Sunday, April 06, 2008

Tories Exploit Labour Confusion over Beer Tax

Click on image to enlarge

These are beer mats produced by CCHQ to exploit the divisions which are appearing over Labour's tax policies. Anyone gotr an idea for the 10p tax rate abolition?


  1. “My Tax rises do not accurately reflect my people's views.”

  2. Sorry, O/T...
    Oh dear, Emily Maitliss has just told me that 'The Sugababes' have pulled out from the O2 Olympic Torch bash... with less than 2-3 hours to go. Could Gordon's weekend get any worse?
    I expect he's looking forward to getting back to work on Monday.

  3. bill quango mp @4:07...

    “My Tax rises do not accurately reflect my people's views.”


  4. Robbing Brown, Robbing Brown, Riding through the glen;
    Robbing Brown, Robbing Brown and his band of men,
    Stole from the poor - gave to the rich -
    Silly Bitch....

    Apologies to M. Python.

  5. picture of a ten pence piece on one side, with the words

    "the working class can kiss my A*se..."

    the flip side with a picture of Gordon

    "...I've got the foreman's job at last!"

  6. 10p, or not 10p: that is the question:
    Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
    The blings and Jarrows of Nu-Labreous fortune,
    Or to take bribes against a sea of troubles,
    And by opposing end them Tories?

    To lie; to keep; so more; and by a keep to say we end
    The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
    That cash is Blair to, 'tis a consumption
    Devoutly to be wish'd.

    To lie, to keep; To keep: perchance to cream:

    Ay, there's the rub;
    For in that heap of debt what creams may come?

    When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
    Must give us pause; there's the Respect
    That makes ubiquity of so long strife.

    For who would bear the Whips and scorns of slime,
    The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
    The pangs of despised love, the law's delaying.
    The Insolence of Office and the spurns
    That Patient demerit of the worthy takes...

    ...and Will says it all...

    To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
    But that the dread of something other than death,
    That undiscover'd country from whose bourne
    No traveller returns, puzzles the will
    And makes us rather bear those ills we have
    Than fly to others that we know not of?
    Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;
    And thus the native hue of resolution
    Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
    And enterprises of great pith and moment
    With this regard their currents turn awry,
    And lose the name of action.--Soft you now!
    The fair Ophelia! Nymph, in thy orisons
    Be all my sins remember'd.


  7. ok, where do I get a supply?

  8. Side one, OAP scanning latest CC bill,

    "Thanks to the abolition of the 10p tax rate Under a Labour Government I now pay £231 more tax a year on my total income, including my Old Age Pension, of £7,800"

    Side two

    A grinning Ed Balls

    "So what?"

  9. By the way, the "totalitarian regime" here in Beijing has just unblocked Blogspot. And the BBC. Having spent 20 years teaching IT and English to everyone, I guess it was a bit of a waste of time anyway!

  10. How about:

    "If Carlsberg formed a political party, it would form the Libertarian Party"?

  11. Last year you paid 10p of each pound to pay for your Labour MP's expenses. This year you pay 20p.

  12. Not so sure about that Roger! Just imagine how many lefties we'd have jumping up and down shouting "the Libertarian Party are corporate stooges", just like they do to Spiked Online now.

  13. If only you lot opposed the illiberal smoking ban. Since taxes are both inevitable & necessary I think most people will have some doubt if the Conservatives would really get rid of them but coasters against the smoking ban would be both popular & credible.

    Ones with a few quotes from eminent scientist saying there is no evidence passive smoking kills would work.

  14. I suggest -

    Tax paid on a pint in the House of Commons bars - 0p

    Tax paid on the pint standing on this mat - 77p (I think that is correct)

  15. Join the Facebook group to ban the Chancellor here

  16. Iain.

    Round Beer Mat. Looks like a TEN PENCE COIN.

    Broons face (picking his nose!)

    above the head: "Robin Hood robbed the rich to help the poor!"

    Below the head: "Brown robs the poor!"

  17. Ian, the reason people slag off Shite Online is it's a load of utter tat.

    And I'm drinking (cider) now, so don't start.

    If I'm capable of posting and can be arsed, maybe I'll come back when I've seriously had it.

    BTW, my dad's name is Ian. But I don't think you're my dad.

  18. ScotsToryB said...

    To lie, to keep; To keep: perchance to cream:


  19. Yes Gordon Brown as the Sheriff of Nottingham - he robbed from the poor to give to the rich.

  20. @asquith: "A social and economic liberal who...believes that the Lib Dems are the heirs of the liberal heroes of old"


  21. Tax up, economy down.

    Who's prudent now?

  22. "Here's your starter for ten..." BG (Bamber Gascoine) University Challenge.

    "Here goes your starter for ten..."
    GB (Gordon Brown) Universally Challenged

  23. Dear Ian,

    "a thoughtful libertarian"

    There's no such thing. "Libertarianism" is unworkable nonsense that would cause total disaster if anyone were ever stupid enough to try it out. Appeals only to teenagers and blinkered dogmatists who have no understanding of how the real world works.

    Thanks so much for trying.

  24. I think I may have found what you are looking for.

    Low pay, high tax - your shout!

  25. Well, taxing for change is a slippery slope. Just look to Norway, where having coca cola in a bar is about the same price as having a beer, sometimes even more expensive (if calculated for price per pint). The logic? Drinking too much coca cola is bad for your teeth, teeth/liver no big difference there - the government must be responsible for the whole human being (some nasty stuff in diet coke as well, mind you), and all this responsibility requires better funding, which requires higher taxes etc etc...
