Thursday, April 03, 2008

Government Removes Swastika Logo

A few hours ago I wrote about the above government logo HERE. In a comment on that thread I predicted they'd remove the page and say "Nothing to see here, move along please". Well, my powers of foresight are greater than I had imagined. Now you can only see the page if you have a password. The Progressive Summit is still taking place tomorrow. I suspect a Conference Staging company is working overnight (at our expense) redoing all the backdrops.


  1. As I also said earlier. You won't see it again.

    What I find interesting is how the Government responded.

    We now know they routinely scan blogs like this for stories. We know they employ party apparatchiks as anonymous or ad hoc posters. We know they usually panic first and plan afterwards.

    This time, the "strategy" (if you can call a couple of panic measures a strategy) was to firstly try and trivialise your story or to suggest it was a non story or in this case, to turn the story on its head and somehow imply that you are a Nazi for actually spotting this.

    This must be policy because it happens nearly every time you run stories like this that subsequently turn out to have substance. Someone always turns up who has never posted before or who does not have a credible identity - an "ad hoc" poster - in this case it seems to be someone calling himself "Martyn"
    He has all the hallmarks of a Nulab cyberthug.

    It does not matter what "Martyn" says because he created the identity for one purpose only and that was to trash the story. We have no idea who he is, but he will probably pop up as someone else tomorrow.

    Someone has pulled the plug on the url. Does that imply panic and guilt or does the Pope pooh in the Woods?

    Let me repeat. That logo will not be seen again with members of the Government present.

    Well done Iain, you have earned your pennies this week.

  2. Now it looks like the Gordian Knot.


  3. Gordon brown totally had Camermoron today at PMQ's. He was urbane and witty and his replies to the silly 'answer the quetion Brown' from that toff were a joy to behold.

    You called this one wrong again Dale!
    Brown -6 Camerwrong - 2 Clugg -3

    OH bugger.. I've posted two weeks early..

  4. Labour PR have turned Bean into Flick.

  5. We know they employ party apparatchiks as anonymous or ad hoc posters.

    You are employed by the (insert whatever you like) to post your ridiculous self-serving rubbish.

    Gets us anywhere?

    This site is RIDICULOUS!!!

  6. It doesn't look like a swastika to me. Maybe I don't spend enough time brooding on Nazism.

    And anyway, the swastika is a perfectly respectable Hindu symbol. Hitler's use of it is contrary to its true purpose. The original swastika is not tainted.

  7. Isn't the real scandal that HM Government resources and letter paper (No 10's) are being used for politics ?

    Promoting progressive government is politics - Labour party politics.

    Sir Gus should be asked to look into this !

  8. links to this post not working...
    ze secret police or tempering viz dalez bleg.

  9. Prosperity for what - facism?

  10. @tapestry: It's working for me.

  11. You may see a swastika if that is what you were looking for.

    Of course if you knew anything about the Nazis you would know that they were not above seeing non existent images of all sorts of things in their opponents works.

  12. Sorry, that is preposterous - "if you are looking for a swastika", Yeah, like I routinely go around looking for them. What an idiot.

  13. Do you think the graphic designer was colourblind? Or just had rather extreme views...

  14. What more proposterous than your New Labour Macht Frei comment!

    Stay off the Nazi/Stalin analogies until you know what they mean. There are idiots on the left that made all sorts of similarly stupid comparisons - but since when have two wrongs made a right.

  15. What a blunder - big time!!

  16. It does look like a swastika when its small, but the bigger it gets the more it looks like a 'box with arrows'. It wouldn't look like a swastika at all if it wasn't for the spiral in deep purple in the middle.

    Looks like a swastika yes. Deliberate, probably no.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. From Stlin to Hitler in a few months!

    I know our Dear Leader is trying to present himself as more right wing to Middle England, but this is ridiculous!

  19. Yes, and the pathways in Hyde Park look like a satanic pentagram if you look at them closely. Seriously. Get a hobby.
