Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Alistair Darling's Lost His Cojones & Found Mrs Balls

Can this really be true? I may be behind the curve on this and it has been written elsewhere, but I hear that Alistair Darling is ducking out of leading for the government in tomorrow' debate on the Pre Budget Report and that his stand in will be the Pontefract Princess, Yvette Cooper.

What an insult to Parliament, if true.

PS Am sooo proud of that headline!


  1. There's loud whispering of Darling having had enough. He was very lacklustre delivering the PBR - perhaps taking the flak for Brown is too much, even for a former Trot.

  2. Oliver Drew said...

    Yvette Cooper has been thrown to the wolves.

    And so she should be! Useless bloody woman!

  3. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=DWq5nxOWHW0

  4. Yevette was trashed by Hammond and Vince on Newsnight yesterday.

    She can only talk in pre-scripted sound bites, so Osborne will totally destroy her.

    It does make you wonder. How does someone of such limited ability reach this level? Maybe it tells us all we need to know about the "intellectual deficit" of Labour.

    As soon as she leaves the rails of "exceptional circumstances call for exceptional measures " she's like a fish out of water.

    Nu Labour were a marketing invention. Now the poo has hit the fan their robotic responses show them up for the empty vessel they always were.

    Tomorrow afternoon should be fun!!

  5. And Ms Cooper also has a wonderful taste in men!

  6. The Pontefract Princess is leading?

    That should be fun.

    Take a star for the headline!

  7. So we will have to listen to a load more ballocks?

  8. It's a pretty big snub to parliament and by extension to the section of voters who do not agree with every word of his budget. Quite a lot of people I would venture.

  9. Mr Ambassador, with this headline you are spoiling us...

  10. To pay off my negative equity ?
    £ 45,000.

    To pay off Britain's out-of-control debt ? £ 1trillion.

    To watch on BBC i-player the poisoness body language from Darling to Brown during Osborne's PBR response ? £ Priceless.

    Brown was, as usual, breaking his neck to chit-chat with Labour neighbours to show his faux disdain during the opposition's speech - but Brown could only bore a frontbencher on his left because on his right Darling was ignoring Brown tetchily and having none of it. Hilarious.

    Was this because Brown had leaked every key PBR headline beforehand, thus ensuring Darling was picked off by Osborne like a sitting duck ? or was it because Darling was once again having to follow Brown's orders and trot out his leader's financial fantasy yet again ?

    Or perhaps it was both....

  11. You are right to be proud of that headline Iain!

    The Yvette show should be fun to watch. I wonder if the strategy is to put a woman opposite a fierce Osborne so that he has to tone down a bit lest he appear too vicious to a lady (and I use the term loosely here).

    That usually happens at PMQs when deputies are on: William Hague is mindful of not mauling Harperson ...not too much anyway

  12. Is Darling about to give up and resign saying, "No, I didn't believe a word of it either"

    Darling must be scared, or about to resign, if he ducks out of this debate. If his arguments and proposals held water he'd defend them actively himself.

    Anyway I hope that Osbourne and team hammer this useless government to pieces.

  13. Perhaps there will be a bombshell from Labour tomorrow! Darling resigns! replaced by Ed Balls. So it can become the Mr and Mrs show!

    word verification!!! DROPME

  14. Guido, a word of warning. I do not allow impersonators on here. Most people reading your comment will imagine you are Guido Fawkes. Please change your name on your profile and post as someone else or I will have to delete your comments.

  15. Just like we can create a false past by trickery, you can create a new reality as the future by expressing it as a desire. Be careful what you wish for though, as you are rarely get exactly what you want.

  16. Didnt brown pull this stroke a few times?

  17. Well since she's had a sulky boatrace like she went to bed with Brad Pitt and woke up with Blinky for last couple of days one can only assume it was always the plan for Darling (who clearly doesn't believe the guff his master has saddled him with explaining) and Brown to hide behind a woman.

  18. I thought Darling looked like he was about to confess during the original statement.

    During the response from George Osborne he was almost willing George on ( let them know the mad man in No 10 forced me to do it his eyes screamed ).

  19. Mrs Balls - no wonder she kept her maiden name. That and being a humourless feminist.

  20. Hmmm, the pound is sinking, vat brought (temporarily) to the minimum EU level. Anyone else smell the Euro about to be brought in through the back door to 'strengthen' our ties to Europe????

  21. Gender politics innit?

    You can savage a geezer by all means - get howls of laughter as you do it. Attacking a lady is unforgiveable though. Ossy will have to watch his step. A bit like the dilemna Joe Biden faced in his VP debate with Sarah Palin.

    I must admit I have heard on the PM programme a few times and it doesn't seem to me that she could carry this debate very well. Lacks the gravitas.

  22. Not An Economist, are you a sock puppet by any chance? I can recognise that tone of voice anywhere, don't you know?

  23. To Martin:

    No. Dont think so.

    I posted without reading what others had posted so I wasn't aware until after the event that Guido had said virtually the same thing - if thats what you are referring to. Sorry about that.

  24. Just checking Not An Economist, and don't do it again. Sock puppetry is one of the great evils of our time and it's long overdue that we flushed all the naughty little scamps out into the open.

    I was unaware that Dear Guido had enunciated on this topic and so I shall go to check there myself. Thank you for the tip off.

  25. To Martin:

    I meant the person who has posted as Guido abovce - the 11th or 12th post down I think.

    Iain thinks he is a doppleganger though.

  26. Gosh, you're right. I never read these threads, I didn't think there was ever any thing in them. What do you think Dear Guido is up to? More treachery maybe ...
