Sunday, October 05, 2008

Boris on Form

Two great interviews on today's Politics Show with David Cameron and Boris. I loved the end of the Cameron interview when he was teased about what he and his team term as a 'Mandelson'. He almost blushed! The Boris interview at the end of the programme was the best he has given so far. He talks about the economic crisis, Heathrow and Sir Ian Blair. Watch it HERE.


  1. Iain - that Youtube vid of SNL has been pulled. You can get NBC embed code here.

  2. BBC videos seem only to be available in the UK. Brilliant.

  3. Permex

    Doubtedless something to do with having to have a TV Licence(officially) to watch broadcasts(the UK prides itself on ways to screw revenue out of people) even on the internet(not too sure whether that applies to archived stuff on i-player but no doubt that's one of the reasons they will quote )that and of course the BBC likes to flog many of its programmes abroad and therefore that's another reason why they block accesss to all their material outside UK even news/current affairs programmes.

  4. Excuse my ignorance...but what do Cameron and his team term as a 'Mandelson'..?

  5. It's the time it takes between meeting Mandelson and him slating Gordon Brown.

  6. Cameron came acros much better than Osborne did on the Andrew Marr show. he looked so uptight it was unbelievable; sat bolt upright on the sofa, legs pressed together, hand clenched on his knees.

    Not exactly the picture of relaxation, more anal retentive. As opposed to Vince Cable who looked and sounded far more relaxed and informed.

    Maybe Dave should be giving him tips on interview techniques.

  7. Boris is fantastic.

    Having watched that I say Boris for PM.

  8. Boris is the antidote to spin. He says what he thinks and is far to up front for the Labour party. He is managing London not just talking about it. He may have is faults but he is a breath of fresh air.

  9. I think that bit about the "Mandelson" was quite skillfully done by Cameron. Already knowing what it meant, at first, I couldn't work out why Cameron was suggesting that it wasn't appropriate for a family show. Not a very complimentary thing to say about Mandelson but hardly post-watershed.

    But, by refusing to give the definition, Cameron had his cake and ate it by managing to avoid looking like someone throwing mud at Mandelson while at the same time ensuring that everyone knew what a "Mandelson" was. Once the BBC interviewer had asked the question, he had no choice but to give the definition himself once he saw that Cameron wasn't going to do so.

    Nicely manipulative.

  10. Glad to see Boris call for deregulation in the City

    that will increase my bonus

    so a big thanks to Boris

  11. Yes Boris has done a great job in bringing down knife crime, ending bendy buses, motorbikes in bus lanes, taxi safety checks, green issues

    or has he ?

  12. Yes hurrah for Boris
    more deregulation in the City

    make it an election pledge

  13. Boris (and Dave) did well to get their points across above the screeching of Sopel. His script is always list of negative points and he just repeats them with ever increasing petulance.

  14. Boris is the antidote to spin. He says what he thinks

    Thats why Boris agreed to an investigation into rascism in the Met Police force

    Cuts through that PC crap
