Thursday, March 13, 2008

Dale on TV

Tonight, 11.30pm News 24 with Alex Hilton on Question Time Extra. (Watch it HERE)

Friday, 10.30pm and 11.30pm, Sky News paper review

Sat, 11.45pm, News 24 paper review

Sun, 12.20pm, BBC Politics Show (London) on the mayoral contest with Michael White

Excuse the coughing and spluttering. And apologies for the lack of regularity of blogging this week. Work commitments and a streaming cold have not really been conducive to heavy blogging. Hopefully back to normal service soon.


  1. Recess Monkey had to delve into the archives for the picture of you he has posted on Labourhome to advertise tonight's post QT debate on BBCnews24.

  2. You're such a shrinking violet, Iain. You should try to bolster your confidence and put yourself about a bit more.

  3. I see you only do the late night shift on TV. Are you paid a premium for this. ?

  4. Oh what a disappointment. When I saw "Dale on TV", I thought this was about Dale Winton.

  5. Iain, wouldn’t it be shorter to tell us all the television programmes you are not on?

    I thought the most interesting programme for a long time was “The Apprentice - Sport Relief”.

    It said all you need to know about modern Britain and, particularly, where the real power lies nowadays.

    It was not with the pathetic Lembit Opik MP, who couldn’t even get his “Cheeky Girl” girlfriend to come to the shop that he and his fellow no-hopers were organising.

    Memo to Lembit : If you are to have a long lasting relationship with this girl then she should have prioritised her attendance at your event. Eastern European girls do not, on the whole, respond to soppy charm. They respond to direct requests couched almost in military terms. Remeber that most of them were in The Pioneers (communist infant/ primary school youth movement).

    Lembit, in short, was useless but not as useless as Kelvin McKenzie.

    This foul mouthed goon predictably refused all responsibility but kept up a barrage of criticism. Lucky the press have immunity in this country, Kelvin, or you would surely be where you really belong, in the gutter.

    Hardeep Singh Koli’s behaviour defies description. The phrase, “spoilt luvvie” does not even begin to describe the enormity of this man’s ego.

    You know your teams had it when Phil “Tuffers” Tuffnell is the voice of sanity.

    So much for “the boys”.

    The girls showed where power really lies. Louise Redknapp may not have known anything about politics, describing Lembit Opik MP as Liberal Leader, on the GMTV trailer to the show but she sure knew where the money is in modern Britain. Its with footballers and their mates. £30,000.00 for one ticket to a crummy shop. £100,000.00 for three. The money just rolled in.

    Jackie Gold did all the hard graft, as befitted a major businesswoman. She was lucky. Her main opposition was not a huge egoist like Koli or a nihilist yob like McKenzie but Kirstie Allsopp, Lord Hindlip’s daughter. She didn’t wreck everything but diplomatically tried to go to bed early. Much to the evident disappointment of the shows producers, who had to be content with a little discussion, between Gold and Allsopp, by the lifts. Clare Balding ,used to dealing with the egos of racing, acted as a sort of cross between a PA and Head Girl.

    Even, Bernie Ecclestone’s doubling of the boys money (yet another example of the primacy of sport) could not get them to beat the girls.

    This programme said all you need to know about modern Britain: Sport rules through money; the “toffs” are back in charge (in the Conservative Party, at least) because the Kelvin McKenzie’s of this world are incapable of good governance and the Lib Dems have no idea at all.

  6. Great, as a insomniac diehard Doughty fan it'll be like old times.

  7. i hope that is a live streaming cold!

  8. perfect opportunity to stay in your elongated bed ( passim) and engage with your respondents.

  9. Doctor Verity tending to you in your state of mal heur - "Now this wont hurt a...bit!"

    Hide under the covers and remember what nanny said about monsters. She don't really exist. Just a product of your fevered imagination.

  10. Iain, your voice sounds just like Rick Stein, I keep expecting you to talk about the wonderful quality of the the local duck eggs - did you go to the same school?

  11. On the oath business...

    Did you forget that it's only going apply in England?

