Thursday, October 02, 2008

Embarrassment Over Ambassador's Obama Memo

Toby Harnden has quite a scoop with THIS leaked memo on Barack Obama, written by the British Ambassador to the United States, Sir Nigel Scheinwald. Harnden concentrates on the memo rather than the motivation of the person who leaked it. My information is that Sir Nigel is about as popular with the Washington Embassy staff as he was in Whitehall. He is seen as cold, aloof and arrogant and was described to me a minute ago as an "absolute c***". Charming. So it seems that the leak came from a disgruntled colleague or former colleague of Sir Nigel. Time for a leak inquiry, Sir Humphrey?


  1. Hmmm. Not perhaps a well-timed leak to counter Brown's recent pro-Obama gushing snafu in the Parliamentary Monitor magazine?

    It would chime with Brown's natural touch, you know p***ing people off across the whole spectrum of political opinion... "How can they possibly accuse me of partisanship? I've been equally rude about both of them" What an operator.

  2. oops..These NuLab Toadies do seem to have a knack for finding the banana skins dont they?...

  3. It beggars belief the mistakes the Government gets into. Everyday they lose data or their dignity.

    Labour and Brown, who is after all head of the civil service are an utter shambles. Labour make us a laughing stock in the world of diplomacy. The appointment of a Goat by the PM to a series government post in the foriegn office, irrated the US. Lord Malloch Brown was the wrong appointment and indeed has soured the UK/US relationship.

    The Gulf Buggy incident where Bush drove and Brown was in the passanger seat eminated from the Goat appointment last year!

  4. Sir Nige was one of Tony Blair's 'Special Envoys'. The ditherer should have had him removed from Washington by now.
