Friday, March 14, 2008

The Daley Dozen: Friday

1. Boris is running the best campaign according to the PHI Westminster insider poll.
2. Norfolk Blogger has a good old rant against Jamie Oliver.
3. LibDem Voice gets a letter from Question Time about anti LibDem bias.
4. Red Box makes me glad I haven't trekked up to Gateshead.
5. Kerron Cross thinks Tories can't change their spots.
6. Nadine is surprised at Nick Clegg's announcement.
7. Jon Craig in fox killing shocker.
8. Danny Finkelstein on the maths of Shannon Matthews.
9. Dave's Part defends the conduct of Client 9.
10. EU Referendum on those uppity Balts.
11. John Redwood on Nick Clegg's twisted logic.
12. Liberal England on Shirley Williams and her denial.


  1. Danny Finkelstein evades the issue by referring to "missing persons". The figures show that most "missing persons" are found alive. But we are discussing the abuction of a little girl, here, and that is a different category.

    Adult missing persons often have their own reasons for going missing, and they just start a new life for themselves, or they go back to the old one eventually. A little tiny girl does not decide to start a new life, and we therefore know that if she is missing, the probability is that she is lost or, she has been abducted.

    I cannot agree with Danny throwing all "missing persons" into one big bag. The disappearance of a tiny child is a different category entirely.

    I am pleased as everyone else that little Shannon has been found alive and unharmed.

  2. The news about Shannon Matthews is wonderful (as you so rightly commented earlier.)

    Danny F would have better spent his time castigating his peer, the vile Allison Pearson (for it is she) of the Daily Nazi for the nasty and risible assertions her columns have carried lately regarding Shannon's Mother and Step-father.

    Of course, they are not beautiful middle class professionals though, are they?

  3. verity said...
    "Danny Finkelstein evades the issue by referring to "missing persons". The figures show that most "missing persons" are found alive. But we are discussing the abuction of a little girl, here, and that is a different category."

    You should have read to the end of the article before writing your criticism. The last paragraph says:

    "Young children, below the age of 10, faced at least twice the risk of being the victim of
    homicide than the average across all ages".

    Which covers your point.

  4. Iain, why do you still persist in featuring Nadine Dorries in various blog lists? It doesn't support comments (moderated or otherwise) or any interaction with her audience at all.

    Granted, she has a "contact me" page, but according to the blurb there...

    "If you would like me to help with an issue, visit your organisation or attend an event please feel free to contact me."

    ... which hardly an invitation to online debate. Even the MSM supports more interaction than Nadine.
