Monday, February 04, 2008

Shadow Cabinet Media Tarts List: January

Each month Julian Nicholson and I compile a list of the best media performers in the Shadow Cabinet using mentions on Lexis Nexis as the index. Biggest risers are David Willetts, Alan Duncan and Patrick McLoughlin. Biggest drops were Sayeeda Warsi and Grant Shapps.

January Media Tarts
1 - David Cameron 1493
2 2 George Osborne 355
3 2 David Davis 149
4 2 Chris Grayling 138
5 -2 William Hague 108
6 3 Liam Fox 93
7 6 Andrew Lansley 70
8 2 Nick Herbert 62
9 8 Alan Duncan 59
10 -3 Michael Gove 57
11 2 Eric Pickles 37
12 4 Philip Hammond 34
13 -2 Theresa Villiers 31
14 6 David Mundell 28
15 9 David Willetts 26
16= 4 Theresa May 22
16= 5 Jeremy Hunt 22
16= 9 Patrick McLoughlin 22
19 -3 Andrew Mitchell 21
20 4 Cheryl Gillan 17
21 -3 Caroline Spelman 16
22= -11 Francis Maude 11
22= 3 Oliver Letwin 11
24 4 David Lidington 10
25 -3 Peter Ainsworth 9
26= -24 Baroness Warsi 8
26= -19 Grant Shapps 8
28 -5 Dame Pauline Neville-Jones 6
29 1 Owen Paterson 4
30= -1 Lord Strathclyde 0
30= - Baroness Anelay of St Johns 0
Liberal Democrats
- Nick Clegg 358


  1. Iain,

    How does these figures compare with previous months. It would be interesting to see the last month performance and highest performance in the previous 12 months say to get an idea of how much coverage the media are giving the party?

  2. "Each month Julian Nicholson and I compile a list of the best media performers in the Shadow Cabinet"

    Have you thought of getting a life?

  3. But Grant Shapps makes up for his drop in the rankings with one of the stupidest policy announcements - the idea that all our gardens should be turned into undevelopable green belt. A tiny examination of this would reveal it to be unworkable and - more to the point - very unpopular. It is only our neighbours gardens we want undeveloped, not our own.

  4. Anonymong at 5:11PM, I think you'll find that Iain makes a better living out of his political writing than you ever have, or will.
