Sunday, March 09, 2008

The Daley Dozen: Sunday

1. Glyn Davies thinks Nick Clegg is away with the pluralist fairies. Who am I to differ?
2. Toby Harnden on Obamas' monster win' in Wyoming.
3. Dan Hannan asks if Ireland will rescue Europe from Lisbon.
4. John Redwood explains what the budget should be about.
5. Burning our Money on the cost of being English.
6. Waendel Journal believes the editor of the News of the World should be arrested.
7. Donal Blaney is unworried by Green Chips.
8. Red Box laments no mention of Ming in Cleggy's speech. How very rude!
9. Ed Vaizey likes a man in uniform.
10. Lynne Featherstone MP wins the Campaign for Gender Balance Award. Congrats. I think.
11. EU Referendum on the great global warming fraud.
12. Liberal Burblings thinks Clegg has had a "masterful", "remarkably good week". Deluded.


  1. On the cost of being English? Lets turn it round and ask about the cost of being Scottish for a change, just to balance things out?
    We have all these uk deficits that would not exist if we were independent. We would suddenly become net exporters of oil, gas and electricity for starters.....

  2. I OBJECT any insinuation that Nick Clegg is away with the fairies! We have standards you know!

  3. Your approach to the environment will make you the laughing stock of history. People will wonder how the far right managed to be so blind.

    I await the usual generic responses from your pals.

  4. Has anyone seen the obscenity Guido has posted this morning?

  5. 11 should read: EU referendum confuses weather with climate.

  6. Re: what you call 'the great global warming fraud'.

    I recommend RealClimate: 'a commentary site on climate science by working climate scientists for the interested public and journalists. We aim to provide a quick response to developing stories and provide the context sometimes missing in mainstream commentary. The discussion here is restricted to scientific topics and will not get involved in any political or economic implications of the science.'

    An informed opinion on a complex matter of fact is worth any number of uninformed opinions.

  7. No thanks, I'd rather get my information from Peter Hitchens, Verity, Spiked Online, clinically sane Melanie Phillips, and the fossil fuels industry.

    I saw a programme on Channel 4 once.

    Can I have Charles Moore's column in the Spectator now?

  8. The link to Liberal Burblings should be:

  9. Iain Dale is undoubtedly entitle dto his own opinion on climate change.

    It's a pity he then links to a website devoid or any non-partisan comment on it.

  10. Madasafish, I'll be the judge of who I link to thank you very much!

  11. Oh dear.

    Increased pollution is quite likely to cause short-term cooling and long-term warming. Smoke is temporary, CO2 is long-term. If the Chinese really are burning ten million times more coal than a year ago, or whatever, this is normal.

    We're also in a La Nina, and at the trough of a solar cycle. Despite that, the measured January temperatures are still (not that you'd know it from the blog) *above* the long-term January average.

    Snow, unsurprisingly, will happen more when temperatures have been warmer than expected. More water will evaporate, and less water will be frozen. More clouds, more snow when you do get a cold day.

    Now, there was a sudden unexplained cooling in one of the earth's past warming cycles, and there's a theory that's what happens when lots of ice melts. I'm open to persuasion.

    So a bit rubbish, really, that one.

  12. Pleased you made reference to EU Referendum and the fraud on global warming

  13. Rob's Uncle

    Real Climate is a front for greenies. Suggest you go to:,,,,

  14. Re the great global warming fraud - I commend your ereaders to find out all they can about Maurice Strong, and then they will understand all.

  15. Rubbish mr JDC,

    all of a sudden pollution is an excuse for lack of global warming. That was not the case when we had both pollution AND rising temperatures. Warmist conveniently ignored pollution.

    We have seen rises is CO2 for decades and global warming theory says that should mean higher teperatures - indeed that all the historic CO2 MUST mean higher temps. Well the last 10 years we have not had that. Temp models do not reflect the observations.

    Hardly a basis to send ourselves bankrupt whilst China happily pours out CO2 under its own umberella of pollution.

  16. Jeremy J: here's a list of the Real climate contributors:

    'Caspar Ammann is a climate scientist working at the National Center for Atmospheric Research . .
    David Archer is a computational ocean chemist at the University of Chicago . .
    Eric Steig is an isotope geochemist at the University of Washington in Seattle . .
    Gavin Schmidt is a climate modeller at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York . .
    Michael E. Mann is a member of the Penn State University faculty, holding joint positions in the Departments of Meteorology and Geosciences, and the Earth and Environmental Systems Institute (ESSI) . .
    Rasmus E. Benestad is a physicist by training and has affiliations with the Norwegian Meteorological Institute ( and the Oslo Climate Group (OCG) . .
    Ray Bradley is Director of the Climate System Research Center at the University of Massachusetts . .
    Raymond Pierrehumbert is the Louis Block Professor in Geophysical Sciences at the University of Chicago . .
    Stefan Rahmstorf is A physicist and oceanographer by training, [he] has moved from early work in general relativity theory to working on climate issues . . he teaches physics of the oceans as a professor at Potsdam University . .
    Thibault de Garidel-Thoron is currently a post-doctoral associate at the Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences at Rutgers University . .
    William M. Connolley is a climate modeller with the British Antarctic Survey . . '

    Yet you seriously prefer to get your opinions from 'The Nottinghamshire Times? Who have they got?
