Friday, April 04, 2008

The Denazification of Gordon's Logo

The running saga of the Nazi logo continues. As predicted, they removed the original (above) and have now replaced it with this gorgeous little page.

And who says bloggers don't have any influence? The laughable thing was the Labour spinners pretending that the original really didn't look anything like a Swastika. No one has yet been able to explain how it got through the vetting process, or maybe there wasn;t one. Another sign of the chaos that rules in Downing Street, or is another sign of Gordon having the reverse midas touch - i.e. anything he touches becomes a disaster?

More on the Summit from Guido, and The Devil has some kind words (and a great redesign of his own).


  1. Wonderful to behold the masters of the universe on one of their daily cock ups. These people want us to believe they can run the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, the Inland Revenue, and the NHS, to name but a few. And they can't even choose a bleeding letterhead.

  2. So it's not enough for NeuLab to create a totalitarian state, they have plant subliminal Nazi messages in order to make sure you really understand what's going down.

    My God, these ferhkers have got to be nailed and shown up to be the neo fascists that they actually are.

  3. Gordon's foecal touch more like.

  4. This story would be alright except for the fact that the logo doesn't look remotely like a swastika.

  5. Are you serious???! Why on earth do you think they changed it then? Just for the hell of it?

  6. Gosh - chaos eh? A much overused word nowadays - especially by hysterical types methinks.

  7. Whilst I commend you, Iain for "outing" this. It would have been far better to have said nothing until Gordon had been photographed in front of the image at the conference and then raise the issue

    And as for Ivy - he/she is obviously either colour blind(that's being charitable) or part of the NuLabour Black Ops Team !

  8. More than just being a Labour cock up it's a sad comment on the educational level of the tossers who designed it in the first place. Apart from the usual trolls who've gone into denial mode immediately, the swastika resemblance has been pretty widely recognised. Why didn't the designers pick it up? Too busy gazing at their Che posters I suppose.

  9. I think I preferred the swastika to Gordon's mug. He looks like he has had a stroke

  10. Any normal competent organisation changes or chooses new logos very carefully and checks them out before they use them.

    Nuff said.

  11. CCO Order of the Day

    Whatever you do don't mention the war - whoops we meant Lewis Chester

  12. Funny how you don’t seem to have the Nazi logo with the back ground of the front end page.

    Gudio and Devil Nazi logo does look very un orginal and hobbled together.



    The Current logo is the orginal, the Nazi one has been made up by Paddy Boy Guido

  13. Sorry, but I'm just not seeing it. A vague passing resemblance maybe, but that's it.

    Nothing to get worked up over. If you hadn't mentioned the link I would never have associated it with a swastika.

    Are you serious???! Why on earth do you think they changed it then? Just for the hell of it?

    For the obvious reasons.

  14. gn said...
    Whilst I commend you, Iain for "outing" this. It would have been far better to have said nothing until Gordon had been photographed in front of the image at the conference and then raise the issue

    And as for Ivy - he/she is obviously either colour blind(that's being charitable) or part of the NuLabour Black Ops Team !

    April 04, 2008 4:10 PM

    NO GN


  15. Can the Labour apologists just **** off. This OBVIOUSLY looks like a Swastika. For you lot to try to insult our intelligence by claiming it doesn't is a bit like telling us that "Gordon Brown has put an end to boom and bust".

  16. Labour apologists being stoopid.
    if it was not a swastika, you can be sure the Party would have said so..

    Even I could see it : and I'm old, grey and long sighted.

    But Labour apologists are short sighted idiots I guess who don't mind coming onto a blog and posting puerile carp...:-)

  17. In any event, it illuminates more Brownesque lefty arrogance. It is not his business, nor the business of any government, to be "promoting prosperity". (How're this month's tractor production figures, Gordo? In line with the current Five Year Plan?)

    That is the business of business and he should get his sticky fingers out of business people's hair. I don't believe this individual has a background in business, if I am not wrong? I don't believe he has ever held a job in the business sector, if I am not wrong? So what is he doing "promoting" something he doesn't understand any more than he understands quantum physics or nuclear medicine?

    Ignorance and arrogance. A marriage made in hell.

  18. zaNuLabour want to pick up those BNP 2nd preference votes.

  19. Iain

    Just to let you know that on Look East tonight they aired the comments by Hillary Benn on coastal defences (or lack of them) regarding the happisburgh area. he said it was a question of cost blah blah

    didnt stop the govt protecting his dads gaff

    its not right mate. i live near stalham and am incensed by this shit heap govts comments

  20. It's not just the visuals; the whole Project is riven with fascist and authoritarian usages.

    'New Dawn', the 'Third Way', the 'Third Sector,' etc. Where do you think these words come from Anon. @4.46? What models of society are they drawing on? It is difficult to deny deliberate use of echoic imagery by New Labour's propagandists. The swastika on the red ground was just more instantly recognised and widespread in its impact, but they all belong to state authoritarianism of the left.

  21. Thanks for explaining what a reverse midas touch was Iain, otherwise I'd never have understood. Duh.

  22. Hello, HG! Spot-on post!

  23. Doesn't resemble a swastika, eh?

    Take a look HERE and think again.

    So, Gordon is the reverse Midas. Reverse "midas" and you get "sad 'im", which seems apt, somehow...

  24. I think that those would could not see the swastika had better go to 'specsave'...

  25. Sky News Clip
    Frosty Greeting
    There's a short Wii football game advert before the clip.

  26. I blogged a post linked to this, and it was linked to by

    so far 10,000 hits on it in 12 hours from round the world.
