Monday, February 04, 2008

Vote in the January Political Performance Index

Each month I invite you to take part in compiling the Political Performance Index, which gives you the chance to rate how the top 40 politicians in the country perfored over the last month. Please don't just automatically give high marks to the politicians from the party you support - try to be as dispassionate as possible. Obviously I don't pretend that the readership of this blog is representative of the country as a whole - 55% of you vote Tory, after all! So if you are from another party and have a blog, please do link to this survey and encourage your readers to take part. I'd like to get at least 2,000 people taking part each month. You should give marks from 1 to 10 (1 being the worst) for how you rate each politician's performance during the month of January.

Click HERE to take the survey


  1. I voted. Is it so bad that I left a lot of spaces blank? I don't really have views on them all, and some I haven't actually heard of. But my views on Paddick, Johnson, Livingstone, Cameron, Clegg, Brown and assorted others should be heard! :)

  2. That's fine. Iain points out you don't have to vote on all or even most of them.
