Sunday, May 11, 2008

Being Nice About John Prescott

Do read Lesley White's interview with John & Pauline Prescott in today's Sunday Times. A classic of its genre. It almost makes me feel sorry for the old bruiser. Almost.


  1. Just when the Prime Minister must feel it can't get any worse in steps John Prescott with his famous two jabs to make things worse.

    Doesn't mince his words either describing the new Prime Minister as "annoying, bewildering and prickly!"

    Hardly a vote of confidence is it!

  2. To be honest reading his telling Blair to sack Gordon and advising Gordon to fight Blair he comes across as a backstabbing shite.

  3. Not me, Iain. It's disgusting. Aging hypocrites feather their cosy nests meanwhile telling the world to wear the hair shirt. Then they spend their dotage tryin to get the rest of us to feel sorry for them.

  4. I do not feel sorry for the 'two jags' Prescott. A big mansion with umpteen bedrooms, electric gate etc.. etc.. and he still calls himself 'a working class person'! Reading the interview it appears that Blair used him which serves him right. We should forget this fossilised politico.

  5. The "Sunday's" make unedifying reading - NuLabour "fixers"; Blairite ex-Ministers and the wife of the ex-PM.- they're all queuing up to put the boot into the "Dear Leader".

    It's payback time for that decade of the great sulk and boy are they going for it ! Prescott;Levy;Cherie and now Stephen Byers.

    Party discipline and fear of the leader/PM is what gains a party power and keeps it there; loss of it cost Labour 19 years in the wilderness; it will have cost the Conservatives almost 12 years by the time they regain power.

    If anyone needed a demonstration that Labour have conceded that the game is up and their time in Opposition beckons it's the number of Labour people rushing into print and the spectacle of the young pretenders - Miliband;Balls and Purnell studiously making seemingly supportive statements for Gordon whilst carefully positioning themselves for a leadership race once someone else has "wielded the dagger" and put Gordon out of his misery.

    It's a race between Frank Field and his colleagues voting down the Finance Bill or a deputation calling at No10 on 23 May to tell Gordon "his time is up". Has Geoff got more bottle than his boss ? The task can't be avoided much longer - no amount of make-up will disguise the fact that Gordon is a "dead -man walking!".

  6. now go wash your mouth out with soap ....!

    the tart deserves all the ridicule that he gets ...

    and more

  7. I don't like the buffoon, but his memoir does seem to have a whiff of candour about it that will be entirely absent from the Wide Mouthed Frog's recollections.

  8. Cometh the hour, cometh the man said...
    "it cost Labour 19 years in the wilderness; it will have cost the Conservatives almost 12 years by the time they regain power."

    19 years and 13 years.

  9. They are all equally foul and loathsome for a myriad of reasons.

    Just goes to show you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's (or boar's/bore's) ear...

    Now bck to your mansion-styes, we-are-working-class-bros-an'-sis's etc.

    Nauseating, twofaced, self-seeking, greedy, gluttonous, sanctimonious hypocrits - the lot of them!

  10. As you know I'm John's only supporter. Don't make any mistake without him Labour wouldn't have got in and he kept them there. I often wonder if Hattersley had been leader and Kinnock his deputy what would have happened.
    freedom to prosper

  11. a classic of its kind, as you say. skewering him, right in his own living room. (is that a word? if not, it should be). but mainly i get the feeling that there's a second layer of revelations that prescott is dying to tell if the right journalist came along - both politically and, deeply obviously, personally. this is probably far too 'psych 101' but i think he's in need of an emetic interview to get rid of all the crap he feels he's had to swallow for all those years as a reluctant bridesmaid to new labour.

  12. anonymous 2:42

    So prescott is responsible for this shower?

  13. there's a second layer of revelations

    I want to hear Clarissa Dixon Wright's Edinburgh and barrister stories ....

  14. Sorry for Prescott ?

    Get a grip Dale - Prescott is a prime example of the disgusting, unprincipled, selfish, dishonest, shameless, and ultimately hopeless government that has been forced on us by the New Labour lies. ( Of to find a darkened room to sit quitely in for a bit ...)

  15. hmm, so - domestic violence against men is a joke once again is it?

    wonder what the reaction from the DV lobby groups would have been if he suggested choking her for having an affair?

