Monday, June 02, 2008

This Bishop Deserves to be Bashed

Oh, whatever next. If you are a climate change "denier", you might as well be having sex with your daughter and imprisoning her. Those are the considered thoughts of the Bishop of Stafford. Or is he a Bishopric?


  1. This is like something from Peter Simple in the 1960s - Dr Spacely-Trellis is alive and well and has been translated to Stafford.

  2. Ahem. I issued a fatwah on the Bishop of Stafford about an hour ago.

    Were it not for the wonderful Bishop of Rochester, Ali Nazr, I would start using the word bishop for inept prat. As in, "You put the plug in the wrong way, you stupid bishop!"

  3. "He said it was hard to imagine a more "monstrous crime" than Fritzl's and that was why he chose to use it as an analogy. "
    Phew, that's Hitler, Stalin and Marx off the hook then. Couldn't His Grace have done a bit of research in his company's instruction manual (Bible) and found a suitable rotter in that to write about? As far as ecological disasters and genocides go , where does he stand on the Flood?

  4. Iain,

    I think it was the BBC rather than the dumb bishop that used the phrase "Climate denier" in their headline.

    As usual the liberal left is insidiously trying to use language to win their argument.

    Subconsciously we are meant to equivalence Holocaust deniers with Climate change deniers. What lovely people?

  5. Phil Taylor - I think you may have missed the point.

  6. Jesus Christ - can you believe it?

    How about a couple of "shocking alalogies" for this silly Bishop?

    You are as daft as a f**king brush; as mad as a fu**ing hatter - for starters

  7. I'll give 'im global warming - with a red hot poker in 'is O zone.

  8. As thousands of Anglican bishops and hangers on will soon be flying into London for the Lambeth Conference - a complete waste of precious fuel if ever there was one - I think the church should put its own house in order first.

  9. Verity at 1.41

    That'll be Michael Nazir-Ali in Rochester. You shouldn't forget John Sentamu, Archbishop of York, as another senior prelate who was standing at the front of the queue when they were handing out common-sense and true Christian principles. Both these men put home-grown media-tart twonks like Gordon Mursell to shame.

  10. You really have to despair of the intelligence of some Church leaders. The next Archbishop of Canterbury has to be either the Bishop of Rochester as mentioned by Verity or the Archbishop of York ,John Sentamu. The sooner Rowan Williams goes the better.

  11. As usual the liberal left is insidiously trying to use language to win their argument.

    Quite right, Phil. If I were you, I'd teach them a lesson by conducting all your future argument using only the medium of dance. A little light mime might be justifiable too, depending on your audience.

    I've nothing to add to what Iain has to say on the bish. Amazingly obtuse. I thought I'd accidentally clicked on the tab I had open for the Daily Mash rather than the Times when I first saw it.

  12. Iain, am very disappointed at your simplistic approach to the Bishop's comments. He is not saying we are all child abusers he is pointing out that we could all be damaging our childrens futures. Yes he used a dramatic analogy but your deliberate twisting of his message is a cheap journalistic trick that does the level of debate in this ocuntry no favours.

  13. Albert M Bankment - thanks for the correct use of the Bish of Rochester's name. I am a sincere fan of his. I did not forget the very wonderful John Sentamu, but in today's item, we were discussing bishops, not Archbishops, so I didn't mention him. Believe me, the next time Canterbury says something of towering stupidity, I will be the first to leap in drawing a comparison with the very fine, thoughtful and focussed York.

    Jean Shaw - absolutely!

  14. Since this is a no-swear blog, I am unable to indicate what the word "verity" substitutes for in my household.

  15. 'Mr Mursell told BBC Radio 4's Today programme he did not wish to shock people unnecessarily and was not "trying to imply that people who ignore climate change are child abusers". '

    Er, I suspect that's exactly what you were trying to do, Bish.

    Sir David King thinks that climate change poses a bigger threat than terrorism.

    The security services are to be redeployed away from terrorism so they can focus on reducing the nation's carbon footprint.

    Come to think of it, an asteroid impact could be worse still, perhaps they should train all their surveilance technology on the sky.

    I now think asteroid impact deniers are like Jack the Ripper. Trouble is, my efforts to explain why I equate the two look pretty stupid. I don't want to imply they are serial prostitute killers or anything.

  16. As a doubting Thomas over man made Global Warming and religion this just about sums it up for me. However why not tax air line fuel at the same rate as car fuel?
    freedom to prosper

  17. I think it must be official now.

    If you can achieve any status whatsoever - any status at all - in public life, you are replaced by an alien from the planet Zog.

    Your mission is to send human beings round the twist as a prelude to invasion by Big Zoggers.

    The tactics are simple - you merely make pronouncements, with the straightest of faces, that send ordinary human beings completely and utterly mad.

