Saturday, September 13, 2008

Off to the LibDem Conference

I am just about to set off to spend two days at the LibDem Conference in Bournemouth. Should any of you be attending, do come to a fringe meeting I will be chairing tomorrow for a group called Reinventing the State, which Total Politics is sponsoring.

Theme: Policy Priorities for Tackling inequality Time: 6.15pm, Royal Bath Hotel Speakers: Norman Lamb MP, Richard Reeves, Stuart Weir

This will be the first time I have been on a public platform with Norman Lamb since he walloped me in North Norfolk in 2005!

Tonight I will be going to the LibDem Blog Awards and no doubt feel like a gooseberry. And tomorrow, the Telegraph will be publishing my list of the Top 50 Liberal Democrats on their website (link to follow). That should stir things up a bit!

This conference is an important one for Nick Clegg. He has yet to stamp his identity on his party and this is his opportunity to do so. He's got two fights on his had - one to get his tax cuts policy through the conference and secondly to persuade his party to adopt the reforms recommended by the Bones Commissions. These take far more powers from the LibDems' rather disparate federal structure and give them to committees based in Cowley Street.


  1. Who's the young chap in the picture?

  2. You poor bastard.

  3. He has also to convince the public at large he is better leader than the one he replaced and the one he beat in the election.

    He might con Vince but he hasn't convinced me. For his single betrayal on the EU referendum vote he has damned his party and himself.

  4. Don't suppose you'll be bothering with this, when you attend the Tory conference.

  5. I am surprised you are going to a LD conference as they are nothing but a freak show.

    It is just one mistake after another with Nick Clegg as LD leader; he seems to have similar abilities to Gordon Brown but displays them in the inconsequential role of LD leader.

    Never mind, the Labour leadership contest builds up a greater head of steam all the time with three MP’s now wishing to have a leadership contest. It seems to me a co-ordinated strategy is developing and maybe the big fish will move in soon.

  6. Ask Nick what he thinks about the "Lib Dems come out for Cameron" letter in The Guardian.

  7. What is the betting that Labour Leadership speculation will drown out most of the Conference?

    I think the dam wall has just cracked in NuLab la-la land. In No. 10 all spin-doctors will have been ordered to man the pumps as RMS Brown settles in the water, Titanic style.

  8. It would helpful when posting a photo of a nondescript man to give some idea of who he is, what he does, and whether it is of any political relevance.

  9. LibDims, identity, shome mistake shurely?

    Only thing that comes to mind is that odious slimy turd Simon Hughes popping up and trying to stick his busybody nose into everything.

  10. So your insomnia is no better then.


    Blair must stand in Glenrothes??!!

    Is this even possible?

  12. The action going to be at Westminster.

    Jonah will be on his knees this week.
