Monday, September 15, 2008

It Shouldn't Happen to a Prime Minister

Imagine this conversation, which happened on Friday night between Number Ten and Labour MP Barry Gardiner. In fact, don't imagine it. It really happened...

Number Ten: Barry, Gordon wonders if you'd go on the media over the weekend and critise those calling for him to resign.
Barry Gardiner MP: Er, well...
Number Ten: Is there a problem?
Barry Gardiner: Yes. I was one of them. I'm one of the nine.
Number Ten: Oh, er, right. Bye then.

It appears that Siobhain McDonagh was the only name Downing Street knew about. What a farce.


  1. It may have raised a titter or two had it been a snipet lifted from say, an old episode of 'Yes Prime Minister'. However, it leads me feeling rather cold to realise that our lives and mutual well-being is ultimately in the hands of such an ill-informed, inept shower of third-raters at the 'heart' of Government. It wouldn't have happened under Campbell's watch.


  2. Haha! Brilliant! The only way that could have been better was if Gordon Brown made the call personally.

    I really don't understand why he doesn't pull the same stunt John Major did and call a leadership election where he himself is a candidate?

    Given that the Labour benches are the who's who of tired non entities even less acceptable to the electorate than he is, he'll win, and he'll be able to continue with more effectiveness than he can now.

    Oh wait, that'll take bottle, something he lacks in abundance.

  3. I heard that Gardiner was to be sacked because as the forestry special envoy it was his job to show Gordon the wood.

    Unfortunately no matter how much he tried, poor old Gordon couldn't see it for the trees.

  4. I think you under estimate the mafia style of GB and co, for The Godfather had probably in his paranoid state imagined that Gardiner was joining the mutineers, and by such a call, they were able to confirm that that was the case or alternatively I imagine all those who had written asking for confidential ballot papers had already been grasssed on , and this was another way of getting it out in the open. If Charlie Whelan is involved, anything is possible.

  5. Have you seen the news on the BBC website? A senior minister is set to quit!

  6. Iain, you mean that there are people in No. 10 who are still loyal to him?

    (btw, new blog!)

  7. BBC: Minister 'set to quit' over Brown

    Details Mr. Dale, Details...

  8. One (Male)Minister of State listed below has told the BBC he is going to quit because he cannot look people in the eye and say Gordon Brown is the best man to lead Labour into the next election and Victory (LoL!)
    Jim Knight MP
    John Healey MP
    Pat McFadden MP
    Malcolm Wicks MP
    The Rt Hon Bob Ainsworth MP
    The Rt Hon the Lord Rooker
    Phil Woolas MP
    Jim Murphy MP
    Dr Kim Howells MP
    Ben Bradshaw MP
    The Rt Hon Tony McNulty MP
    Liam Byrne MP
    Bill Rammell MP
    Ian Pearson, MP
    The Rt Hon David Hanson MP
    Michael Wills MP
    Paul Goggins MP
    David Cairns MP
    The Rt Hon Stephen Timms MP
    Mike O'Brien QC MP

    It must be someone who appears on the telly regularly and has much contact with the media, my gues is one of these:

    The Rt Hon Tony McNulty MP
    Malcolm Wicks MP
    Ben Bradshaw MP
    They are all English and Wicks and Bradshaw might hold their seats under different leadership. McNulty might just be hacked off because he has to defend Brown as he is a regular media performer.

    Other possible ministers are Scottish or are under Brown's thumb! I wonder who it is!

    Non- Labour male Minister of State, who would not be worried abort the Labour party :
    Minister of State for Trade Promotion and Investment: Lord Jones of Birmingham
    Minister of State: The Rt Hon The Lord Malloch-Brown KCMG
    Minister of State

    Source of Government departments:

  9. Iain, any chance of an update on 'who is who at the zoo' - there does appear to have been a number of changes of personnel through the 'revolving doors' within Number 10, and the 'fickle finger of fate' may be about change some personalities through the big black door itself..

  10. What on earth is this I'm hearing on R4 news about an unnamed, anonymous 'Minister of State' wrestling with his [her?] conscience about whether to go public with doubts about GB ??

    Who could it be ? Surely not someone within the cabinet ?

  11. OMG - here we are in the middle of the severest financial and economic challenge for a long time and here we have G B loking for support for his failed leadership and economic policies.

    Dear God man. Just go. Just bloody well go. Now.

  12. Dont you just love it when a plan comes together.......

  13. martin day - it is a minister, but not someone in the cabinet, so my guess is it is not someone from your list.

    No way is it Tony McNulty - he is a loyalist who would go down with the ship.

    Ben Bradshaw - hmm.. not so loyal and could be a bit of a sh...

  14. Awkward.

    Hope you don't mind me adding you to my new blog, by the way.

  15. lets the government bail out the banks
    why should we have to pay for the crisis in capitalism

    we make a killing either way

    City Boy

  16. So are you withdrawing your fanciful accusation that Number 10 briefed the names to the media?

  17. Nice one city boy.

    Where is Cameron? learning his script for his bravura memory man act redux?
