Monday, October 06, 2008

Gio is Back Home

So many of you have been kind enough to leave messages or email me about Gio, that I felt I should give you an update. His operation went very well and John collected him from the vet at 6.30 (£420 worse off!). He's now fully conscious, but not particularly enjoying his collar, which he must wear to prevent him trying to undo the stitches in his leg. He's just had some chicken and rice so he must be on the mend!

As you can imagine, we are all relieved that he came through the anasthetic and operation unscathed.

UPDATE: More pictures of Gio HERE!


  1. Brilliant, hope he gets well soon.

  2. He will be ratting again by the end of the week!

  3. awwww bless him,so glad hes ok , now you and john have a large gin

  4. Iain,Check with your vet, but my advice is to make sure you look to see where the edge of the collar is (I expect its translucent plastic). The edges are quite tough. If he tries to get to his wound it will rub elsewhere on his body and might make that very sore. Get some bandage and put it round the top edge and hold it in place with tape or elastoplast. That's what we did , but our dog had a major bowel op and the collar rubbed a lot, close to the stitches,(He is a big dog and it was the biggest collar they had !!!
    It might not be so bad in ur case. Depends where the edge of the plastic collar is.

  5. Just got stung for £420 for my mog having stitches in her chest after she fought off a particularly aggressive tom. Must be the going rate. Vets fees seem to be going up even faster than dentists at the moment.

    Glad he's home and happy

  6. Wonderful.
    Good little chap.
    (For him, not you!)

  7. Thanks for the update. He's a brave little dog.

  8. Well done Gio. Hope you make a full recovery.

  9. Glad to hear the good news - best wishes to Gio for a speedy recovery. I hope the whole experience hasn't been too hard for you, and that you've coped OK. I've got a dog and a cat, they're both supremely good at getting into scrapes, and I know how worrying it can be when a much-loved pet gets ill or does itself an injury!

  10. Good news. Very good indeed.

  11. Great news Iain, worth every penny and more.

  12. Iain love the dog!

    If you won't comment on the Stock exchange vicar who wants to tatoo your arse, you've gotta comment on this.

    Bet Palin is a big supporter.

  13. Bugger!

    (Seriously thogh - fantastic news)

  14. Cath - I got stung bya bee the other day. £300 for a jar of honey - unbelievable!

  15. £420 well spent.

  16. Nice one, Iain. Please take strength from your ability to make the decision. It's not only him who's been through an ordeal. Many happy years ahead with him.

  17. Is there a political aspect to this story ie an NHS for pets?!

  18. I hope you took my advice and bought some shin pads...

    But they'll be the happiest bruises you ever have.

    Get well soon, Gio.

  19. Yay, I'm very pleased to hear it went well. Wishing Gio a speedy recovery.

  20. Awww are you alright Gio?

    I'm glad it all seems to have gone well.

  21. Good stuff...

    He looks like the kind of dog my Ridgeback would love to play with (he seems to get on well with Jack Russells).

    I've owned dogs all my life (German Shepherds, Rotties, Retrievers, Great Danes) and I've only ever been bitten by a bloody Jack Russell!

    They're certainly feisty buggers.

  22. Welcome back, Gio! What a relief you're ok.

  23. Hurray! Excellent news - and what a swanky dog bed!

  24. 420 quid? Don't you have pet insurance? Ours costs about £12 a month.

  25. Very good news indeed (writing this as I ruffle the ears on one of my own JRs).

  26. Lovely dog but a comment from one who has raised many Jack Russells - Gio is a tad overweight.

    I wish him a complete recovery.

  27. re balking at the cost - to paraphrase vet friends of mine when I complained about the 4000 pounds it cost me to keep my cat alive after a failed base jumping attempt from my 5th floor flat -

    "when people complain we say to them - do you want A dog, or do you want THIS dog".

    sounds like the answer for you is obvious. good luck!

  28. Excellent news. Lets hope he's back to 100% quickly.

  29. yey!! really pleased for you Iain (and Gio!).

    hope you and john can stop worrying now

  30. Sentimental twaddle about a dog. Give us a break.

  31. anon 1127am : This isn't just any dog -its IAIN'S DOG!!!

    (You heartless bastard!)

  32. My top tip on the plastic collar thing is that a face-wash using warm water and cotton wool can be appreciated by the patient. After a few days it can get a bit grubby in there.

  33. Top marks to the photographer - it looks like a Vermeer portrait

  34. I think you have turned the expression "give a dog a bone" upside down. I think your god gives you a bone(r).
