Friday, April 04, 2008

The Dementor Becomes Demented

Do you remember when Steve Wright was on Radio 1 and he had a character called Mr Angry? Mr Angry's payoff line was "I'm so angry, I could throw the phone down".

Well this story is the sort of thing you might expect to read here, or on Guido, not on the FT Westminster blog. Shows you it's not just right wing bloggers who reckon Gordon Brown is, well, not quite the full shilling.
"Apparently Gordon Brown recently got through three mobile phones in one week by hurling them against the wall in anger. Could be nonsense. However, the fact that it seems even remotely believable is a sign of the times."
Fruitcake, anyone?


  1. Well this sort of thing has me wanting to throw phones at the wall:
    ..killers get four years.

    Four years, what a sick joke.

  2. A friend in the know suggested that he used to do the same with computer keyboards when he was Chancellor...

  3. Calm down Mrs Dale.

    I think You will find the reason Gordon frequently trashes his phones is because no one calls him.

    Gordon no mates.

  4. I lost 2 mobiles last week...what does that say about me?!

  5. I bet he will claim all three on expenses!!!

  6. Were the phones government property?

    I think we ought to know

  7. The worrying thing is that Brown has a mobile phone at all. All his calls should have civil servants listening in and providing support.

  8. Sorry to be troublesome two nights in succession, but whether the story is true or not is the crucial point, and until that is established, it is irresponsible to run with this story.
    I despise Gordon Brown and feel that it should be obvious to everyone that he does not have the qualities to be PM. Indeed this is the reason why so many in his own party struggled to avoid it.
    But if he was unpopular because he was black or gay or Jewish or Islamic, would you publish unsubstantiated accusations just because they sounded like the sort of thing the person would have done?
    This is what happened to The Express and the McCanns (for whom I have no love at all).
    Sorry for another lecture but I think your usually subtle moral antennae have become furred up. Perhaps it was that cold.
    Rest assured that I'll leave you be for a while in any event.

  9. Get a grip man! If it's good enough for the FT, it's good enough for me!

  10. Weygand

    The FT has people in the know - as seen in other stories about the Dementor.

    And so do I - I'm 99.999999999% sure it's true...

  11. Add this story to the widely reported account of Brown wandering about No 10 in the middle of the night and sending abusive e-mails to officials at 5am, not to mention his frequent effing and blinding.
    There's a pattern here, isn't there? The poor man is cracking up.

  12. @ weygand

    Thing is, the qualities that make someone Labour Party leadership material (selective education, envy, mendacity, duplicity, liberal guilt, Luddism, cowardice, class hatred, contempt for the white poor) make one completely unfit to be Prime Minister of England.

    Labour must reflect on this during their upcoming 12 - 20 years in opposition. Labour has never been fit to govern this country, but each generation must learn for itself about Labour. Now that this one has, they'll be out until another one comes along that's forgotten about them.

  13. Peter Oborne had some devastating stuff on his treatment of staff including hurling one from a chair in a rage.

    I don’t think Brown is a violent person in a male assertive way .His outbursts remind me of the symptoms of low level autism a sort of emotional blindness repetitive behaviours ( his jokes for a start).
    He may be borderline autistic . Its not an all or nothing condition and regression into a quasi autism encountered in child development is not uncommon under stress for fragile personalities
    There are other persistent rumours if his wish to regress into child paradigms ....I have read several scholarly works on the symbolism of the Rocking horse all of which chime in well with the "Toys from the pram" syndrome.

    Is it kind to burden such a man with the responsibilities of Power. I ask you , is it fair on him ?

  14. Re: Post 11.25pm yesterday

    The NuLabour trolls seem to be developing a sense of humour - General Maxime "Weygand" was of course the French Commander in Chief who surrendered to the German Blitzkreig on France in 1940.

    But I suppose what with the "Bunker" and "Swastika" motifs of recent days and now the alleged rages exhibited by Gordon( of course the "Fuehrer" was renowned for his almost paralysing rages followed by bouts of deep depression)such analogies were bound to creep into the subconscious of the even the most loyal party apparatchik but who will be the brave Cabinet Minister that will tell Brown "My leader the election is lost !"

  15. Iain

    If gordo is gay as many say you might be the right guy to tell him its... really OK and to just relax.

    Chucking phones wont change anything.
