Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A Morning Wiv Da Bruvvers

I am in Brighton spending a few hours at the TUC Conference. The natives are being very friendly, although I have to say there isn't exactly a buzz here. The attendance seems far fewer than for a LibDem conference and it is all very quiet. Harriet Harman has been visiting some of the exhibition stands, following her "let's restart the class war' clarion call this morning. Apart from her, the only other Labour MP I have bumped into was a very cheerful Ian Gibson. My colleague Emily tells me that the magazine has had a very good reception from people here, so it seems that it has been a very worthwhile exercise having an exhibition stand. Sometimes you wonder whether it is worth it, bearing in mind the expense, but when you're trying to establish a new political brand, where better to try to do it than at political conferences?

I just tried to delete a comment on the previous thread (for swearing) while using this computer in the TUC Internet cafe, and it refused to let me do it, as it said I was viewing pornography! I must admit I had never considered my blog pornographic before, although people tell me it is similarly addictive. Not that I would know, of course. I never read my own blog...


  1. H² just said:

    "We have made great progress on tackling inequality but we know that inequality doesn't just come from your gender, race, sexual orientation or disability. What overarches all of these is where you live, your family background, your wealth and social class."

    Has anyone ever summed up a fundamental wrong-headedness of the Left so concisely? Did the Comrades cheer her? I'm so glad these people's time has gone.

  2. To say there isn't a buzz is slightly unfair. I'm sure I can hear the gentle hum of snoring over the sound of tumbleweed in the exhibition hall.

  3. Before the Bruvvers answer the call to a new Class War (or, more accurately, respond to Harriet pulling their strings) they might want to reflect on the egalitarian past of Ms Harman.

    To quote from her Wiki biography:

    "born in London to the Harley Street physician John Bishop Harman FRCP .... his wife Anna, a solicitor, the only child of Group Captain Malcolm Spicer, RAF, son of James Spicer of Eltham, who was a member of the paper manufacturing family and a brother of the Liberal MP Sir Albert Spicer and also a brother of the surgeon and campaigner for women's rights, Louisa Martindale."

    No privilege there then.

    But, despite the handicap of this background, perhaps she has abandoned the mores of her class and joined with the workers in the revolution to overthrow capitalism. Well, as an MP and a Minister (and in contast to her earlier career as a young activist struggling to get noticed - sorry overthrow the oppression of the state) her voting record has included:-

    for a smoking ban.
    for ID cards.
    for foundation hospitals.
    for student top-up fees
    for anti-terrorism laws.
    for the Iraq war.
    against investigating the Iraq war lies
    for replacing Trident.

    Up the Workers then? Literally?

  4. BRIGHTON !? Now I am confused ! [It doesn't take much...]

    I thought Gordon and the Cabinet were meeting in BIRMINGHAM Monday, ostensibly to tie-in with the need for various Government ministers to speak to the TUC ?

    So if that isn't the reason for them being in Brummie, what on earth was?

  5. The Harbinger of Doom glosses over her own past - so no change there.

    Gordo told her to "distract them from my sell-out of the poor on heating bills this winter" - so she did. (When he goes so does she.)

    Slightly off the point, but did I hear Prentis tell the attendees that they could collect their badges this lunch time? Ie a couple of days into the conference. My, my, they are really well organised. I wonder how well the proverbial drinks session in a brewery would be organised by them.

  6. "What overarches all of these is where you live, your family background, your wealth and social class"

    Trust a Trot Toff to think like that.

  7. when considering the performance of so many members of our present government and opposition where the 'overarching advantages'that the minister lists appear to be present 'in spades' one can only conclude that even these do not guarentee that the individual will be capable of anything more than mediocrity.

  8. Iain,

    I included the following text in a post on my blog ( this afternoon:

    "Today it’s Harriet Harman’s turn, trying to play the class warrior with a speech about narrowing the UK class gap – a subject upon which this privately educated niece of a Countess can no doubt speak with experience and authority.

    and shortly after the following comment was made:

    Anonymous said...

    Careful what you say. This blog was blocked by Google.
    10 September 2008 14:56

    Are there trolls at work perchance?

  9. I don't care that Harman is privileged, I'm much more concerned that she is dim, incompetent and useless. Labour's answer to Theresa Villiers.

  10. Brother Iain

    see were not all stuck in the 1970's just those who shout the most and the media love

    actually trade unions can do a lot of good for a workplace/community

    like save your local hospital from closure or fight for equal pay

    did you find the Tory PPc's who shock horror are trade unionists

    maybe you regret the Ron Todd bit

  11. Balfe is not the person to be the envoy to trade unions we always prefered Mr Bottomley and Mr Gove isnt bad either

    but please dont give us Mr balfe

  12. I have a nice picture of our local MP Chris Grayling with a UNISON placard saving our local hospital

    and right on I say

  13. You would be amazed what some people find sexy Iain...
    "In her memoirs last year, Ms (Oona ) King boasted of her admiration for Mr Brown, saying: "No disrespect to my husband when I say that listening to Gordon at his best is better than sex."

    Her poor poor husband
