Monday, October 06, 2008

The Daley Dozen: Monday

1. Frank Field has a new blog.
2. Dan Hannan doesn't 'get' Peter Mandelson.
3. Jon Craig reports on peace, harmony and love in the Labour Party.
4. Jeffrey Archer on Europe's unsung capital.
5. The Wilted Rose on the delights of Wolverhampton North East.
6. LabourHome indulges in some synthetic outrage against Nick Clegg's supposed homophobia.
7. Paul Waugh says DD is vindicated and gets a quote out of him ... which is odd, as he's in Afghanistan.
8. LibDem Voice gets all pious about Mandy & George. And forgets to mention Nick.
9. Mark Hanson defends the LabourHome members poll.
10. Danny Finkelstein asks what is the point of Neddy the National Economic Council?
11. Nick Robinson on the death of 42 days.
12. Christian Wolmar says Andrew Adonis is a trainspotter.


  1. Errr Iain, the Finkelstein link takes me to some pics of your dog. Nice dog though.

  2. Frank Field's blog not a happy bunny either. Archer - hmm.

  3. I wondered why there was no party that represented pensioners a bit back. It was a mistake to lose Menzies & Lord Adonis - Crazzy name - Crazzy guy.

  4. Daniel does not 'get' why Mandelson has such a strong reputation...

    The people who have a poor opinion of him have been :-

    * Burgled
    * Garotted
    * Extraordinarily 'rendered' to Eastbourne
    * Had their careers terminated, and taken to forced labour camps in the gulag
    * Had their children sold into white slavery
    * Been sued for libel, had their entire financial assets frozen, their houses sold, and the contents sold on eBay.
    * Been forced to recant their views in front of a large audience on pain on having their parents executed in the back room.
    * Have to tell their kith and kin that they are devious, scheming, lying vermin who have contracted a number of sexually transmitted infection and spread them liberally among the pleb population

    So for those who say that Peter 'The Prince' Mandelson is an evil, scheming, mendacious, vindictive, vituperative, malevolent bastard, I would just like to state for the record that I think he is an absolutely fantastic, decent, warm honest and lovely human being.

    Heil Mandy ! Fly Me !
