Sunday, October 05, 2008

Betcha Palin Triumphs, Doggone It!

This is last night's Saturday Night Live debate starring Tina Fey as Sarah Palin. Asked about gay marriage, 'Palin' replies: "Marriage is a sacred institution between two unwilling teenagers"!!!


  1. And if you read the comments on the site the main concern for Americans was that it was not so much a parody but was more a real representation of her.

    The opening line "Can I call you Joe, I've practised lots of lines where I call you that" says it all.

    The statement where Queen Latifah makes plain that anyone but a complte breakdown by Palin must be seen by Republicans as a draw says it all.

    Iain, if she was a Democrat you'd be howling about how awful she is.

  2. The Americans really know how to do satire. SNL and Jon Stewart are so perceptive and have the most amazing ability to cut through the crap.

    I respected McCain hugely before, but having abandoned everything he fought for in 2000 (where Roveian tactics unfairly destroyed his campaign) it is disgusting to see some of the swift-boat style attacks that he has approved in the last 48 hours.

    And with Palin thinking she can wink and gosh-darn-it into the White House, I am glad SNL and others are exposing her for the sham she is.

    I'm not being partisan here, anybody with an ounce of respect for common decency in politics must wretch at the sight of McCain-Palin

  3. Yep. Tina Fey is brilliant! and Sarah Palin is a dummy. No doubt about it!

  4. What do you make of this Iain?

  5. yep the Republicans form Dan Quayle to George Bush and now Pallin really are masters of the stupid --

    sadly dangerously stupid-- if the USA was small with no military might we could sit back and laugh.. but who knows what adevnture they'll dream up next

    30 years it was south east asia
    now middle east
    30 years time it'll be Europe

  6. Yep, Tina Fey does a pretty good Sarah Palin. But this is funnier - especially the Gay question bit.

  7. has anyone noticed that sarah palin actually IS karen walker from will and grace?how did i not spot that as quickly as ed balls BEING piers fletcher-dervish?


    Available here.

  9. John said...
    What do you make of this Iain?

    Thanks for the link John.

    Most enlightening!

  10. Well, speaking of gay marraige, it's a great day for the homosexual cause in British politics now, isn't it?

    Brown now has the company of Mandelson and Chris Bryant in his government.

  11. Anon 3.35 - that's a it harsh - Karen Walker is my ideal woman.

  12. You tube have had to pull it. New Embed code here.

  13. Thanks for changing that then Iain. Credit where credit is due.