  16. He tried to mediate between Gordon and Tony. he urged Tony Blair to sack Gordon Brown.. And he urged Brown to resign and fight from the back benches.

    As I thought, Brown and Blair paid as much attention to him as we all did.

  17. Yes, gosh I nearly do feel sorry for the old chap. But then I think, hang on, Cherie Blair, John Prescott, Campbell and Levy - they were all in it for the third way weren't they?

    Or are they all dashing off their memoirs, half baked, half finished, to just make some money?

    Are they really just immoral, greedy, rapacious bitches desperate to kick a man when he's down just to make a quick buck?

    These are disgusting sub humans who need to crawl back under their stones for another hundred years.

  18. Why would you feel sorry for this self-justifying, money-grabbing, sexual predatory, piss-taking, pathetic, disgusting disgarce of a man. He makes my skin crawl and I wish he would hurry up and depart the scene. Preferably in a coffin!

    This is a classic piece of spin designed to sell books, make him (yet more) money, and create sympathy for this foul nauseating man. You (almost) fell for it.

    I wonder how much his pension will be when he steps down - living the life of Reiley at my expense.

    The man has never done a single thing worthy of any note, yet he has bled the tax payer dry during his lifetime of (self) service!

    He disgusts me to my core, and I'd love to have just five minutes to tell him exactly what I think of him!

  19. Prescott is saying he is "annoying, bewildering and prickly!".
    So what. He is PM not your drinking buddy.

  20. dirty european socialist said...

    So What? Using a lot of 'so what's' recently DES. Is your drinking buddy Ed Balls/

  21. " his castle, complete with turrets, eight bedrooms, servants’ staircase and electric gates (needs must); which is not bad going for the son of a maid who failed his 11-plus. "

    Clearly being a ships steward, union rep and failed politician are more rewarding than one might suppose.

  22. Personally, I think the M&S Trifle has more morals than 2 Barfs.

  23. Adrian Yelland said:

    He disgusts me to my core, and I'd love to have just five minutes to tell him exactly what I think of him!

    I once told Prescott just that, Adrian.

    Prescott came to Old Harlow a couple of years ago to see the first section of one of the huge estates being dumped on our part of town. There was a publicity black out on this here, but a friend of mine in the north rang me to say that she'd heard on the radio that he visiting Harlow.

    I just knew he had to be visiting the development above the flood plain my cottage is on, so took my lunch hour for a change, modified the reverse of an anti-Blair/anti-Iraq invasion poster I had in my car and went to greet him.

    On arrival at the estate, sure enough, there was a large hospitality marquee. That's where he has to be, I thought, so I waited outside. There were lots of security people and they made me stand with the media people, away from the marquee on the other side of the security chain. The media people asked me why I was there. To tell Two Jags where to stuff his development plans and himself, I told them, little thinking that I'd have the chance.

    "This 'as the wow factor", said Two Jags from inside the hospitality tent, "now I 'ave a vision!"

    This - award winning - development is a vision alright, Adrian. From its main sewer that floods raw sewage into the stream a few yards from my house to the experimental Suds (un)Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems which flood my street, roads and the flood plain all around it, raises the level of streams and underground aquifers, it's a real wow.

    I didn't think I'd get near enough to Presa for him to hear me, however, when he came out of the tent, red faced and smiling lop sidedly and I ran towards him, a large scrum of media people surrounded me protectively and ran with me like my personal body guard. We ran straight for the security cordon which scattered in disaray.

    So I came face to face with Two Jags as his body guards tried to rush him away - and I, politely but firmly, told him his life history.

    Don't you want to speak to one of the ordinary people of Harlow? Well you're going to, I shouted. Go home, Mr Prescott, you greedy man, find some other stooges to pay your massive pension. We don't want you or your massive development in our town. If you're as concerned about homeless people as you claim to be, why don't you give them one of your three mansions? How dare you do this to us in Harlow without consultation!

    Presa stopped, gave me one of his famous evil expressions, then, on the pretence of blowing me a kiss, blew a raspberry at me :)

  24. norman said...
    I do not feel sorry for the 'two jags' Prescott. A big mansion with umpteen bedrooms, electric gate etc.. etc.. and he still calls himself 'a working class person'!

