Saturday, September 06, 2008

Harriet Puts Her Foot In It ... Again

In an otherwise deeply loyal interviee in today's Times with Rachel Sylvester and Alice Thomson, Harriet Harman steps off the tightrope for a moment...
Asked whether any MPs had suggested to her, as the party's elected deputy, that she should go to the Labour leader and ask him to stand down if things did not improve, she replied: “I am not going to answer that question.”

That would be a 'yes', then.


  1. I wonder what she said to the MPs.

    Must say as second in command her silence is deafening. Or is it a non-job?

  2. at least she supports equal pay for women
    just what are the Tories doing about it ???

    still no equal pay yet 30 years on

  3. Er, your government has been in power for the last decade in case you hadn't noticed.

    The Tories support unequivocally equal pay for women as you well know.

  4. Anon 1:36. Why do you want equal pay for women? Women are much better then men. Surely you should be demanding better pay for women?

  5. She would be temporary leader and Prime Minister Harman for a short while if she did.

    A prime minister called Harriet - Dr Who's not all fiction after all...

    Of course an alien invasion is about the only thing that could save Gordon now ....

  6. man in a shed:

    How do you know that it hasn't already happened? I seem to recall in the episode where we were first introduced to Harriet Jones (then just a simple backbench MP for Flydale North) - the Prime Minister and his Cabinet were actually aliens - Slitheen -

  7. I seen to recall the telling signs that a human skin has a Slitheen inside are bad breath and flatuence.
    Who would have guessed that Harriet Harperson was going to save the world from aliens?
