nasty mainstream media, but no mention of nasty politicians. So long as they are perky and chatty and bossy, that's alright is it? No matter that they lie, organise wars, and steal.
If politicians have "nothing to hide they have nothing to fear" (from blogs).
I wrote her a stinking letter on my blog this morning, which was thoroughly deserved on her part. Contradictory, misinformed and biased nonsense is the best way that I can describe her comments.
ReplyDeleteIm sure that you know, but your blog was mentioned in the Independent this morning. Thats how I found your blog and enjoyed this post.
ReplyDeleteSorry Iain but that was awful.
ReplyDeleteYou didn't challenge her in the slightest.
Surely, it was worth explaining the frustration that people is in part due to politicians refusing to debate anything. You didn't once mention Labours project by Draper. You didn't mention the fear that this Government would try to cease and/or censor the Net.
Very disappointed.
Sure you'll get invited back to the Beeb who didn't want Hazel embarrassed.
ReplyDeleteBy all means tell us that you find Blears personable, but please don't expect us to buy the first-form socialist claptrap she spouts so irritatingly in that mock-earnest, cliche-ridden manner of hers.
She is a decidedly third-rate politician, and if her heroine Barbara Castle is looking down she must shake her head in wonder that so limited a talent can reach cabinet rank. But there again, a glance at Ms Blears' cabinet peers is testimony to the fact that it ain't so difficult.
Iain, you were pathetic.
ReplyDeleteWhen you consider just how much - and for how long - Brown has been hiding the bad news in the small print, then Blears should not be suprised that nobody views the words of this administration with anything less than contempt.
ReplyDeleteDolly Draper says that Tom Harris singlehandedly repelled the commenters on his blog about 1984.
ReplyDeleteWell, he didn't. He ignored all their points and then got irate because they wouldn't back off.
As to Blears, what I say on the net has absolutely nothing to do with her or government..unless I preach sedition.
As they say re ID cards..'if you've nothing to hide then you've nothing to fear.'
Well, the same applies to them and their tawdry little scandals and lies.
They don't want us to find things out about them...simple as that!
is there any chance of you publishing the transcript?
ReplyDeleteI'd love to know what she said: it deserves a thoughtful response.
ReplyDeleteYou might have to do something about that broad streak of human decency you have. You're showing a marked tendency for empathy. The other week you were feeling the power of the biblical. Now you're responding to the allegedly human side of a Labour minister. It's no good you know. Yes, we know that MPs are often more likely to be friends with those on the other side of the HoC than they are with those on their own side but try to be discreet about it. Some of us are trying to hate these people unconditionally and you're clouding the issue.
Arkangel, I see some posts from Labourmatters on Tom Harris's blog now. I reckon Tom's got his Big Brother on to us.
...MPs and would-be MPs I meant to say. Aplogies.
ReplyDeleteThe thinking of many members of this govt seems to be dominated by a siege mentality. If the govt is subjected to criticism then that is exagerated out of all proportion to constiute a threat to the welafre of the nation .And then we get her blurting out this sort of tosh.
ReplyDeleteIts also not clear where she wants to go with this. Is she seriously contemplating state regulation of some sort? To me this sounded like a broadside being fired across the bows of r.w. bloggers - "shut up now or we will muzzle you". Or maybe she was just trying to divert attention from the next scandal involving Mandelson which, by reckoning, must be due by midday Monday.
Looking at Guidos blog today I have to admit its not to my taste - there is a lot of swearing and its non too polite (in an offsensive way). That said its way off the mark for a member of the cabinet to start sounding off like this. Imagine what political debate sounds like in a social club or pub. Is she, by implication, going to start saying that that undermines our political system? If not why not?
Finally, I was none too impressed with Eddie Mayer's interview of her last night. This whole issue was taken in too much of a light hearted vein. I would have preferred her to have been given a good interrogation about what she was saying and any policy implications. That said the other guy being interviewed was bang on the money ...
Full text of Hazel Blears speech on mt site here:
Someone’s playing silly buggers with political blogs (there's a surprise): she is nearly as rude about the Commentariat, and not a word of that in the papers.
On the Disengagement issue, she is right - but I don't agree about the role of blogs or that this govt has done much to help.
Iain, you are selling out. You should have disembowelled and roasted the sodding chipmonk!
ReplyDeleteLabour have clearly been analysing how Obama won his election and are trying to kill free thought and any chance of them not being re-elected whenever Gordo plucks up courage to call an election.
ReplyDeleteNo longer anonymous - agree with everything you said. Blears should be cashiered.
ON a happier note, Brian Eno giving the government a roasting on QT.
Simply put 'she's on the run'.