    The only time I heard Prescott talking about class, which does seem to preoccupy some people; he said ‘We’re all middle class now”

  25. Anonymous said...
    " his castle, complete with turrets, eight bedrooms, servants’ staircase and electric gates (needs must); which is not bad going for the son of a maid who failed his 11-plus. " "Clearly being a ships steward, union rep and failed politician are more rewarding than one might suppose"

    Honestly! That Prescott! Wouldn't you just expect that he'd be keeping coal in a tin bath out in the back yard, and crapping in an outside privy?

    He's worked hard and earned for himself a decent property mate, as opposed to inheriting the family pile and fortune. Get over your snotty jealous self.

  26. Does this sudden surge of memoirs mean that some publishers think that Gordo will not be there in the Autumn when these books should have been published? Hence the books sales then would have been much reduced.

  27. Ref: Anonymous 9:33
    John Prescott, the ex-ship's steward, ex-union organiser and former Deputy Prime Minister, has done very well for himself (which cannot be said for the National Union of Seamen or the houses in the way of his "Pathfinder" buldozers).

    As a socialist he will have been committed to lifting people out of poverty, regrettably it seems to have only applied to himself!

    What many ordinary people get fed up with is the way that left wing politicians go on about the redistribution of wealth yet build up eyewatering money and property portfolios. Those of us who think about such things ask themselves where this money comes from? The more we look in to it the more the stench of hypcrisy and self interest reaches our nostrils.

    A modest bugalow and a decent retirement pension for this "man of the people" perhaps? Oh, no, lets 'ave a few more turrets and a bigger croquet lawn, shall we?"

  28. Collen - good for you! Well done.

    Anon@9.33; are you mad. He has not worked hard. He was sacked from his job as a steward on the ships under very dubious and suspicious grounds, and has declined to say what those grounds are. I could tell you, but sadly I am no longer able to stand it up....but I know the truth.

    He then used the unions to get himself a safe seat, and he has not ceased to feather his own nest ever since. He even uses his position to feather his children's nest.

    He doesn't deserve his wealth or his pension. He deserves nothing at all and I wish he would hurry up and leave the scene to enjoy a hopefully short retirement.

  29. Seaxe

    And two new jags, one for Pauline's hair? I totally agree with all you say. The whole nulab decade has been shot through with the stench of the foulest hypocrisy and corruption.

    But retribution day draws near at last. How wonderful it is to see nulabbers pecking each others' eyes out and goggling each other whole as opposed to feasting on us.

  30. Quite right seaxe. When/if the Tories get in next time we'll be looking at the books to make severe economies. Those left wingers should only be earning a couple of hundred a week max. That's all they're used to anyway, ex bloody accountants, teachers and business men eh? Not the Tories of course; they are used to a superior standard of living and should be paid shed loads more to upkeep their inherited estates, the missis in those Smythson handbags and their ‘researchers’. But keep sucking up, or ‘aspiring’ as you’d prefer to call it.

  31. Did Pauline get a discount from Marks ?


  32. "and he has not ceased to feather his own nest ever since. He even uses his position to feather his children's nest"

    One word. Conway.

    "bigger croquet lawn"??

    Many people have gardens big enough to play croquet on, and I've played it myself, is it a big deal? We play bowls on ours.LOL

  33. Annon@6.01/6.30....yawn!

    What about Conway? He is a scum bag as well. Your point is......what exactly?

    For the record: I don't despise Prescott because:

    1. he is working class
    2. he is fat
    3. he is a twat
    4. he is a member of the Labour party

    I despise him because:

    1. He has spent his entire career pretending to represent a sectional group of people whom he ultimately betrayed

    2. He spent almost his entire life living off the state, and will continue to do so until they shove his fat chubby face in a wooden box, and he expects us to thank him for his years of 'public service'

    3. He is a sexual predator who has sexually assaulted women who 'for the sake of the party' said nothing. Shame, because if some had gone public he would probably have been sent away.

    4. He has no self control - whether it is sex, food or anger - the man is out of control. But it's John isn;t it - so that's all right then!

    5. We have been paying the smug arse a fat salary and expenses, and giving him a prestigious department of State costing millions as DPM for doing nothing except acting as a marriage counsellor between Brown and Blair! Why?

