Monday, April 07, 2008

Another Whipping for The Whip

The whole point of a newspaper diary column is to fill it with interesting, quirky items which haven't appeared before. Sadly, The Sun's Whip Column is neither interesting, quirky or original, as today's offering amply demonstrates. Of the six stories, at least four of them have been lifted from the Sunday papers - none with any attribution, natch.

I'm told by friends on The Sun that the Whip's author, Katherine Bergen, reckons I am so beastly to her because she was once rude to Alan Duncan in her column and us gayers always stick together. No love, it's purely because your column's just not very good, as page 20 of The Sun demonstrates today.


  1. Oh dear sticky gays and whips , thats not the way to start the week Iain.

  2. Do you gayers stick together? YUK!!

  3. Slightly off topic but...

    Watching the Olympic torch fiasco, with this country doing the dirty for the Chinese, makes me think that we are the whipping boys.

    Jowell's defence of the indefensible was pathetic. Under orders from the appeaser Bean no-doubt.

  4. The Sun will never mention The Swastika!!story. It will never have a go at Brown. Last week they called for him to use his famed clomping fist.

    This once funrag is now in danger of going down with Brown.

    Actually that is quite a catchphrase

    I like it.

  5. I quite like the whip. It's not ace, but it's ok.

    Mind you, I rarely get round to reading the Sunday papers, so it's all quite new to me.

  6. The prob is, Iain, that she has no sources for stories since she split up with her husband and Tara Hamilton Miller left.
    [P.S. as I'm not a Google/Blogger, Open ID user, I don't have an URL, and I don't want to be totally anonymous, I'm confused by your 'choose an identity' choices.]
    Happy Days.

  7. Leave Katherine alone.... I think she's sweet and lovely.....
