Sunday, March 02, 2008

LibDem News Rewrites History

The front page article in LibDem Pravda News this week is all about how the LibDems want a referendum on Europe, but not on the EU Treaty. It waxes lyrical about how Parliament was denied the chance to vote on the LibDem amendment. Strangely, there is no mention of Ed Davey's hissy fit or the LibDem walkout. Do you think they have now realised how ridiculous they made themselves look? Ming Campbell certainly thinks so, according to today's Mail on Sunday.


  1. Iain I am as happy as the next man to see you earning a crust from advertising revenue, but I admit to being a little surprised to see a "vote ken on may 1st" banner in number one slot on this post!

    Will you be allowing Gordon Brown to advertise on your site come 2010?

  2. Perhaps he's given up on Boris winning on his own merits, and is encouraging tactical voting. A desperate and ultimately doomed attempt to stop Paddick's inevitable victory.

  3. Mr Thpeaker if you let us have a vote on our referendum proposal then I'll thcream and thcream 'till I'm thick — I can, you know.

  4. So - I'll say it again little Johnny either you want to join the school chess club OR you want to leave the school - which is it to be!

  5. Mr Mens Sana,

    His Grace did not see this banner but shares your disquiet, for what is the point of a prominent means of advertising if one does not exercise one's conscience and priviliege only those causes to which one is dedicated?

    Advertising may be a necessary evil, but His Grace politely and humbly asks Mr Dale to reconsider his acceptance of monies from morally-dubious campaigns or get-rich-quick schemes (one may not earn £50,000 from two hours homework a day) which do nothing but prey on the vulnerable and undiscerning.

  6. Your Grace - a rare appearance. I merely ask mon bonne feuries to stake up the bbq.

    With all respect allow yourself to be led to the cleansing fire your Grace.

  7. It's possible it had already gone to press before the walkout.

  8. If memory serves Liberal Democrat News has a ridculously early deadline. It is likely that the paper was on the way to the printers at about the time Ed Davey was walking out.

  9. It's possible it had already gone to press before the walkout.

  10. Naughty , but not much different from anyone else who takes part in the pantomime which is Westminster politics. Anyone seen that photo of David at the Bullington Club recently, or Mrs Martin's taxi receipts?

  11. Naughty , but not much different from anyone else who takes part in the pantomime which is Westminster politics. Anyone seen that photo of David at the Bullington Club recently, or Mrs Martin's taxi receipts?

  12. Iain Dale talking bollocks again - it's certainly mentioned in my copy of LDN. Perhaps Iain needs to go back and read it properly.

    An apology is called for, Iain.

  13. Inamicus, I read it through twice. Please quote me the passage then. They talk about the debate but make no mention of Ed Davey or the walkout. Happy to apologise if I am wrong. Can't check my copy as I have thrown it away now!

  14. Good god , vote Ken? What was the payment Iain 30 PIECES OF SILVER ?(...hope you spotted the subtle allusion...pssst its biblical)
    By the way men sana is a Doctor so his idea of a crust is about £300k per year for working part time
    Also why nothing on the two question amendment? How are those moral cripples the Lib Dums going to wriggle out of that ? I accuse you of being a bit slow on this vital subject

  15. Quote:

    "The main business today was the continuing debate on the EU (Amendment) Bill. A Lib Dem amendment which proposed a referendum on Britain's membership of the EU was not selected for debate by the Speaker, despite being accepted as 'in order' for debate. Following angry protests by Lib Dem MPs, Edward Davey was ordered out of the House by the Deputy Speaker and other Lib Dem MPs walked out too in protest. During the debate Jo Swinson made clear that Lib Dems believe the changes in the Bill will help the EU to work better. But the party would continue to campaign for a referendum on the substantive issue of reaffirming (or rejecting) Britain's EU membership, which the British people were entitled to".

    Also, elsewhere: "Still, Michael Martin did show one deft touch this week. He managed to avoid being in the chair when Dangerous Ed Davey had himself thrown out of the Chamber"

  16. I stand by my point. Your quote was clearly from an inside page, not the front page article I was referring to.

  17. I haven't had the courage to visit LDem 'news' for quite some time. You just know you are going to get a bunch of museli munchers spouting rubbish that would appear in 'pseuds corner' in 'private eye'- if they were desperate! And that Mark Pack reminds me of Jabba the Hutt. Anyway, most of the lot responsible for LDN are dead-certs for the long gone, but not forgotten, 'C*nt Of The Week' section in the NME- when it used to be good.

  18. Maybe you should retitle your post "Iain Dale Rewrites History" then.

    Quoting from your post "there is no mention of Ed Davey's hissy fit or the Lib Dem walkout" - um, yes there is.

    You've been caught out here Iain and it's a shame you don't have the integrity to admit it.

  19. Sorry, but you are being a complete dick. I have reread my article and it is quite clear I was talking about the frontpage article. I was therefore 100% right. You're talking rubbish. And not for the first time.

  20. So your "point" is that the Lib Dems have made themselves "ridiculous" by mentioning Ed Davey's walkout on the inside pages of LDN, rather than the front page lead article?

    We all know you have a problem with the Lib Dems Iain but even by your standards this is pretty desperate stuff.
