Saturday, March 01, 2008

February Statporn

February saw 231,064 unique visitors (2007 181,537 - up 27% year on year). Page impressions were 335,102 (2007 312,778 up 7%). Absolute uniques were 51,293 (2007 - 36,552 - up 57%). Guido is pulling away again! According to my recent poll, 13% of you read my site through an RSS reader or feed. So I suppose that means these figures underestimate hits by 13%, or am I missing something?

Here are my top 20 linking sites (ie incoming hits) for February, according to Google Analytics. The arrows denote whether a site has moved up or down or stayed static since January...

1. ConservativeHome 13,370 ↑ 2. Guido Fawkes 12.4% 11,087 ↓ 3. PoliticalBetting 4,556 ↔ 4. Spectator Coffee House 4,036 ↔ 5.Daniel Finkelstein 3,866 ↑ 6. Dizzy Thinks 3,074 ↓ 7. NHS Blog Doctor 2, 091 ↓ 8. Ben Brogan 1,279 ↑ 9. Bloggerheads 1,133 NEW 10. Devil's Kitchen ↑ 11. Recess Monkey 942 NEW 12. Biased BBC 840 ↓ 13. Boulton & Co 822 NEW 14. Chris Paul 791 NEW 15. Tim Worstall 686 ↑ 16. Archbishop Cranmer 685 ↔ 17. Paul Linford 649 ↓ 18. Daily Referendum 507 ↓ 19. Tom Watson 507 NEW 20. Adam Smith Institute 501 ↓

Dropping out are , , , Witanagemot, Ed Clarke, Luke Akehurst , Ed Vaizey MP, An Englishman's Castle


  1. >According to my recent poll, 13% of you read my site through an RSS reader or feed. So I suppose that means these figures underestimate hits by 13%, or am I missing something?

    A hit on an RSS feed is usually more regular than on a webpage (maybe once every hour from each subscriber), and would inflate your hit count far more than a normal user.

    Some stats packages let you break them out.

    On the other hand, 13% is probably smaller than the error margin on most web stats anyway.

    There may also be a tendency for RSS users to fill out your survey more (or less) than other visitors - either because they are more net-literate or because they don;t click through.

    I hope that helps you see how thick the fog is!

    If you have the numbers, why not just say "x" subscribers via RSS.

  2. If people see your site on an RSS reader that provides headdlines on,y and click on the headline to read the full article, you should still be getting the hits.

  3. Interesting that uk polling does not figure. Is it because the site is too cronified and restricted to cronies.

  4. Saw this headline in my RSS reader and at first glance thought it said "February Strapon".
