Sunday, September 07, 2008

Top Ten Signs You Are About to Defect to the Liberal Democrats

10. You keep referring to Nick Clegg as "The Cleggmeister".
9. You develop a sudden affinity with Birkenstock.
8. You think the Duckworth-Lewis method is a form of PR.
7. You think the other Iain Dale's blog is better than the real thing.
6. You think Baroness Scott is a person too.
5. The phrase "Make it Happen" brings you out in goosebumps.
4. You think that, actually, beards can be rather attractive.
3. You see nothing wrong at all in praying to the God of Rennard.
2. When you hear an MP is ill, you immediately look up his majority.
1. After a lifetime of advocating tax rises you suddenly see the virtue of tax cuts.


  1. Re No 4 - does that mean those on women too?

  2. No.11. You haven't found a fence you couldn't sit on.

  3. What's a tax cust

  4. You start defending the legacy of Cyril Smith - well worth a look at recent posts on Chris Paul's blog on this subject

  5. Iain, Its the Duckworth-Lewis method, not the other way around.

  6. No.12. You have a permanent haunted look.

  7. You could add: muttering David Steel's clarion call-" go back to your constituency and prepare for government!"

  8. You develop a sudden affinity with Birkenstock.

    Damn your black heart Dale .I also have a man bag but to be honest looking like a Lib Dem was not my top concern.

  9. No.2 should easily be No.1

  10. As an official defector from Tory to Lib Dem, I can assure that a mere couple of those (at most) apply.

    (numbers 2 and 4)

  11. Iain,

    Item 6 - I don't get the joke.


  12. Thanks for the plug - just a pity that I'm not having much to say on he old blog just now. That should change after/during Federal Conference.

  13. Mark, it's the title of her blog - Because Baronesses are People too!

  14. Ah, so it isn't funny then... this was meant to be humour, wasn't it?

  15. Mark, I don't think I will be taking lessons from you in the sense of humour stakes...

  16. Iain,

    I'm a faceless bureaucrat, not a stand-up comedian, so lessons won't be forthcoming. Think of it as defending the honour of a loved one. As we've both tied the knot recently, I'm sure that you know where I'm coming from.

    Congratulations, by the way...

  17. OMG, you didn't interpret that as an attack on Ros did you???! I am horrified if that is what either of you thought. I genuinely thought it was amusing.

    I see I shall have to buy you both a drink in Bournemouth...

    And congrats to you too!

  18. Iain,

    No, I'm not quite that paranoid (yet). I didn't 'get' the reference, so I sought clarification. Ros hasn't even seen it yet - she's on a train somewhere between Stowmarket and Southport...

    I'll see you in the bar, we can swap pictures of our big days...

  19. This sounds fun. Can I join you?

  20. You haven't yet realised that Jenny Tongue is aka Robert Fisk

  21. Clearly it's only defectors then as only two of them apply to me and I've always been a Lib Dem (2 and sort of 1).

    You could have added for women that suddenly you gain a liking for wearing bright yellow jackets instead of blue ones. Emma Nicholson comes to mind.

  22. You don't think but start saying Rochdale, or Liverpool, or even Stockport are well-run Councils.

    You refuse to sign a 50,000 strog petition for "Sir" Cyril Smith "MBE" to have his honours removed and to be given a good thrashing on Drake Street.

  23. It's true, I do have many pair of sandals. But they all have very, very high heels!!
