Sunday, February 17, 2008

Who Did You Say You Were Again?

Prescott warns critics of China, screams the BBC News headline. I am somewhat bewildered. Why on earth should we care what the old goat thinks (or warns) any longer? Some of us never did in the first place. All of which reminds me of an old joke...

Knock Knock
Who's there?
John who?
That's politics...


  1. John Prescott warns critics of China! Oh, God! That is too hysterical! I'm sure China's 1.2bn people are grateful to this illiterate lout for protecting them from criticism.

    How's Tracy these days, John? Hoiked her drunkenly up on your shoulders and put your hand up her skirt lately? Only a refined, sensitive gentleman like yourself could warn anyone else about manners, to be sure.

  2. John Prescott might be gone but hi legacy survives and the concrete still pours over the green belt of the South East - and Gordon Brown wants 3 million homes by 2020!

    Thanks alot Labour!

  3. Did you hear John Prescott being interviewd on the World this weekend today? In it he referred to the Tories' Black Monday (in 1992)!?

  4. I think we should perhaps care slightly about what a former Deputy PM, and still an elected representative with some clout in Europe thinks over some random blogger.

    But of course I'm sure that you show equal disrespect to the 'statesmen' from the Thatcher and Major years, non?

  5. Prescott knows where the bodies are buried (in Nulabour, not China I might add) - the only reason for his political longevity I can fathom.

  6. Prescott... statesman.... in the same post... oh god, help, I think I'm going to die laughing...

    Thanks pwc.. that's the best laugh I've had all day...

  7. Did you have to show a photo of Prescott. How we have had to put up with someone like this in government I just dont want to be reminded. He is nothing but a thug.

    Please avoid any further images of him.

  8. Get this horrible man off my screen - I was just beginning to manage to forget him.

  9. pwc

    No, we shouldn't care what ex- deputy PMs think. Not when they're stupid windbags like Prescott and Hattersley.

  10. You may (or may not) realise it but your readers should be apprised that - amazingly - Prescott still has a job. Namely a British representative to the Council of Europe.

    Nice sinecure if you can get it.

    I would like to see his expense account.

  11. Prescott - unfortunately - is Britain's representative to the Council of Europe. He also sits on the assembly of the Western European Union.

    He may be out of sight, but that does not stop him continuing to do irreparable damage to the UK. We ignore him at our peril.

  12. We should not for one moment take our eyes off Prescott. He may not be in the limelight any more, but he remains a (if not the) key player in the whole New Labour game.

    As Titus 9:59 surmised, he knows where the bodies are buried. And he's got the negatives too.

    Off-topic, - - er, no, actually, on-topic, come to think of it, Today's Northern Rock news is (although expected), still illuminating. The dots really are beginning to join up at last.

  13. Except, Bebopper, I think we would love to know what he knows. For someone like this to even be in government, and to have behaved as he has, including punching a voter in the face (with no consequences)for insulting him, and hoicking his secretary around on his shoulders with his arm up her skirt at a government office party, and driving her around in a government car with a taxpayer-salaried driver, and taking her to a grace and favour residence, would indicate that he is in possession of information.

    Bodies. Buried. Where. Knows.

    Same with Blunkett, whose behaviour was equally louche. Blunkett also knows. He hung onto his government car long, long after he was sacked. And his grace and favour apartment to which he was no longer entitled.

    Same with Mandelson, whose behaviour was equally louche yet got rewarded with a position as a EUSSR member on the nomenklatura gravy train.

    What do these three men know?

    The depth of the cesspits of corruption under Tony Blair will make horrifying reading.

    I can't wait!

  14. Fortunately bebopper we also don't need to take any notice of what Iain's boss at the Telegraph calls "dribbling inadequates" either. So your views are duly noted and discarded.

  15. Fortunately Roy Hattersley never made it to be Deputy PM

  16. Surely the punchline should be (as Bliar said after the Prescott assault) " Hey, that's just John."

  17. The usual BBC bias.
    Another example today:

    "... the rabidly anti-nationalisation government of Mrs Thatcher had to swallow a minor "nationalisation" or two."

    The rabidly anti-Thatcher nationalised BBC never changes.

  18. For a man who write a political blog about what he thinks and what he warns of several times a day, Iain, do you think you might be tying yourself in knots with this sort of posting?
