Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Summer Guest Blogs

By way of a change, over the summer I will be inviting people to submit guest blogs to me, for publication on the blog. They should be maxium 750 words, provocative, insightful, moving, humorous or preferably all four. I'm not guaranteeing to publish every one I receive, and I am only committing to publish a maximum of one a day.

I hope you have enjoyed the ones I have published so far.


  1. will you just be inviting people, or are people able to submit blogs to you in the hope you'll like it and use it?

  2. Ooo that would be good , am I in with a chance or still left to wander far into the land of nod after accussing you of being jealous of Boris ?

  3. Jamie, feel free to submit something, but no guarantees I will use it.

    Newmania, that's for me to know and you to guess.

  4. I suggest you invite Rosie Boycott. Let us all find out what she has to offer.

  5. I think I was rejected. :'(
