Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Labour Voters Want Shot of Brown

No one should be surprised when your political opponents call for your resignation. But when 55% of your own voters want shot of you, you know you are in trouble. Tonight's Populus poll for The Times makes grim reading for the Prime Minister. The eleven point Tory lead is the largest Populus has ever recorded. Perhaps even more worrying for Labour is this finding from the poll...
The number who trust Mr Brown and Alistair Darling most to deal with economic problems has fallen to 30 per cent, down from 43 per cent in mid-March and 61 per cent in early September.

Still, there is some solace for Gordon Brown. Chris Paul reports that tractor production continues to rise.


  1. Tractor production is indeed up, and is at a much higher rate than at any point during the previous Conservative government.

    Also, this poll is full of lies, and the Conservatives made me sell that gold.

  2. A fantastic result Iain, especially now Cameron and Osborne are polling higher on the economy.

  3. Cameron's clip on the 10 O'Clock News shows just how vulnerable he is - he claims he is ready to govern at a moment's notice, yet he repeatedly refused to answer a simple question from a member of the public.

  4. Noooo Broon must STAY!.....Stay until the next general election where McLabour get booted out by landslide!!!!.

  5. Anon @11.14

    And when Brown answers a single question from anyone, I might consider him worthy of being PM.

  6. How exactly do Labour go about ditching their leader, is it a fixed number of signatories to someone, is it their National Executive or what?

  7. It would be insane to get rid of the PM yet. There is a economic downturn. It would be better to wait till the downturn has gone then give the next leader a honeymoon period when he can be PM during improving times for the economy.

  8. And, as the inestimable Chris Paul has pointed out.....

    Sorry, just realised he has never said anything worth listening to. Don't know what came over me. I'll get my coat.

  9. Well darling, we're in the shit.

    Yes Gordon.

    The voters don't trust either of us
    to to deal with economic problems

    Yes Gordon

    One of us will have to go.

    Yes Gordon.

    You shouldn't have done that 10p tax cut thing.

    But.. It was ..i mean ..

    Goodbye Ex Chancellor Darling.

  10. Brown would go if he was offered Presidency of Europe, or Deputy Head of the IMF. Anything less would be too big a climbdown.

    The next occupant of No 10 will have to refinish the paintwork from tracks of dragging fingernails.

    The smiles will no doubt get bigger and longer.

    The EU must have something to offer him in gratitude for the Lisbon sell-out. Maybe Peter Mandelson needs a Deputy!

  11. "Tractor production is indeed up, and is at a much higher rate than at any point during the previous Conservative government."

    When are the wingnuts going to STOP saying this? It wasn't funny at first, now it's even worse with repetition.

    BTW, leave the spoofs to Private Eye and such other people as are actually good at parody.

  12. You can give Gordon a further hint about his future by voting in Madam Tussaud's on-line poll as to whether they want him in their wax works. The only pity is they don't give the option of having him in as a target in a rifle range.

  13. Accusing Cameron of not answering a question is a bit rich when NuLabour and Brown in particular have NEVER answered a straight question in their whole existence without subterfuge,obfustication and at times downright untruths.

    Sorry all you labour anymongs but your time in Government is coming to an end. You've had a "good" innings(well that bit rather depends on your point of view) - you've screwed up the country;wrecked the economy and got us into 2 pointless and unwinnable wars and lost whatever influence this country has ever had in foreign affairs) so please do us all a favour and try not to make out Gordon actually has a chance of being elected PM at the next election(bearing in mind he's not actually been elected PM at the moment or won an election in his own right)and just go off and have a nice career in the media or a left wing think tank somewhere and earn lots and lots of money to assuage your liberal consciences and give the electorate a break from the whole lot of you

  14. Vote here, vote often:


    Madame Tussauds is giving YOU the chance to decide whether Prime Minister Gordon Brown should be immortalised in the world famous attraction.

  15. Only 55 percent? There's something wrong with that poll.

  16. Just who is Chris Paul? I had a quick look at his blog a few moments ago and he is one sick puppy. Totally obsessed with what Iain does and says, the whole blog is laced with vicious bile without a trace of humour. Reading this chronology of hatred reminds me very much of the old Pravda reporting on Western debauchery - totally depressing! Certainly needs help! I could recommend a psychiatrist friend to sort him out! Reminds me of Gordon in a way.

  17. Iain,

    I recieved a spyware warning from Chris Paul's site.

    Please don't direct your readers to sites which can compromise one's PC!

  18. I had a look at Chris Paul's weblog, for the first (and probably last) time. Extraordinary. The man obviously wants to write but doesn't have anything to say.

    Reminds me of a neighbour of mine who installed a very large grand piano in a very small living room and was an obsessive correspondent on the subject of launderettes.

  19. Some sort of nemesis concept perhaps? It's a bit like what happened when the Tories melted down.

    Or maybe he's like an unfunny Poly Tonybee [I still say that name sounds too posh for someone on the left, give it back and change your name to Smith or Jones or something Pol...]

  20. Iain,

    How proud you must be to note that the Great Leader himself is commenting on your blog.

    I'm certain that Gordon Brown's Diary will very soon become essential (or if not essential then at least compulsory) reading.


    I commend it to the House

  21. My security suite flagged up a block of spyware when I clicked through to the Chris Paul site .... interesting !
    Won't bother following your links there in future, Iain.

  22. "Cameron's clip on the 10 O'Clock News shows just how vulnerable he is - he claims he is ready to govern at a moment's notice, yet he repeatedly refused to answer a simple question from a member of the public".

    Sounds like verbage coming from Polly Toynbee or Steve Richards' stable! Cameron does not have to say anything. Boris' win and Tories win should say a lot. The rest Wendy Alexander, 10P tax fiasco and immigration will take care of!!!

  23. Non-Labour Voters Want Shot at Brown.

    P.S. High time Iain Dale and Chris 'Walter Mitty' Paul just ignored one other.

  24. From recollection, the Labour constitution says that the process for triggering a leadership election is suspended while the party is in government.

    Oh how the Thatcherites must regret missing that simple trick!

  25. I love the Chris Paul jibe.

  26. Thanks so very much for the link Iain. You're so clever it hurts sometimes. Polls come and polls go. You're sadly contributing daily to the corrosive cloud of cynicism this honest Lib Dem is banging on about.

  27. Honest? Lib Dem? Oxymoron!

    Chris Paul? Moron!

  28. Perhaps NASA could be persuaded to offer Brown a free ride.

  29. Labour has always favoured the principle of incumbents keeping their job no matter how incompetent they are. This is why Labour was historically pro-closed shop and anti-PRP, and viscerally remains so today.

    The Tories, as free marketeers, in contrast feel entitled to bin the leader if he proves ineffective.

  30. The Labour constitution says nothing of the sort by the way anon 10:28. It is true that nomination papers are not routinely distributed every year as they are supposed to be when in opposition.

    The number of members of the PLP (NB must be MPs) required to nominate is higher. 70-something, rather than 40-something when there is a vacancy.

  31. The penny has just dropped! Chis Paul comes from "Strangeways" - that is in Manchester of course!

  32. @Chris Paul:

    My apologies. The relevant rule is as follows:

    When the PLP is in government and the leader and/or deputy leader are prime minister and/or in Cabinet, an election shall proceed only if requested by a majority of party conference on a card vote.

    The net effect of this is much as I said: it is impossible to remove the leader when the party is in government.

  33. I agree about Chris paul Spyware allegations.

    No need for psychiatry. Call the cops.
