Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Daley Dozen: Wednesday

1. GreenHome has been launched.
2. The First Post profiles the return to prominence of Charlie Whelan.
3. The BBC Editors Blog on the relaunch of the Politics Show.
4. Paul Waugh asks whatever happened to right wing trade union leaders.
5. Dave's Part thinks Harriet Harman is talking out of her (cl)ass.
6. Tory Historian looks at the history of Conservative conferences in Birmingham.
7. Tim Worstall on the former UKIP MEP who wants to stand for the BNP.
8. Coventry Green Voice isn't very impressed by Labour's use of Jeremt Kyle.
9. Tigmoo has a Top 10 Trade Union Blogs.
10. Ellee Seymour wants to spark off a debate on GM crops.
11. The Daily (Maybe) selects his Top 5 Worst Jobs in Politics. Including Gordon Brown's cat.
12. Coffee House analyses the Guardian's pro Cameron leader page.

New Blogs

1. The Young Conservative (Ed Hallam)
2. GreenHome
3. Bob's Head Revisited (Right wing blog)
4. Mrs Blogs Blogs (Left wing blog)


  1. "Tory Historian looks at the history of Conservative conferences in Birmingham."

    That looks hot.

  2. If Charlie Wheelan is calling the shots its got to be bad news for Labour ... and even worse news for the country.

  3. Why have I never been in this list? Really, people think I am OK when I am just not. I try hard but never seen to get anywhere.... and nobody cares.

  4. The most important news today!!

    When asked what were the implications of a "worse case scenario" with gas and oil prices continue to remain at high levels, Mark Owen-Lloyd, head of power trading at E.ON, said: "It'll make more money for us."

    Thatcher's chickens coming home to roost!

  5. Has Iain gone on holiday or has he been taken hostage by the TUC??

  6. "Thatcher's chickens coming home to roost!"

    Yes, on Brown's head.

  7. I looked at the GreenHome site, which I understand to be the Green Party website. I searched for "overpopulation" - which has been the most pressing ecological problem for half a century, and which is the root of most other ecological problems: not one mention.

  8. Tendryakov: GreenHome is not an official Green Party site, it's just a compendium of Green bloggers. THe official party site can be found at

  9. No. GreenHome is a home for Green Party blogs, like LabourHome and Conservative Home. "Home" being in the title is the clue. You can find the Green Party's policy on population here. You can even go crazy and look at the rest of our policies ... decided by members in a bottom-up way, not whatever Gordon or David likes this week.
