Friday, October 03, 2008

The Department of Sweet F A

Meet the new Secretary of State for the Department of Food and Agriculture. Or the Department of (sweet) F.A. as it is already being dubbed around Whitehall.


  1. Oh dear!

    Reminds me of PENIS! The one Alan Johnson bulked at when he was faced with it a few years ago!

  2. This overhaul of the Department of the Environment and Rural Affairs is the final nail in the coffin for this metropolitan, elitist Labour so-called "government".

    The people of England are a rural people. Yet Labour once again show their utter contempt for them by tearing apart the department supposed to care for their needs and relegating them to some pathetic department already known as the 'Department for Sweet FA'.

    Fortunately, the great British public will have a party to vote for at the next election with England's rural people close to its heart. A party which will give them their country back. The Conservatives.

  3. oh mischief day today!

    Good afternoon, may I speak to XXXXXX XXXXXXXXX. This is the Prime ministers office requesting that you attend No.10 downstreet and meet with the Prime Minister at your earliest convience!


    Watch the apsirant minister go to downstreet and get turned away!

  4. The fact that Hilary Benn is a confirmed vegetarian will cause the Countryside Alliance/ Rural voters to flock back to Labour of course...........

  5. Those eyes remind me of Goebbels. He was good for FA too.

  6. nowt wrong with being vegetarian, in a hundred years we all will be.

  7. "Department of FA" -and you a farmer's boy too! shame on you for assuming this department will not have enought to do - just think of all the subsidies it has to give out liberally to the farmers - admittedly its a drop in the ocean compared to the bail out of the city boys that the long suffering tax payer has to endure. What happened to the free market?

  8. Ian
    You are SO funny.
    But not as funny as John Bull.

  9. John Bull said...
    "The people of England are a rural people. Yet Labour once again show their utter contempt for them by tearing apart the department supposed to care for their needs and relegating them to some pathetic department already known as the 'Department for Sweet FA'.

    Fortunately, the great British public will have a party to vote for at the next election with England's rural people close to its heart. A party which will give them their country back. The Conservatives."

    I really do think that John Bull is a Labour troll. Amost all of his entries are classic left-wing caricatures of Conservatives (circa 1908).

  10. Isn't Benn a famously evangelising veggie? Wonder how he feels about badgers.

  11. john bull - you are either a stooge, as rupert suggests, or a ill-informed. The majority of the British population has long lived in cities and towns. this was the first country to have more than 50%do so, as any fule no.

  12. "john bull - you are either a stooge, as rupert suggests, or a ill-informed. The majority of the British population has long lived in cities and towns. this was the first country to have more than 50%do so, as any fule no."

    My, my - the Labour trolls are out in force today, aren't they? Busy boys!

    Perhaps many of the English do live in cities. But they are still a rural people at heart - as well you know, Labour troll. And they despise the utter contempt this Labour so-called "government" have shown towards the countryside from the moment they were elected - from the pathetic, class-war-fuelled ban on hunting to the way they continue to force their metropolitan culture upon us.

    Alas, Labour troll, England will not stand for it anymore. They want their country back - and know the Conservatives are the party to do that.

  13. Liz said...

    Isn't Benn a famously evangelising veggie? Wonder how he feels about badgers.

    October 03, 2008 2:18 PM

    Blimey, does he go badger spotting too?

  14. Peter Mandelson looks to have aged dramatically!

    Maybe Brown has brought peter back to help with the oil crisis - peter's tongue must be worth a billion barrels of oil!

    I think this is a Brown stitch up -
    wonder what Brown has on Mandelson and will put out against him in 6 months time. Sometimes it is better to bring your foes in and then kill them further down the line. A strategic survival move by Brown IMO, Mandelson should watch his back because the dagger is unshethered and ready to be inserted.

  15. LOoooooooooooooooOL

    The BBC keep showing a picture of Geoff Hoon that makes him look like Sid James!

  16. Really confused as to where Caroline Flint is going....

  17. We do a very good carpaccio of badger fillet in this parts.

    I must invite Mr Benn to lunch one day.

  18. Think Flint has got sacked!

    The Kirsty interview probably did it - think Ian Gibson also said he was being shouted at in supermarkets in the same program!

  19. It (the reshuffle/Mandy) is also a good spoiler for the sunday press. Until now, the press would have been an 50/50 split between the Economy and the Conservatives. Now the Conservative conference/DC speech will be seriously diluted.

    Still that's tomorrows chip paper. I am really looking forward to PMQ's for the coming months!

  20. They might as well have stuck with the old MAFF. So much tinkering with departmental names that the next lot only has to undo.

  21. This move is just formalising its European Union Executive Agency status. In the same way as the new department for Energy and Climate change. Just like Transport all of the above have been EU competence's for years

  22. Hilary Benn - no reformist he. As implied above - reinforces the CAP. I'm not educated in CAP other than the rudimentary top line figures but if there is an EU debate - then that's where the real deal is. How much are we getting out of it, how much is it worth, what security implications does/can it represent and what alternatives? I suspect we're better off loosening that a bit.

    News Quiz on Rd4 - bit overtly left this week. Has Jeremy Hardy ever been funny or is it the intonation of his speach patterns? Tosser.

  23. This bizarre re-naming stuff was well covered in the The Thick of It. As they're currently doing the film version (called In The Loop), I wonder how Armando Ianucci is going to out-spoof this government.

    I mean Mandy, in ermine, in a Maserati...

  24. Martin Day said...
    "Think Flint has got sacked!"

    Europe Minister. Not a demotion.

  25. When Labour first arrived, the first evidence of systemic pathology was the way they renamed all the Departments of Blahblah to the the Depatments for Blahblah. Spinning until dizzy at its best.

    I now see we have a Department for Global Warming.

    It's time to up these twats' medication.
