Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Top 50 Liberal Democrats: 50-41

Each day during the party conferences, the Telegraph will be publishing extracts from lists I (and a small panel of party insiders) have compiled, showing who we think are the Top 50 Liberal Democrats, the Top 100 on the Left and Top 100 on the Right.

Today we kick things off with the first part of the Top 50 LibDems. Click HERE.

41. Dorothy Thornhill
42. Lord Dholakia
43. James Kempton
44. Sarah Teather
45. David Howarth
46. Sandi Toksvig
47. Brian Paddick
48. Richard Grayson
49. John Sharkey
50. Lord Steel


  1. Top 50 Lib Dems ?

    You mean there are 50 noteworthy Lib Dems ?

    Where will Lembit 'Segway' Opik be on the list I wonder ?

    Now there's an 'up and coming' catch for an ambitious single woman...

  2. I doubt one voter in a million could name 50 Liberal Democrats. And I don't think many will lose too much sleep about that either.

  3. Do we really care whether Joe Soap, LibDem Councillor for Puddlington-on-sea and part-time dustman, is 43rd or 44th most important? Skip tis rubbish and get straight to the top 10.

  4. The top 50 LD's have a good role in British politics of keeping everybody amused with their non-parliamentry activities: Well I hope they are non-parliamentry anyway!

    From utilising strange forms of transport to citing threats from beyond Uranus or promoting new uses for glass coffee tables: I never cease to be amused!

  5. The Top Fifty LibDems at what exactly?
