The New York Times carries a lengthy report of the meetings held between world leaders this weekend. Read it
HERE. Rather illuminating that the only major world leader not to rate even a mention is our very own Prime Minister. And he wishes us to believe the agreement was all his doing. And our gullible political journalists fall for it. Perhaps they should grow a pair.
Well, does he not realize that they have peeps who read our incredibly biased press? And with the World Service pumping out inane propoganda in myriad languages - well, hardly surprising is it?
ReplyDeleteI think our leader was at another meeting. To listen to him describe what happened it is all done and dusted!
ReplyDeleteWhat a bust!
"Though the countries' stimulus packages were cast as ambitious steps, they mainly reflected measures that the countries were already undertaking to respond to the crisis."
ReplyDeleteSays it all. Who will tell Gordon? He is utterly delusional, and to spare his blushes the entire British news media seem to be happy to go along with his madness.
The press here have a great deal to answer for - the shameful abandonment of truthful reporting is a national scandal and one that should be brought to the public's attention again and again.
ReplyDeleteNick Robinson in particular is a disgrace; as for Andrew Marr.... well the less said the better!
Keep on this Iain, someone has to; we do not want BBCFOX NEWS!
Nobody must let him get away with the lies he'll bring back with him - this has to be where Osborne goes next; that the G20 countries have rejected his ideas and pushed him aside because they're economically dangerous and he's a tosser.
ReplyDeleteGrow a pair of what ? Eyes ?
ReplyDeleteIt's something far more worrying than gullibility in journos peddling lines such as Oakeshott's, Iain.
ReplyDeleteThe MSM is skewing its reporting deliberately, which indicates that strings are being pulled at high level - no need to guess by whom, for whom, and why; the payback for propagandising for Labour will be of no benefit to the British public, that's for sure.
Brown got what he wanted. Uncritical repeating of his linguistic programming banal statements by the BBC and a meeting of World leaders in London before he calls a general election in spring.
ReplyDeleteExactly Iain
ReplyDeleteThis is why Ken Clarke was on the Beeb TODAY saying (No longer reported)
"Ken Clarke, Former Chancellor
BBC News
Mr. Clarke said that the G-20 meeting was a failure. He said, "The G20 thing is a bit of a circus. They decided they wanted more growth. Yes and we all love mothers too."
He continued: "The summit was held because all 20 of them wanted to use he word 'global' to emphasie that it wasn't their problem.
"I'm afraid they all went there for the photo opportunity and I fear the photo that they missed was that with President-Elect Obama."
I would assume that each national leader took a press call before his own local media with an American eagle in the background, then got on his plane and went back home. What a waste of time, money and resources, the MSM will of course play ball because they are taken along for the jolly free of charge, IT STINKS.
It makes me wonder how this little item has come your way, since I sent exactly this to John Redwood's blog this morning. It did not gain an appearance amongst his comments, yet now I see it here - without hat-tip. Perhaps it's a coincidence.
ReplyDeleteThat is two newspapers in a row-first the Washington Post and Now NY Times, two liberal papers, where Brown does not find a mention.
ReplyDeleteThis confirms what the son of my American friend, a business reporter for one of the major TV cahnnels said the other day. He said, for them, the Europe is Merkel and Sarkozy and Asia is Japanese PM and Chinese PM/President. He also said that the American media is not intersted in 'yesterday's men' and he included Bush and Brown in that pack!
The only reporters who were buildin up Brown as the Saviour of the World were the BBC and Guardian reporters. Otherwise Brown was wanderin in the streets of NY and DC like he did when he visited there at the time of Pope Benedict's visit. Deluded man.
Cassius, someone left a comment in a precious thread. That's how I knew about it.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the response, Ian. I don't know what a "precious thread" could be but am happy to let the matter rest.
ReplyDeleteEconomic illiterates at Sky News are breathlessly announcing that Brown is plannning "a GIVEAWAY Budget".
ReplyDeleteI agree that the press may have placed too much emphasis upon GB's role in inspiring the debates at the G20 but he does have to be given some credit. The Washington Post actually mentions him in the second paragraph, second only to Barack Obama.
ReplyDeleteThe meeting was just cover to do whatever they damn well please while blaming everyone else for the problem.
ReplyDeleteExactly what I have been shouting at the TV every time he comes on. It is obvious that they are creating the narrative whereby they position GB in the centre of the rescue action. But every time you see the proceedings or read overseas press etc there is GB in the background, not centre stage. Why is nobody creating a counter arguement. ?
Indeed, and FOX News has repeatedly mentioned him and Britain in relation to Paulson's decision to change strategy on the bailout.
ReplyDeleteOur press has become so biased it's untrue. They are still reporting that the G20 countries have agreed to follow Browns lead.
ReplyDeleteThe fact is that countries such as Australia, U.S, Germany, Japan etc, have already taken some "fiscal stimulus" measures.
We are still waiting for ours!
ReplyDeleteFor those of us who are not involved in politics and so perhaps not as clued up as others on how the lobby and press access works, would you please consider a post on why it is (in your opinion) that the media is so cowed by the current government and therefore unable to hold Brown to account on the economy. Is it just the aftermath of Hutton, or the quid pro quo for being fed juicy announcements, or just a general media desperation to keep Labour in power?
To those of us sitting on the Clapham omnibus and watching that bus being driven towards the edge of a cliff, the supine attitude of the media in this country is very disturbing.
sorry, but the Tories are simply not good enough. They should be making mincemeat of this shower of imcompetents, but they are proving ineffective yet again.
ReplyDeleteYou're wasting time with Osborne now. He's clearly seen as a bumbling toff fool by the public. Replace him. Cameron needs to be ruthless. Has he that in him?...I doubt it.