    Once a planet has been completely colonised by Zoggers, they have to move on to the next planet, because they are unable to do anything whatsoever, except utter insane remarks.

  18. The bishop, like many of his colleagues, has abandoned Christian faith and doctrine; in place of giving a true analysis of man's guiltiness before God, he has to fall back on the weakest of substitutes, the currently fashionable (but surely soon to be eclipsed) passion for 'man-made global warming'.

  19. "This Bishop Deserves to be Bashed."

    Yes, and I'll be doing it tonight.

  20. I sent an email to the Bishop objecting very strongly to his stupid article.

    I suggested he read about Eugenics and how THAT was the truth that could never be opposed!!

    I do wish these church people would concentrate on the spiritual health of this country, rather than homosexual or women priests and now climate change!

    I feel so sorry for God. Having prats like this speaking for him/her!

  21. "You really have to despair of the intelligence of some Church leaders."

    Some...? I think 'most' is more apt there!

  22. But Christian Fundamentalists are in many cases climate change deniers (it's because God is angry with us for tolerating homosexuals, druggies and women in high heels) and also in many cases are boffing their daughters, or stepdaughters in the case of my friend Janet and her stepdad.

    So what exactly has The Bish said that is so silly?

    For the benefit of concerned readers I should say though Janet endured regular abuse from the age of eight until she ran away at nineteen and was told throughout that time it was her fault because the devil was in her and Daddy was powerless to resist, managed to put herself together and live a successful life in spite of the psycholgical damage. She's also a stunner who at 49 could give Kim Cattraall a run for her money any day. Her stepdad died in 2006, a climate change denier to the end

  23. Apparently he "didn't mean to offend"

    I trust I will cause no offense when I say this is about as sensible as anything one might expect from the God bothering parasites running organised religion - the biggest & most murderous racket in the history of the human race.

    Dave H I suspect the BBC would not give airtime to somebody who said asteroid impact deniers are like Jack the Ripper . It is a good analogy, particularly since the latter do happen & have, in the prehistoric past, indeed been catastrophic.

  24. Phil Taylor said...
    "Subconsciously we are meant to equivalence Holocaust deniers with Climate change deniers. "

    Wasn't it Gore who first used that "denier" phrase. I for one deny manmade global warming but neither deny the Holocaust nor rape my step-daughters.
    The good Bishop should stick to promoting his version of religion.

  25. Yes, Phil Taylor, thanks for your quicksilver insight that we are being encouraged to relate the term "denier" to the derangement of denying the Jewish experience in Germany under the Nazis.

    We got it a couple of years back, but thanks.

    Al Gore has made a third fortune out of all this: first, his family's tobacco plantations for a few generations; second, he was he largest shareholder in the world in Occidental Petroleum; third he has "man made global warming" locked in to a company he owns in trading "carbon offsets", whatever the hell that is except another lefty scam. In other words, a typical extremely rich liberal Democrat.

    You have to understand, all the man-made global warming scam (since change to "climate change", as though the climate had ever been stable in the millions of years the earth has existed) is in the service of Al Gore, his companies set up to "deal" with it, and the thousands of eager little minnows swimming under the shark's mouth for what he dribbles out - in other words the "academics" and "media" perps on free "fact-finding" trips to interesting places like Bali, and free luncheons and receptions where there is, shall we say, liquor. And the "academics" get the additional reward of writing important papers and maybe even getting a few lecture gigs.

    Meanwhile, the world turns, the activity on the surface of the sun continues with or without the fine permission of Al Gore, as it does on Mars, which is apparently also heating slightly, and even, according to a blogger, Jupiter, which has a bit heated spot.

    It's the Sun Wot Done It!

  26. Could someone please explain, in words of one syllable or less, exactly why Stafford needs a Bishop?

    Nowadays it seems that every half-arsed industrial town has a Bishop - and a university which was previously the local poly where the Guardianistas hang out.

  27. God said "I gave climate change over to mother nature". Who is that pratt of a bishop who calls me a kiddy fiddler.

  28. He deserves to be burnt at the stake.

  29. 11:50 -Well, yes, but an open fire would contribute to man-made climate change and millions of Africans would starve.

  30. News headlines:

    "Global warming is a theological issue". Well, yes, we have know that for quite a few years. Has the Bishop just woken up?

  31. bbc stealth edited this article after i commented at biasedbbc blog

    shouldn't "the truth" in the opening para be in quotation marks ? 1

  32. verity said...

    "11:50 -Well, yes, but an open fire would contribute to man-made climate change and millions of Africans would starve."

    True enough, but Robert Mugabe has just told that conference in Rome that it is indeed all because of MMCC (I'm beginning to warm towards that chap, great sense of humour) so one extra little Bishop would kill hardly any extra Africans. No need to worry about them anyway, obviously African politicians don't.
