Monday, September 15, 2008

Funny Video of the Day

Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton take Saturday Night Live by storm.


  1. The funniest thing I heard today was my mate in the City who is a spec made over £100k today trading

    Champagne all round I hear

  2. And who will pay for the redundancies caused by this crisis

    yes the tax payer

  3. I have been a Tina Fey fan since discovering "30 Rock".

    I don't have a TV now so the Sarah Palin thing has passed me by. I guess that's why I didn't get the humour. Does she really talk like that?

  4. What's the difference between Sarah Palin and Bob Dole?

  5. thankyou thankyou thankyou for posting this. I have been waiting with anticipation for 2 weeks to see Tina Fey 'do' Sarah Palin and it did not disappoint!!!

  6. I like the Palin camp comment that Sarah Palin thought it funny because she went to a party dressed as Tina Fey a year or two ago.

    Very very funny sketch, particularly; "And I can see Russia from my house".

  7. The demented pressure cooker Hilary Clinton is quite amusing. The Palin part of the sketch merely rehashes some of the hissy fit dimocrat journalism, and fails to bring anything new to the table.

  8. Well, it's satire I suppose, but whatever happened to our home grown variety on the broadcast media since Labour came to power? Strange that.

    Now doubt we can look forward to a revival when the Tories come back to power.

  9. 'boner-shrinker' !

  10. Yep good one Iain, thanks for posting, had heard about it earlier on...good laugh...

    The trouble with the Americans are that they are quite likely to elect what could amount to the `Beverley Hill Billies` in the White House!!!!.......truely frightening

  11. Tina Fey's impression of Sarah Palin, at least visually, is the best impression I think I've ever seen.

    PS What's a FLIRGE

  12. The actress playing Clinton is far too good looking.

    One wonders where Gordon would be now if Spitting Image were still on screen - but the lefty elite dropped it when Labour came to power.

    Satirists have given and are now giving Labour and Brown an easy time.

    Just watch all the lefty comedians come out of the woodwork when the Tories gain power.

  13. we get the same old creationism dig at her.

    I see no statement by Palin that would suggest she is a creationist.

  14. Come polling day, I wonder who's going to have the last laugh?

  15. Does Sarah Palin think dinosaurs were here 5000 years ago? hahahahaha What a nutjob that woman is. A joke.

  16. Hey Iain, what do you think about Sarah Palin's church activities?

    "Republican vice-president Sarah Palin's home church, Wasilla Bible Church, is promoting a conference that promises to convert gays into heterosexuals through the power of prayer.

    ‘You'll be encouraged by the power of God's love and His desire to transform the lives of those impacted by homosexuality,' according to the insert in the bulletin of the Wasilla Bible Church, where Palin has been a member for about six years. The insert was promoting the Focus on the Family "Love Won Out" conference in Anchorage, about 30 miles from Wasilla.

    The conference is dedicated to training attendees in ‘ministering' to gays and lesbians in an effort to convert them into the ‘ex-gay' movement."

    Sarah Palin is a saddo.

  17. TrevorsDen said...
    "One wonders where Gordon would be now if Spitting Image were still on screen - but the lefty elite dropped it when Labour came to power."

    It was dropped early in 1996 - well over a year before Labour came to power.

  18. Superg said...
    "I see no statement by Palin that would suggest she is a creationist."

    She hasn't been quoted as saying that she actually believes in Creationism but she has said that it should be taught alongside the Theory of Evolution.

  19. "It was dropped early in 1996 - well over a year before Labour came to power."

    Just because Spitting Image was dropped doesn't mean to say that all satire had to be dropped does it? Tony Blair probably had the easiest ride of any PM since the 60's.

  20. "Does Sarah Palin think dinosaurs were here 5000 years ago? hahahahaha What a nutjob that woman is. A joke."

    I'm sure she's going to be laughing all the way to the White House in November.

  21. no protected sex between married couples and a ban on gays

    great news

  22. I can't say what a flirj is as it's rude.

  23. Yes, you guys, the media give Labour such an easy time. Um, just a thought - perhaps it's you guys who are biased?
