Wednesday, May 07, 2008

That Phone Call Between 'Bendy Wendy' & Gordon

Now, could this be a reason for people losing trust in politicians...

Labour won't deliver on a referendum which was promised in their manifesto (Lisbon), yet they want to have a referendum on something which wasn't (Scottish independence). Work that one out if you can, and get back to me.

I really would like to have been a fly on the wall listening to the telephone call (during which three handsets were no douby destroyed) between Gordon and 'Bendy Wendy' yesterday. I imagine it went something like this.

Gordon: What the **** do you think you are ******* doing?
Wendy: Well...
Gordon: Don't you ******* interrupt me you ********* ******* *****, I've only just started...
Wendy: Well...
Gordon: Listen, get this. I ******* run the ******* Labour Party, not you...
Wendy: Well, actually...
Gordon: [does his Mr Angry from Purley impersonation and throws the phone down]
Wendy: Gordon, Gordon? What did I do, what did I say?
The trouble is, most people will believe that this fictional account is probably quite close to the truth.


  1. So polite a conversation, Iain???

    I would have thought assorted grunts would have been more accurate.

  2. Were any mobile phones hurt during this imagined incident ?

    PS Its noticeable that Wendy Alexander is another - non-elected Labour leader.

  3. Actually he was rather less polite than that.

  4. NO, had to be fiction, Brown will have swarn more than that

  5. Interesting poll about Gordon Brown:-

  6. Oh it was fiction...?

    The thing is, Wendy probably got her (not so) pretty little head in a muddle and got the referenda mixed up.

  7. Wee Bendy Wendy will no doubt be sending her brother round to extort an apology from the hulking brute Gordo.

    Don't you have any narks and snitches at No10 Iain? it wold be nice to learn the real contents.

  8. I wish, just once, that someone could record one of his foul tantrums. The fallout would make squidgygate look like a call to the speaking clock.

  9. they'll probably send the police in to No 10 to do a sweep for bugging devices

  10. That was not what I ******* said you ******* Tory ****!!!! And it was 5 ******* phones I ******, not ******* 3! Just because the only other imfamous, Gordon ******* Ramsey ******* swears, doesn't mean I do!

    and Wendy (3.04)...why are you ******* on Iain Tory ******* Dale's ******* Diary?

  11. During a Gordon hissy-fit you'd be be safer as a fly on the ceiling.

    Many have commented how his complexion is deteriorating rapidly. I recall early Terminators suffered from a similar affliction. This might explain why his behaviour seems so unnatural, and why he's lost direction after completing his mission to eliminate Blair.

    Do dogs bark at him?

  12. I think I'll send Ms. Alexander a small gift, perfume or chocolates or something. She has really cheered me up and we need people like her to lighten up the day. A small card perhaps, inscribed with, "Thank you for your efforts Wendy, every clown has a silver liniing".

    The Labour party is now supporting a referendum on independence in 2010, the Calman Commission is now only there to provide the third option, Tantrums Stephen is beeling, Head Girl Goldie is stomping , Gordon Brown is putting a large size 12 into it, the Labour media is desperate, the sun is shining and I've got a cup of coffee in my hand.

    It's a Kit-Kat moment.

  13. Thanks for allowing my Blockbuster ad to appear on your site!

  14. If you want to have a laugh then go to this blog post -

  15. £ngland can not and must not let the Scottish Raj aka McLabour hustle £ngland any longer! (its not like we need Sotregion for anything!)

    Pic: The Colour of £nglish money

  16. For all his faults, Brown effectively ruled out a referendum on Scottish independence at PMQs today.

    Only Westminster can legislate for such a referendum, and Brown has adopted the far more sensible approach that Scottish separatism should be ignored until it goes away. The Tories were much more popular in Scotland when that was their line, and Brown clearly wants to fill the gap that they have left.

    So, what says David Cameron?

  17. David Lindsay, more rubbish from you, Scotland does not need permission from anyone,if Scotland votes for independence , it will happen as per UN rules, think Kosovo.You really need to get out more.

  18. Hilarious - this will run and run! It is quite correct to state that only Westminster can legislate, but if there is a credible referendum initiated by the Scottish Parliament then this will be impossible to ignore. Such a referendum won't be couched in Braveheart terms, Smart Alex is too smart for that!

  19. "Work that one out if you can," -- yes indeed the complete idiocy of this struck me as soon as I heard the news.

    One of your commentators says that only Westminbster can organise a referendum, well why is Alex Salmond promising one then later in the (Scottish) Parliament?

  20. After a look at his nutty blog, I reckon David Lindsay could act as a weathervane of wrongheaded internet whackjobbery. Any position he takes can be safely assumed to be wrong. He's evilly stupid, to 'Neil Clark' levels.

    Needless to say, some Internet wacko claiming that the right of self-determination doesn't apply to Scotland doesn't make it the case.

  21. What was disappointing is that during PMQs, Dave asked Grabber about this and Grabber turned to the SNP and accused them of talking up a referendum yet backing out when in power...and Dave did NOT jump on this re Lisbon, but stuck to the script.

    Sinecures all round!

  22. @Roger Thornhill

    The SNP said they would hold a referendum in 2010. It's written into their 2007 manifesto.

    Brown lied. No suprise there, and the Speaker let him off. No suprise there either.

    From the Scotsman

    "Deputy leader of the Scottish National Party's parliamentary group Stewart Hosie later raised a point of order accusing Mr Brown of inadvertently misleading the House over the Scottish Government's plans for a referendum.

    Mr Hosie told MPs: "The Prime Minister said the Scottish Government was seeking to 'postpone a referendum in 2010/11' and that the Scottish Government was acting 'against its manifesto'.

    "That manifesto was explicit in setting out a timetable for that referendum in 2010 and in misrepresenting this, I fear the Prime Minister has inadvertently misled the House.

    "Far from the referendum being delayed or a manifesto promise broken it is one the Scottish Government intends to keep."

    Speaker Michael Martin said the point of view of the Scottish Government and First Minister had now been put on the record and matters should be left there."

    However part of the problem for Brown and Wendy is that he can't support her call for a Scottish referendum without laying himself open to calls for a European one.

    It's just fudge and bottling all round.

  23. "if there is a credible referendum initiated by the Scottish Parliament"

    It can't. The Scotland Act deliberately precludes it. If you don't like that, then you should have voted No to devolution. Did you?

    Who would have a vote in this referendum? Everyone on the electoral register in Scotland? Which one? The local government one with all resident EU nationals on it?
