Wednesday, July 30, 2008

For You, Prime Minister, Ze War Is Over

The old ones are the best, but this skit on DOWNFALL is the best yet. It depicts Brown in his bunker after Glasgow East. I defy anone to watch it and not have tears rolling down their face by the end of it. For the faint hearted, it has very very strong language, including words I ban on this blog, so be warned.

Hattip Guido.


  1. Truly a superb masterpiece !!

  2. I think you will fid that this was also used to parody the Irish PMs response to the 'No' vote on the EU referendum.

    Still makes it funny though.

    Fortunately for the German High Command Hitler did not have any mobile phones to throw at them.

    Does Gordon Brown have the nerve to make use of meat hooks though?

  3. Tears rolling down face? No. It raised a slight smile.

    Very cleverly done though.

  4. Didn't Hitler at least face election once?

  5. Based on the one done for Ronaldo leaving Man Utd

  6. This same clip was used to much greater efect regarding the Irish Referendum, with Cowen subtitled for Adolf.

    Cowen's Lisbon Downfall

  7. Iain you're right - I cried with laughter one minute in. Has the 'Thick of It' been translated into German yet? You're the obvious man for the job!

  8. very good and well written. Sort of sacrilegious to Downfall though which was possibly one of the most gripping films that I have ever seen.

  9. There's a whole new world of these. My favourites are at being banned from XBox Live and Hitler gets the wrong bike.

    Tears still rolling.

  10. Even as we speak 'Kampfgruppe Miliband' has turned round to attack west and surrender to the americans. Their transmissions on the 'Guardian' frequency still report successful attacks but make no mention of the fuhrer.

  11. Just wiping the tears of joy from my eyes! This (like Splitting Image for Boy David) will do more to undermine Brown than any plotting by the brothers. It is my solomn duty to cut and paste this to all my friends and to my Labour colleagues.

  12. Very, very funny. On the day of the battle I pointed out that most voters had overdosed on deep fried Mars bars and thought the SNP were the BNP.
    freedom to prosper
    PS Adults only may like this

  13. "Call the DHSS!" Brillian. No tears but a good laugh. It managed some brilliant timing. I'll be sending that on to some labour supporters.

    Mitchell & Webb were in a first rate aftermath of Hitler sketch. Although it isn't politically relevant unless you, say, imagine Miliband as Dönitz, in which case it fits perfectly.

  14. Whatever happened to Iain's campaign for fixed term Parliaments?
    shurely shome mishtake

  15. I think I'm actually starting to feel sorry for old Brown Bread. Even in the stakes of satire he arrives late and is less funny than Hillary Clinton (

  16. It might have a stronger impact if the person who did the subtitles could use the apostrophe correctly and spell. But then literacy is soooo '90s...

  17. Iain its priceless......Danke

  18. "even mugabe..."

    Priceless. It has long been overdue.

  19. I laughed so loud that my son for a moment thought that his dad has lost his head! While 'so what' Jodl Balls and Alex Keitel Alexander are lying low when the Fuhrer Brown is holidaying in Suffolk, von Stauffenberg Milliband is polishing his plot.

  20. Now something tells me IDS isn't going to like you laughing as the residents of Easterhouse are called fried Mars bar-eating drunkard dolescum... something about social justice and all that malarkey. It probably passed the Thatcherite wing of the Tories by.

    A pound to a farthing this goes on Labourhome as "Fat failure Tory Boy takes the piss out of Britain's poorest".

  21. Dubbed, it might have worked. Subtitled over the original very serious dialogue from a memorable moment in an unforgettable film, it requires you at the very least not to understand German. Surprised you found it funny, Iain.

  22. This is probably one of the funniest I've seen. The Ronaldo and Chelsea ones are good too. My favourite one is Hitler hates Adam Sandler comedies

  23. Is it not a hat-tip to Dizzy Iain? I can't see this clip anywhere on Guido's site.

  24. Very good, very good indeed. Its nice to see that there are some people in this country who haven't lost their sense of humour. Although I do see a few PC people on this comments page. There's another one doing the rounds that has a muppet show theme. Much cleaner and very fitting tribute to the muppets in Parliament

  25. Well done Iain Dale for exposiing yourself as an anti-Scottish racist. Tears of laughter indeed.

  26. And well done you for exposing yourself as completely humourless. FYI I am a quarter Scottish. So stick that where the sun don't shine.

  27. Hysterical! And as for humourless anon at 10.11, you are clearly desperately in need of human companionship.

  28. I wonder which Labour member will be the latter day Stauffenberg, ready to plant the bomb in Gordons office?

    Will Miliband say "Let's be blunt, I am committing high treason with all my might and main...." ("Gehen wir in medias res, ich betreibe mit allen mir zur Verfügung stehenden Mitteln den Hochverrat...")...
