Thursday, August 07, 2008

The Smith Institute Has Ceased to Be

Over the last two years Guido Fawkes (with a walk on part by yours truly) has taken the Smith Institute to task over its role as a cheerleader for Gordon Brown. Last month the Charity Commission released its extremely critical report of the Institute. Guido reports today that Lord Haskel, its chairman has resigned, its Director Wilf Stevenson has resigned and that it has moved out of its New Statesman home. For all intents and purposes, it has ceased to be.

Of course, I am sure that all these three things are unconnected with the Charity Commission's findings are entirely coincidental. At least, that is the Smith Institute's apologists will claim.

Guido is claiming victory
. It's hard to disagree with him.

UPDATE: Chris Grayling has just issued a press statement: “There have been a number of serious allegations made about the relationship between Gordon Brown and the Smith Institute. The fact that two of its most senior figures have resigned in the wake of the Charity Commission report suggests something was seriously amiss. There’s already been a complaint to the Electoral Commission about the Prime Minister’s links with the Institute. That complaint now needs to be fairly investigated.”


  1. When's the party, Iain?

  2. That's great news. When do the taxpayers get their money back? Now we just need Guido to turn his sights on Common Purpose and expose that "charity" too.

  3. Typical New Liebour - get caught out and they just quietly make it go away, with no acknowledgement of guilt - no doubt some lowly SpAd is 'whitewashing' the nameplate as we type. Mendacious b*st*rds.

  4. But I seem to remember the Smith Institute was utterly vindicated, exonerated of all blame, given a clean bill of health and nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

    Did I miss something?

  5. Yes, I'd really like this to be a springboard for all those influential and investigative bloggers to deal with Common Purpose and all those other Lefty "think tanks" who want to distort our society in pursuance of their own (socialist/fascist) agendas, including the EU from which so much of all that stems.

    That has to be the next stage now, otherwise we are all sunk.

  6. Another one bites the dust, where to next Guido!

  7. Damn, they're blocking Guido again. Hey ho, I'll copy the link for later and read it under the blankets....
