Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Most Beautiful Bloggers? Shurely Shome Mishtake...

Oh dear. I knew I would regret the Most Fanciable Journalists post and the Iain Martin follow-up. NHS Blog Doctor has posted THIS response to Iain Martin and has now launched his own Most Beautiful Blogger competition. Oh dear, indeed.


  1. I'm not sure what Mr Martin's problem is really. The BBC regularly posts links to YouTube videos, and some of their comments use some choice swear words. I am not condoning, encouraging or recommending use of such language, but surely most people are aware that 'comments' aren't going to all be written in the Queen's English ?

    And to be honest, I am find that the awful spelling and atrocious grammar in blog posts at least as offensive as some of the language.

    Perhaps the 'Telegraph' should have warnings or a disclaimer similar to that used on the BBC.. - 'Warning - may contain strong language, poor spelling and foul misuse of the humble apostrophe..'

  2. There was a young blogger called Dale

    Whose traffic had started to fail

    He said, 'If I show some hot totty',

    Of new hits there'll be lotty,

    But some of them are frightfully pale..

  3. Christ, have some people NO sense of humour!?! My vote is for Ms Rob Fenwick! He may be a loony Hughes supporting Libbie, but he's also a nice bit of totty. Bet he looks good in shorts! Alas, Iain- you remind me of Neil Tennant- but fatter!

  4. Well I won't say I've never been so insulted, because I have!

    However, I have lost a stone over the last couple of months, so there is hope for me yet...

    As to your views on young Mr F, I shall refrain from commenting.

  5. Iain, bet you can't sing either! Btw- if you can get a picture of RF in shorts (speedos will do as well, but i suspect he'll have to breathe in!) and put it on site, i shall be eternally grateful!

  6. Simon, you are of course right. But then again, Neil Tenant talks rather than sings.

    Not sure I can help out on the other request...

  7. Something tells me if it was a call for Stephen 'where's the canapes' Tall in speedos- you would be moving a LOT faster! Right, i'm off to look at Chris Fountain in the scud on SMC!

  8. good on you dale

    journos don't like it up em although they are more famous than politicos and thee poor sods they fill their pages with

    most petty bunch going

    lets launch investigations into their scams and expenses

    and who they are having affairs with and knocking off

  9. I have no idea what you mean. Natch.

  10. Perfect faces for blogging perhaps... amazingly Iain you look the most normal..

    Educational at least. For example, I had no idea that the dear Devil had a penchant for hanging around on beaches trying to look like Peter Cook.

    Though I am surprised that The Girl has got through quite so many men with a face like that... actually, no I'm not.. beer is an amazing thing.

  11. I'd give that Lucia Pasqualino (RCMH Teens) a good seeing to. Even if she is a tad on the young side, which I don't generally like. Additionally I don't know who she is. But cracking picture.

    Perhaps I'll submit myself :)

    The stuff dreams are made of, eh? All the women are knocking on my door...

    Begging me to let them out :)

  12. Hi Asquith,

    How's the job hunting going?

  13. Well, it's gone well in the sense that I've got myself a job. But it's a shit job. I'll be looking for something better, though I'll carry on turning up to work there every day until I manage to find something else. It's not like I enjoyed being on benefits, with getting a pittance and having nothing to do.

    I won't stop coming here though ;)

  14. "NHS Blog Doctor has posted THIS"

    and he said:

    "This is the pompous, arrogant main stream media at it’s worst. They just do not get it, do they? Respectable bloggers don’t “do” censorship. It’s about freedom of expression out here."

    But round here that only applies if permitted by Tory Boys and the Torygraph.

  15. I like Stephen Tall.

    But when it comes to considering something fanciable on the political journalist front my thoughts go across the pond - I don't want to work hard at the end of a long, tiring day; I just want a beer and to see something naked.

  16. I see that Mr Martin has tastefully featured Jane Griffiths, which will go down particularly well with some Labour party members in Reading East...

  17. Oooh- 'going down' in Reading East! Not a sly reference to one of the Labour candidates who is reported to have been fined for doing a George Michael (ie) something in a public loo- how romantic)!? He is in the WRONG party.
