2. Talking of which, Tory Bear admits he was a wrong bear. Mamma Mia!
3. Chris Paul and New Direction discover a LibDem MP who just loves impaling himself on a fence ... if he can find one.
4. Wilted Rose is angry about Baby P and blames it on society, stupid.
5. Dizzy advises Conservative Future Tory boys to get on their bikes.
6. Tom Harris prefers a good book to Children in Need. Heresy. But he's got a point.
7. Fraser Nelson takes Brown to task for his comments on George Osborne.
8. Donal Blaney tells the GOP what it can learn from the Tories.
9. Adam Boulton on the Osborne v Brown row.
10. John Redwood is frustrated by Labour's style of debating.
11. Stephen Crabb on the Blue Blog on how to make the case for overseas aid.
12. Tracey Crouch reports on her day canvassing in Ditton, Kent.
The season finale of the NHRA's Powerade High pressure blower Series began with Pedregon holding a 12-point Industrial fan edge over Wilkerson and a 39-point Industrial blower lead over Hight.A near capacity crowd -- perhaps Commercial blower sensing that the title could be decided early -- had maneuvered ugg boots around shuttered freeways and other roads closed by the Wholesale Jewelry Southern California brush fires pressure blower and arrived on time for the pressure blowers opening round.It began with Pedregon advancing fans to the semifinals by knocking out Jerry Toliver.Then Wilkerson lost blowers to 14-time champion John Force.