Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Westminster Will Miss Peter Murphy

Just a word about a veteran journalist who retired from his job today. Peter Murphy has been the voice of IRN at Westminster for more years than he probably cares to remember. I doubt whether there's a single person who reads this blog who hasn't heard one of his reports on an independent radio station. He's a journalist of the old school - one who believes in reporting what happened, rather than editorialising about what may or may not have been meant by it. Westminster will miss him and wish him a happy retirement.

Peter will be on Sky News PMQs at 8.30pm with The Observer's Gaby Hinsliff. Any my colleague Shane Greer will be reviewing the papers on Sky tonight at 11.30pm.


  1. Seems that Peter Murphy and Gaby Hinsliff disagree with your assessment of today's PMQs.

    But he'll be a loss to decent reporting of Parliament.

    Who are the new quality Parliamentary Journalists?

  2. Peter's ace: one of my heroes from my days as an ILR journalist. Rather a shame that politics (and indeed news!) has been so sidelined on commercial radio in recent years. We shall see his like again, but only on TV, or BBC radio.