    6. As DPM he made some of the worst political decisions and implemented some of the worst political policies in history.

    7. He has a chip on his shoulder that is so wide, he is unable to see beyond his own prejudices. Every MP has friends on the other benches. Even the Bolsover Bulldog is well liked on the Tory side. Prescott is universally hated - even most on his own benches hate him because he is so chippy.

    8. He thinks the world owes him a living. It doesn't.

    9. He cannot stand being disagreed with, is petty minded and arrogant beyond belief.

    10. I know something about him which I cannot share because I can no longer stand it up, but if I was able to, it would destroy his credibility, make a mockery of everything he purports to stand for, and would have seen him go to prison when he 'left' his job as a steward!

    Finally, the difference between most (not all, but most) rich Tory MPs and Labour MPs is that the Tory MPs mostly made the money themselves through hard work and ingenuity. People like Prescott got rich sucking the tits of the taxpayer, getting fat at my expense!!

  34. Auntie Flo. "The whole nulab decade has been shot through with the stench of the foulest hypocrisy and corruption.

    But retribution day draws near at last. How wonderful it is to see nulabbers pecking each others' eyes out and goggling each other whole as opposed to feasting on us".

    Auntie Flo. You are right, and it's so reminiscent of Thatcher, Major, Hague, IDS and Howard? Such happy days, I bet you remember them well. Next time you're sat in the hairdressers, (you know you can afford it with the extra cash Labour have given you - go on, borrow a bit from your winter fuel allowance) pick up the latest telly mag. You'll be able to read about Michael Howard and his wife appearing on a second rate z lister programme, desperately trying to convince the public what a nice (night) guy he is. And - unbelievably - standing in for the Archers!! Tories - talk about desperation! Pretending to be just like you!! Ordinary!!

  35. Adrian, you could have just said that, in your most worthy and highly esteemed opinion of yourself, Prezza is a No No for you. No need to lose your temper, swear, make allegations 'that won't stand up' and write yards and boring yards. Crikey, as Boris would say, was it something I said.....?
    Transfer the diatribe onto your own blog mate - someone may even care.

  36. Adrian Yalland said...
    Very nice comeback. Well said.

    He is probably the winner of 'The most useless New Labour member'.
    An impressive achievemnt against some very stiff competition.

  37. Anon@8.25. That's not losing my temper- that's just 'my humble opinion'!

    As for 'not being able to stand it up' - I wish it could, but the person who could confirm the story, and provide the paperwork to boot died last year!

    As for the rest - well, stop making silly comments like he has worked hard to make something of himself (unless you mean in the same way that a leach works hard sucking blood), and you won't have me writing yards of reposte!

    There are few people who deserve such a responce, but John Pisspot is one of them!

  38. Adrian Yalland said ...
    "He was sacked from his job as a steward on the ships under very dubious and suspicious grounds, and has declined to say what those grounds are."

    It wasn't for the same reason that Harold Macmillan was expelled from Eton was it?

  39. Adrian Yalland said ...
    "Finally, the difference between most (not all, but most) rich Tory MPs and Labour MPs is that the Tory MPs mostly made the money themselves through hard work and ingenuity."

    Ha, Ha.

  40. Oh Dear, Anon, you missed the point, I am not singling out Labour politicians for my distaste but you have to admit JP is a bit of a stonker when it comes to snout in trough. I knew JP when he was known as the "Mouth of the Humber". Many I know found that their jobs in the Merchant Navy were threatened and eventually lost because of JP's blind militancy. The thicko didn't forsee the day when shipowners would get fed up with union activities and "flag out" their ships and recruit foreign crews. He just wanted political power. I would be happy to see ALL politicians retire on a reasonable pension but I object to them making millions from the taxpayer, particularly when they can approve their own pay, expenses and pensions.

    As for JP's legacy, politically he is a joke, finacially I bet there are some pretty slick accountants working out how he can pass it all on "safely".

    There was a time when politicians would write their memoirs and leave them to be published after their death. Now we have ghost written, sensationalised versions rushed in to print to make the maximum profit and hawked around like a tart on a street corner.

  41. "Don't you want to speak to one of the ordinary people of Harlow? Well you're going to, I shouted. Go home, Mr Prescott, you greedy man"

    Well done Colleen

  42. anon@11.10. No, it wasn't for buggery. As far as I am aware, Pisspot is, in sexual matters at least, as straight as a die!
