Sunday, May 04, 2008

Brown Questions Frank Field's Integrity

ADAM BOULTON: You would accept that Frank Field is a man of integrity?
GORDON BROWN: I would accept he is an expert in this field.

Expect Mr Field to react badly. Very badly.

UPDATE 10.48: Oh, God forgive me. The "I get up in the morning" line has resurfaced after being rested for a few days. It's also very interesting that he derides David Cameron's team for being "good salesmen". In business, that would be considered a compliment rather than an insult.

UPDATE 10.55: Incredible. A Sky Producer pressed a button to cut to adverts cutting off Gordon Brown in full flow. It was as if the producer thought people couldn't take any more of it!


  1. Are you watching too? My God that man Brown is dull. Defensive, charmless and apparently unable say sorry for anything.

  2. Boulton: 'the cabinet is a load of youngsters and pygmies'


  3. Only at half way stage with questionable comments re The Honourablw Mr Fields,10p, remarks on numbers to be recompensed and that Chancellor Darling will decide on fuel tax.

    What have they been doing for the alst 48hours?

    He has definitely lost the plot


  4. Its so hard to combat him because he is so dull. He does seem to believe that he will solve the economy, it's like haveing Lord Archer from the 1990's in charge.

  5. After watching Brown on Sky News reminds me of Fredric March as Willy Loman in 'Death of a Salesmam.'

  6. Either Andrew Marr was stung by the criticism of his recent fawning interview or he has decided it's time to start cosying up to the next government. Either way, it was a much less deferential and more probing performance this morning. Adam Boulton's reference to the "pygmies" in the cabinet was priceless. Brown was his usual repetitive, uninspiring self.

  7. The contrast of broken Brown with Alec Salmond on before was startling. Cutting business rates by 80%, freezing council tax for 3 years, more power to counils, slashing qangos and red tape, free education, no bridge tolls and getting rid of prescription charges. All this puts money back in people's pockets and is hugely popular. Listen and learn David Cameron.

  8. Respect Respect to the Sky Producer.....

  9. If I had a button that instantly delivered Craig Doyle I'd find it hard to resist pushing it too...

  10. Even with Marr and Boulton (friends!) interviewing him, Broon was absolutely useless.

    This man can never give a straight answer.

    It can only have served to deeepen the despair of Labour supporters and, particularly, labour MP's.

    I only hope that Cameron is up for the job. He should seriously study Tony Blair's demeanour at PMQ's towards Major (where he was merciless!)and resolve to turn the rachet on the attacks on Brown.

    Cameron must also tell the people just what he stands for. Let people start to believe that he IS the Prime Minister!

    I would also appreciate it if he was to, politely,tell the Speaker of the house off when he makes another of his partial judgements!

    Cameron must show he can LEAD and that means ridding himself of the poor performers (such as Maude!)

  11. Gorgo just doesn't get it!

    The man just does not understand that his continual rectoric droning on about the world economy does not help poor Joe punter when he is trying to carve his way through the complicated tax credit systems, rising taxation due to his ineptitude and miscalculation, rising petrol prices which are due to go up yet again by his tax increases, increases in the road tax, rising food prices when supermarkets are making massive profits (collusion?), rising council taxes and the list goes on!

    What does it say about the MP's that still support him?

    I just can't watch anymore!

  12. The Ad-Break cut off was amazing. I usually hate adverts but it saved me from smashing the TV.
    If being a 'good salesman' in this context means putting our policies across in a coherent way and seeing that people like them then yes, guilty.
    Yes Gordon we want GPs to be in charge of people's healthcare needs. He says it like its a bad thing, he's mental.

  13. Surley it was the interviewer who was questionning Field's integrity, not Brown. I think Brown was giving the question the disdain it deserved by not directly commenting on a colleague's integrity.

  14. Had a bit of a technical hitch, so not sure if my comment got through. Just in case it didn't, what I wanted to say was that it seems to me that it is the interviewer who has raised the question of Field's integrity, not Brown.

    Brown treated the question with the disdain it deserved: he could hardly be expected to question the integrity of a colleague on national TV, so why waste valuable interview time asking him to do so.

  15. Poor old Gordon, his re-launch suffered complete Launchpad failure this morning.

  16. Has anyone got a video of cutting to adverts, on cable and not got Sky News :(

  17. It is a real pity that neither Marr nor Boulton got Gordon to make a prediction on the Crewe and Nantwich by-election. I have a feeling the result will decide Gordon's fate.

    Judging by this morning's performance, he has not long to go as PM and he must sort out this 'clear as mud' 10p tax business immediately if Labour is to stand any chance.

  18. For a moment I thought that Gordon had "lost it" and launched a physical attack on Adam Boulting or had flounced off the set a la John Knott causing Sky to hurriedly cut transmission (the trailer for Thunderbirds International Rescue was something of a minor classic of timing - inadvertent or otherwise).

    I spent the commerial break waiting to see what would be the scene when they returned to the studio only to be met with the headlines, no mention of where Gordon was and moving on to an interview with Alan Duncan and Chris Huhne.

    Oh Dear - not the re -launch Brown was hoping for.

  19. I'll tell you who the best Rep on the planet is, it's Tony Blair. That's what he is. A great Rep that got lucky. I've always said that I wish he'd worked for me. Great at getting the deals but hopeless at follow up. Typical of a great rep. Never mind he'd get the business in and I would put in place a great support team to sort out the folow up.

  20. The Sky Producer should be on the carpet for not cutting him off well before the for once very welcome adverts.

    What is the point of McTwat?

    What is that lump on the left side of his jaw all about? Is he really the alien most folk think he is?
