Friday, October 10, 2008

The Daley Dozen: Friday

1. The Birmingham It's Not Shit blog explains the lessons it learned by attending the Tory conference.
2. The Young Unionists debate the proposed Conservative/UUP merger.
3. Harry's Place on a conference full of extremist speakers which is being attended by Government Ministers and a senior Conservative.
4. Dan Hannan has a message from an Icelandic Fisherman and says our PM should hang his head in shame.
5. Colin Byrne on the Colour Purple and why it's so popular in politics.
6. Norfolk Blogger argues that Lloyds/TSB must on no account be based in Scotland.
7. Philip Johnston says it is not bankers who should be punished, it's Brown. he was the one who sold off our gold when the price was at a 20 year low.
8. Cranmer says the credit crunch is the new bird flu.
9. John Redwood on the market rout.
10. Quaequam examines the idea of registered supporters for political parties, rather than members.
11. Andrew Neil on why Iceland has turned to Russia for help and what the Russkis may demand in return.


  1. Harman getting slapped on any questions? Dynasty eh? Hmm... John Redwood's on the money again - he's a good lad.

  2. The Cranmer piece is pure brilliance. Redwood is always good value and Hannan is as incisive as ever. If the Government was made of such men, I'd sleep much better at nights. Who is Cranmer?

  3. It's only -11- eleven!? I'm very, very disappointed!
