Thursday, February 21, 2008

On Today With Tony Benn

Tomorrow morning at 8.20am I will be debating with Tony Benn on Radio 4's Today programme. We'll be discussing the merits (or otherwise) of Speakers' Corner. Apparently there's going to be a new one in Nottingham.

I hope I won't be too knackered and incoherent after tonight's London University Conservatives Ball!


  1. Are you for or against ?

  2. I hope I won't be too knackered and incohetant after tonight's London University Conservatives Ball!


    Is that a cross between incoherent and incontinent, Iain?

    Just what are you planning on drinking (and where can I buy a bottle?)

  3. "speaker4'corner"

    already started drinking? I approve - there is too much shillyshallying by doctors around daytime inebriation.

    but you're going to be royally shitfaced by the time you debate Benn which is probably a good state to be in.

  4. Iain,

    If you're going to edit your original post, so that incohetant is changed for the correct word, please note that "incoherant" is spelt "incoherent."

    3 out 10 for spelling, Master Dale!

  5. Get yourself on the drink, Iain. Prove that you can take more punishment than Bruce Anderson.

  6. Asquith and others: I don't know how you could be regular readers of this blog and not know that Iain doesn't drink. So all that matey "Har har har" makes you look foolish.

    O/T - the eclipse last night was absolutely astounding. I don't like to use such a trite word, but only 'awesome' will do. No wonder eclipses frightened primitive people so. It is very powerful.

  7. Because I've only been here for a few months. I don't recall any reference to Iain's drinking habits in that time. If there were any, I've forgotten them.

  8. Verity
    there I was thinking "knackered and incoherent" was a euphimism for "tired and emotional"

  9. A Speakers Corner in Nottingham? Only if the speakers wear a Kevlar suit....

  10. Iain.

    Dont swing your genitals around at the ball!

  11. Well I'm upper upper class high society
    God's gift to ballroom notoriety
    And I always fill my ballroom
    The event is never small
    The social pages say I've got
    The biggest balls of all

    I've got big balls
    I've got big balls
    They're such big balls
    And they're dirty big balls
    And he's got big balls
    And she's got big balls
    (But we've got the biggest balls of them all)

    And my balls are always bouncing
    My ballroom always full
    And everybody comes and comes again
    If your name is on the guest list
    No one can take you higher
    Everybody says I've got
    Great balls of fire

    I've got big balls
    Oh I've got big balls
    And they're such big balls
    Dirty big balls
    And he's got big balls
    And she's got big balls
    (But we've got the biggest balls of them all)

    Some balls are held for charity
    And some for fancy dress
    But when they're held for pleasure
    They're the balls that I like best
    My balls are always bouncing
    To the left and to the right
    It's my belief that my big balls
    Should be held every night

    We've got big balls
    We've got big balls
    We've got big balls
    Dirty big balls
    He's got big balls
    She's got big balls
    (But we've got the biggest balls of them all)

    (We've got big balls)
    (We've got big balls)

    And I'm just itching to tell you about them
    Oh we had such wonderful fun
    Seafood cocktail, crabs, crayfish
    (But we've got the biggest balls of them all)

  12. How can Tony Benn spare the time away from running the farm?

  13. Asquith - the Brits are over for this year but am sure Sharon Osbourne et al will appreciate your hilarious gagfest for next years autocue.

    Keep your powder dry.

  14. It was written by AC/DC, not me. I am merely a humble cutter and paster. Though I do deserve some kind of accolade for bringing it to the masses, like.

  15. asquith said...
    "It was written by AC/DC, not me. I am merely a humble cutter and paster."

    Why didn't you make that clear in the first place? e.g. Put it in quotes.

  16. Because I was too busy being a royal, world genius.
