Saturday, May 03, 2008

Yasmin: I am a Left Wing Nutter

I don't suppose anyone has got access to the newspaper review I did last night at 11.30pm on Sky News and could upload it to Youtube? I only ask because it carried Yasmin Alibhai-Brown uttering the immortal phrase "I am a left wing nutter".

PS I am going to trial the CoverItLive software (ie a Live Chat) later this evening, so do come back and have a chat with me! Guido and ConHome used it to very good effect on Thursday.


  1. No access to recording of review, but I saw it live.

    You (as are others she shares the spot with) were far to kind to her. She is a birdbrained lefty. Straight out of La La Land.

    You've got to be even more angry with Idi Amin for foisting her on us.

    I discount her anti islamofsascist views, which are just based on typical lefty feminism. Only someone clinically insane could justify muslim treatment of women anyway.

    I do not know what sickens me more - the fact that she was awarded an MBE or the fact that she gave it back.

  2. yep, that was a good comment. Even better when you called her on it and she said ' yes i am' before the rather lame, "By your standards".

    Been a long, depressing few days for the PC gang. What with being told to shove it by 3/4 of the country and all. She needs to fly over to Polly's for a rest.

  3. Iain, did you censor my comment just? Genuinely curious etc. I expressed a rather negative view of Alibhai-Brown (I don't like her either) in a robust fashion. Perhaps too Anglo-Saxon for this blog's liking. Just asking!

  4. Yes, I did. It was abusive.

  5. Fair enough. I'll have to restrain myself a bit better next time.

  6. I did recorded it using Windows Media Center. There's some interference on it (Freeview with a slightly dicky aerial), but I can stick it on Youtube when I find the right bit and have a minute to extract it.

  7. Great! -it ran from 11.30ish until the Boris result came at about 11.50

  8. That's another scalp that should be hanging from Richard Littlejohn's belt ;-))

  9. TrevorH said...

    "You've got to be even more angry with Idi Amin for foisting her on us."

    Actually, I find myself more and more realising how sensible he was to get rid of her.

  10. Idi Amin said that the Asians in Uganda regularly defamed and made derogatory remarks about the host population. The yazz monster is only doing to the English what they did in Uganda.
