Thursday, October 02, 2008

Is Sir Ian Blair About to Resign?

I am hearing rumours from parliamentary sources that Sir Ian Blair is about to resign. If he does, you heard it here first. If he doesn't, you ain't seen me, right?*

* copyright: The Fast Show 1994


  1. Not before time (if true) that a day of reckoning was had for the disgraceful mess the police force was in thanks to Blair and his Labour cronies which resulted in the debacle that cost de Menezes his life. Tt was shameful the way Blair tried to pass the buck to the men on the ground.

  2. It's about time the arrogant oaf took his leave. He is almost universally despised and loathed by the Met.

  3. i believe he is ...

  4. Wasn't life so much easier when the police high-ups were just names and not in the media spotlight? As long as the forces were doing their job, nobody gave a toss what the top guy was doing or saying!

  5. Well done Boris !.

  6. Looks like The Telegraph beat you to the punch


  7. We can live in hope.

    More important, who will his successor be?

  8. From the timing of your post (2:11) it looks as if Fraser Nelson over at Coffee House (2:10) got there just before you?

    Given all the background noise that has come about about Blair since Stockwell one would have to say it is about time he fell on his sword!

  9. "You heard it here first"

    Unfortunately Coffee House pipped you by a minute !

  10. It's on the timesonline

  11. The bbc have this now. Well played.

  12. He's a racist by the Macpherson definition (any act is racist if perceived as such by any person).

    - He accepted the Macpherson report
    - I consider it racist
    - Therefore accepting it was racist
    - Therefore he is a racist

    Perhaps the left will get real now that one of their own muppets has been taken down by one of their own pieces of meddling.


  13. The Times is running this, so it must be true!!

  14. It was on Sky News ages ago.

  15. You're eight minutes ahead of the BBC...

    Of course, if true, then SIB's superiors are about two years behind the rest of us...

  16. Actually, the world heard it at CoffeeHouse first! Great minds, etc, but I do believe we pipped you to it by about a minute... Plus unlike The Times and The Sun we have the 4pm timing. Something I may not be boasting about by 4.01pm...

  17. You may have got it first, but Guido's got all the comments!

  18. On the BBC website now about a 'significant announcement'

  19. Well Sky News is running this story...and a statement has been imminent for the past 20 mins now.....

  20. Please let it be true. Good riddance.

  21. The Daily Mail has it.....all we need now is a goodbye from another Blair...Mrs (former) First Lady no less......

  22. The BBC has report of a "significant statement" so your source could be on the money

  23. BBC says a "significant" statement is due.

    Funny that he should go in the middle of the J-C de Meneses inquiry.

  24. Is it too much to hope that there could be a fraud prosecution on the horizon?

  25. As to who will replace him, I expect Harriet Harman will combine his job with her (new?) Cabinet role.

    Too far fetched? It would demonstrate how much contempt the NuLabour elite have for the 'little people' - and convince everyone else how detached from reality 'our rulers' have become.

  26. It's official, Ian Blair has resigned (BBC News, 16:16). Hooray!

    People are saying he is going because he doesn't get on with Boris... and Boris was going to start chairing key MPA meetings from Monday.

    Question is, did Blair really go now to further bury the attention for Dave Cameron's speech? In which case he will get an extra gong.

  27. Ian Blair said it was Boris who said he wanted a change at the top...

  28. For the avoidance of doubt, the FIRST comment on The Daily Mail came at 14.01 which meant the story was posted earlier than that.."Just waiting for the last bonus cheque?
    - AJP, UK, 2/10/2008 14:01"

  29. A man died and went to heaven.
    As he stood in front of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates, he saw a huge
    wall of clocks behind him.
    He asked, 'What are all those clocks?'
    St. Peter answered, 'Those are Lie-Clocks. Everyone on Earth has a
    Lie-Clock. Every time you lie the hands on your clock move.'
    'Oh,' said the man, 'whose clock is that?'
    'That's Mother Teresa's. The hands have never moved, indicating that she never told a lie.'

    'Incredible,' said the man. 'And whose clock is that one?'

    St. Peter responded, 'That's Abraham Lincoln's clock. The hands have moved twice, telling us that Abe told only two lies in his entire life.'
    'Where's Sir Iain Blair’s clock?' asked the man.
    'Blair's clock is in God's office. He's using it as a ceiling fan!!'

  30. "you heard it here first"...gimme a break, BBC had it 1:30.....get your facts straight

  31. Over educated senior officers are ten a penny. Look back over their "careers" and they have gone from office job to office job. Common sense appears to be sadly lacking and then to add insult to injury Police Authorities go out of their way to get somebody "different" it ends in tears of course.
    freedom to prosper

  32. I punched the air and whooped when I heard it. Leftist phuckpig.

  33. Time was when Metropolitan Police Commissioners were people who had already been things like Governor-General of Canada or what have you. And Chief Constables were drawn from the local squirarchy.

    Imperfect, of course. But nevertheless a reminder that the Police are civilians, paid to do what, if the circumstances arose, we would all do, and we would all be entitled to do, for free.

  34. Watching Ken, in particular, spinning this one has been an unalloyed joy. I particularly enjoyed his suggestion on the BBC news channel earlier that the Telegraph and Mail (oddly, no mention of the Standard) forced him out because he's been too nice to black officers for their fascist tastes.

  35. Well done Boris. it;s good to have someone unafraid of PC-dom.

  36. Please....don't let Hugh Orde the politicians arse lick be a replacement!!

  37. It was a genuine pleasure to watch and listen to Housefrau Schmidt, currently masquerading as "the Home Secretary", as she finally came to terms with the enforced loss of Labour's favourite PC PC. Face puce, lips tightly pressed together, stumbling over her words, ample bosom and even more ample posterior fairly shaking with suppressed rage, she was a joy to behold. They don't like it up 'em, this lot, do they?

    Meanwhile the BBC, while transmitting every one of Smith's and Blair's words with crystal clarity, managed, at least in my part of the world (South West) to "lose" the sound for Boris, leaving him mouthing silently. This kind of thing has happened before and is not a technical accident. A priority for the incoming Conservative administration must be to take hold of the BBC by the throat, at a high level, and shake it until it caves in and agrees to broadcast with political impartiality or cease to be publicly funded.


    GO BORIS GO!!! Who's next on the list?

  38. Result!

    Would you like to hear a rumour about the Government resigning next?

  39. What are the chances of his standing for Labour against Boris in 2012? "This time it's personal" might make a snappy campaign slogan.

  40. The more I see of Boris the more I like.He has the courage and determination to stand up to NuLab and its machinery of which Ian Blair was an integral part.

    Blair, however, is typical of the modern breed who have risen to the top by avoiding the hard work at street level,and instead becoming almost professional meeting attenders. The trouble is all the possible replacements are straight out of the same mould!!!

    Still well done Boris