  12. Nothing to say about this then ? From the New Statesman

    Watch out Rupert Murdoch, take note Lord Rothermere - there's a new media mogul in town. Lord Ashcroft of Belize, Tory bogeyman, is secretly bankrolling the new monthly freebie Total Politics, to be launched by the Con blogger and master of self-publicity Iain Dale. Your correspondent ( MacGuire )discovered Dale squatting in Ashcroft's 7 Cowley Street basement lair when I paid an uninvited call to the Westminster block. Dale insisted the company was his, with Ashcroft a wealthy investor who'll play no editorial role. Yet I suspect the involvement of the moneybags right-winger, whose tax status remains an international mystery, will hinder Dale's attempt to present Total Ashcroft as "politically neutral".

    discovered Dale squatting in Ash croft’s 7 Cowley Street basement lair Good Lord Dale what have you been doing ?
    I congratulate you on being the recipient of Ashcroft`s golden shower .. Amazing that he would stump up for a neutral enterprise don’t you think ? I`m amazed at the amazingness of it ;rarely has amazingness so amazed with powers of amazement ....(nuff ed)

    Should keep that fleet of Audis on the road eh !

  13. Hilton does really look like a monkey - and he sounds like one too! "Chatter, chatter, chatter!" (Did his feet touch the floor in that swing chair?)

    And such a vaccuous little chap too. If he's representative of the standard of people who want to be Labour MPs then the Conservatives will have a shoo in at the next election.

    I thought Osborne handled his responses very well - unlike Denham who was always trying to make cheap points about events that happened at least 15 years ago. Shame on him!

    [By the way, Chris Eakin seems to be competing with you in the "noisiest tie" stakes!]

  14. Tonight on QT extra: Iain Dale and Dwayne Dibbly.

  15. The first thing my wife said "I like his tie" (I hope to God that I dont't get one for my birthday).

  16. Iain I thought you were far to nice to that horrible little man on QTE. He needed a clip round the ear to stop interuping you. I had to switch off.

  17. Iain when are you doing Strictly Come Dancing. I think Anton du Beck would make a great partner for you.

  18. Sorry about your cold Iain, hope you feel better soon. When you do return in good health, can we get onto the state of public perceptions of parliament? There seems to be a surprising absence of discussion here about for example the fact that an MP can apparently order a £10K kitchen off the taxpayer no questions asked whenever he or she fancies another house.

    All small beer though compared to the largesse being heaped on government contractors just to get a few civil servants off the books so Broon can claim he met his targets on civil service reductions. Just three government contractors, Capita, EDS and Atos, last year shared between them more than £4.5 billion in consulting fees for work previously done by civil servants for around 1/10th of that amount. And it is set to double over the next two years. According to Computer Weekly.

    So much taxpayers money is now pouring down the PFI and consultancy plugholes that there will be a massive decline in public service quality over the coming years coupled to huge increases in expenditure. This can also be seen in local government where "outsourcing" is leading to escalating costs and increased bills.

    All introduced of course by the Thatcher and Major governments and further promoted by messrs Blair and Brown whom the Tories affect to loath but are of course simply promoters of the same Thatcherite policies.

  19. I went to school with Ekyn.
    Since when did he develop a regional accent? Must be a bbc thing.

  20. anon @ 9:42

    What you say is very true, and is one of the reasons I am still lukewarm about Cameron & Co.

    However Cameron & co are definitely better than Brown & co.

    But then again, Vince Cable is definitely better than Clegg - whose tantrums make me wince.

    I noticed Yvette Cooper looking worried when Vince was giving his analysis of economic matters on TV recently. You could tell she knew she was up against somebody who understood more than she does.

    I also noted Vince's analytic dismembering of Darling's move on Incapacity Benefit. Pity that many of the rest of the Lib-Dem policies are wonky.

  21. Just caught up with my videoed QTE.

    Was 'Recess Monkey' sitting on a soap box? All he did was attack the Conservatives in a mindless manner [and he's one of their PPCs?!] - trust he won't be invited back. What a waste of space. One monkey who's not to be aped!

  22. Iain - could Alex Hilton be described as a Bolinger Bolshevik? Just 'Googled' him and read he's distantly related to [disinherited] heiress Paris Hilton!
