Monday, August 04, 2008

Another Reason Why Brown Won't Go

As regular readers know, I am sticking to my view that Gordon Brown will survive in office, partly because Labour MPs and Ministers just don't have the bottle to do the necessary. I am further reinforced in my view by THIS post from the ever excellent Danny Finkelstein. He calculates that if Gordon is overthrown, Harriet Harman will take over ... well, for a few months at least.

Surely this is enough to encourage any Labour supporter (with the possible exception of Jack Dromey) to step back from the brink...

UPDATE: Actually, I think Jack Dromey might have second thoughts too...


  1. her joke in the commons was prepared. she will only stand to maintain her relative position

  2. Broon wont go because he must fulfill his obligations to his masters in the EUSSR, and that is to hand over England to them to rule (almost done now), this is why he postponed the General election as this is his and McLabours sole objective and it could not be risked and put in jeopardy.

  3. Iain about time too...lets start the Save Our Gordon campaign, then we could sign up and be one of Iain`s SOGs, Herr Sogmeister!!!!!

    Fer Gawd`s sake lets make sure this disaster stays put until its time to administer the Coup de Grace to both him and the Labour Party..........for ever...

    ps Dont forget that Mrs Dromey comes from the same gene pool as the late Lord Longford..need we say more??????????

  4. When is she going to be charged with election offences? It would make a nice change to have a PM who was on bail.
    freedom to prosper

  5. The Rt Hon Patricia Hewitt MP, Secretary of State for Health, became General Secretary of NCCL in 1974. The very next year, 1975, NCCL invited the Paedophile Information Exchange and Paedophile Action for Liberation to affiliate. In the year after, 1976, the now-notorious paedophile Tom O'Carroll was invited to address the NCCL conference, which promptly voted to 'deplore' the use of chemical castration treatments for paedophiles."
    Christian Voice

  6. Brown will stay simply because he has the nuclear option. If 10 cabinet ministers (and frankly I don't think there are 10 of them with the balls to do it)threaten to resign, he can threaten to go to the palace and request that the Queen dissolve parliament.
    Constitutionally that is the Prime Minister's decision alone.
    I wonder if the 10 would then resign, knowing it would mean that they and over half of the rest of the Parliamentary Labour Party would end up on the dole where they belong.

  7. With Harriet's new murder bill Jack has to watch his back ....

    Still she is about the only person Labour has who would be worse than Brown - so why not ?

  8. Actually the reason Broon won't go is that even if the dopey one took over, she'd have to call an election. Even this bunch of scumbag politicians in Nu Liebour couldn't get away with changing TWO leaders without an election.

    Harpie would be a good choice though if Broon did go. She'd drive McLiebour down into single figures (I'm not kidding) in Scotland and in many parts of England.

    Everyone assumed Cameron would be the next public school toff to run the UK, but no it would be Harriet.

    McLiebour can't get rid of Broon, it's like trying to flush one of those turds away that sticks to the bottom of the bowl. It goes when it decides, just like Gordon.

  9. Surely Brown would remain PM while any contest was underway. Or, he could stay on like Wilson did. Finklelstein is a tosser and has no idea.
    The most likely possibilities are:
    1. Brown stays on unchallenged.
    2. Brown is challenged and fights.
    My money is still on 1: Miliband is a geek and, while he has won over Polly Toynbee, he has no chance. If Brown is challenged, another candidate will emerge. Straw or Johnson, I think.
    But NOT Harperson.

  10. the ever excellent Danny Finkelstein

    hang on Iain, by his own admission he'd 'forgotten' the Labour Party leadership rules: a bit serious for someone in his position, at a time like this, no ?

    (when Crick's been explaining them publicly for several days now)

    and it invalidates his whole piece !

  11. Brown will not go because he will always put himself above everyone and everything else! He is a self centered coward. He will not fight anyone himself he will get his bunker boys to dish the dirt!

    Milliband will not fight because he has not got the bottle either. They are a party of weak people.

    Brown has got to be the most craven prime minister in living memory, presiding over the most incompetent government, with the least able cabinet I can think of!

  12. Also read Alan Watkins in the Indy last Sunday. He is on the ball as usual. Only the Labour conference can decide to unseat the leader. That will not happen.

  13. couldn't get away with changing TWO leaders without an election.

    Seriously, what's to stop them ? We already know they take little notice of public opinion let alone have any principles or ethics.

  14. man in a shed...

    Harriet hasn't got a murder bill, I'm afraid. The Ministry of Justice and its ministers do. Harriet was on TV to talk about the parts relevant to her Wimmin hat, but she has no control over the bill nor its contents greater than that of any other Cabinet minister.

    I'm all for a bit of Minister baiting on here, but people should really check their facts, or at least not believe everything they read in the TeleMail

  15. Man in a Shed said...

    "Still she is about the only person Labour has who would be worse than Brown"

    Totally untrue. Don't underestimate them.

  16. What a piece!
    Starts off absolutely sure that Harman would be PM, gets corrected by a commenter about Labour Party leadership rules, and changes his conclusion to: the whole thing would be a bit messy.
    Brilliant, what a schoolboy.

  17. It would be interesting to compile a list well known NuLabour MPs in reverse ability for Prime Ministership.

    Obviously Incapability Brown would appear on this list, and many people, including me, would rate Harpy Harman higher on the list (i.e. worse than Brown).

    Personally I would put Patricia Hewitt higher on the list, and David Blunkett lower on the list (but still worse than Brown). Miliband would appear low on the list, but I suspect he would be worse than Brown. Straw and Johnson would probably be better (for the country) than Brown, at least in the short term.

    Depressing, isn't it?

  18. They have no money. They cannot afford to fight an election.

    They can change leader, but Gordon's revenge would be to watch the new one wriggle on the hook of public approbium as they tried ever more deperate excuses for not going to the Country.

    We must work to support the Czechs and Poles and the Irish in resisting further moves to ratify Lisbon until 2010, then kill it stone dead with a referendum in September that year.

  19. Gordon's horoscope will see him thru this year. He has 4 planets in the 12th house (Pisces dominated) - furtive but indomitable.
