Friday, August 08, 2008

LibDems Rate Huhne Higher Than Clegg

LibDem Voice has done a survey of LibDem members to rate the performance of their Shadow team. Details are HERE. Nick Clegg will not be pleased. It comes to something when you're the leader of your party and you trail in fourth place (behind Norman Baker!) with a rating of 6.3. Clegg will be concerned by the fact that Chris Huhne is rated higher than him, behind the legend that is Vince Cable. The big loser is Shadow Foreign Affairs spokesman Ed Davey who trails in ninth place, although perhaps Lembit Opik should be the most worried man in the LibDems. He comes in bottom place with a rating of only 3.5.


  1. Of course back in the May Political Performance Index Eric Pickles was ahead or Boris Johnson then David Cameron among readers of your blog. Didn't have the pig headline that Pickles was more popular than Cameron then did we. ;)

  2. "Never underestimate the determination of a quiet man."

    I think I've heard that somewhere before!

  3. I think Lembit Opik suffers from Sarkozy syndrome; the media focuses on his love life rather than his policy-making, voters dismiss him as insubstantial.

  4. Chris Huhne will be lucky if he's still an MP after the next election. I think his majority last time was less than the votes cast for UKIP.

  5. Tom fd - Opik is insubstantial - the man's a liability. He should be teaching geography in the home counties.

  6. Is it any wonder when Clegg has ditched all the old Lib-Dem policies. He comes across as not knowing what he is doing wheras Huhne is much better at putting the message across.

    It looks a though the Lib-Dems have got another Turkey. Still better than Lembit Optik. I think the cheeky boy may be looking for a new job come 2010.

  7. Yep, the Lib-Dems shot themselves in the foot with Clegg.

  8. I have a strong suspicion that by the late autumn,there will be a movement to ditch `Cleggover`and get Huhne in,probably about the same time as even more of Labour`s death throes become public.

    The voters , will rapidly tire(if they havent already) of this bizarre arrangement of musical chairs and consolidate their interest in the one party that is united behind ITS leader.....The Conservatives.....

  9. lol @ mirtha tidville

    Anyway, this is (as usual) slightly unfair of you Iain.

    Due to the nature of the Lib Dem's standing as a third party, the blame for their not succeeding in gaining more coverage than they get tends to be laid at the leader's door- somewhat unfairly.

    Lib Dem members and activists crave an amount of publicity commensurate with the party's poll standing, which they (unfairly, in my opinion) don't receive. And as I am trying to make clear in my somewhat longwinded manner, the leader is held more accountable than is reasonable.

    In the current environment, LDs would only be totally satisfied if Clegg could get practically as much coverage as Brown & Cameron; however unrealistic, they (we) are an optimistic and passionate bunch.

    And considering the difference was marginal (6.6 to 6.3) between Huhne and Clegg in a poll of about 150 people- I think you are making an attack out of nothing... surely not!

  10. Lembit Opik is a total idiot and will be replaced at the next election. He has zero credibility. Even when he turns up at debates, he spouts utter rubbish ( see Hansard - he actually got pulled up for popping into a debate on flooding and spouting nonsense, just so that there was a record of him taking part ) He fools no one. Certainly not his constituents, who have had enough of his behaviour.
    Even the weird Lib Dems have had enough , according to this poll. Mind you, knowing that lot, they could still vote for him for the Presidency!

  11. I bet all the money in my pockets that (certainly) Boris, (probably) David Davis and (likely) William Hague would give Cameron a run for his money amongst Conservatives. And don't get me started on how Gordon Brown would fare in a poll of Labour supporters...

    This is a non-story.
